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2. Chlieb náš každodenný: maskulinita a jedlo v odbornej tlači prvej dekády 21. storočia
- Creator:
- Gajdoš, Adam
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- muži, jídlo, gender, stravování, odborná literatura, men, food, catering, professional literature, masculinities, cooking, 18, and 316.3
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The main purpose of the paper is to ofer an overview of recent research problems and debates concerning the emergence of masculinity/masculinities through the gendered preparation and consumption of food. While it takes the shape of a systematic review of scientiic papers related to the mutual interdependence of masculinities and food -related practices in the past decade, it attempts to provide a synthetic snapshot of the ield. First of all, an inventory of dominant images of masculinity and food is outlined in order to provide a frame of reference for the subsequent discussion. Masculinity is then examined as an emergent quality of various practices of a) consumption and b) production of food in two chapters. In the first chapter, both the content and forms and attitudes in regard to masculine consumption are discussed, including speciically priorities in food choices and related health issues. In the second chapter, manly cooking as performance (as presented by the media and represented by customs) on the one hand and as a necessity (in purely male groups) on the other is brought under scrutiny., Adam Gajdoš., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Abstrakt a klíčová slova anglicky
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
3. Diet of the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus in three biotopes of Kabylie of Djurdjura (Algeria)
- Creator:
- Khammes, Nora and Aulagnier, Stéphane
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- food, Apodemus sylvaticus, habitat, season, age, and Mediterranean
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The diet of the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) was investigated over an annual cycle in three biotopes of Kabylie of Djurdjura, differing in the structure of the vegetation and the anthropic action (oak forest, maquis and cultivated zone). The analysis of 140 stomach contents was restricted to three main components: seeds, vegetative parts of plants and arthropod remains, expressed in dry weight and percentages of occurrence. Five independent variables were considered: habitat, sex, sexual activity, season and age. In the three biotopes wood mouse was primarily granivorous, seeds occurring in 99.3% of the stomachs, for 91.5% of dry weight; seasonal variations were significant, with higher occurrence of seeds in winter and summer. Vegetative items (leaves, stems and flowers) were overall rather frequent (occurrence: 19.3%; dry weight: 4.0%), mainly in winter and spring, in the cultivated zone. Arthropods, mainly insects, were frequently preyed by adults (occurrence: 26.4%; dry weight: 4,4%), particularly in the forest. This diet from Mediterranean habitats is discussed by comparing it with previous data in the same biome and in the northern part of the range.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
4. Food composition of wintering great tits (Parus major)
- Creator:
- Veľký, Marek, Kaňuch, Peter, and Krištín, Anton
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- birds, food, droppings, faecal analysis, invertebrates, and plant material
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The winter diet of the great tit (Parus major) was examined in mixed and deciduous forest in central Slovakia during three winters. Using a faecal samples analysis, in 105 sampled roosting individuals (in nestboxes) at least 37 taxa of invertebrates were found. Apart from the invertebrates, plant material was identified in dissected birds’ droppings as well. There were no significant differences in the winter food composition between sexes. Generally, plant material was the most frequent and the most dominant winter food. This component was followed by moths, beetles and dipterans. While comparing the relative volume between two distinct habitats, the most significant difference was found in Lepidoptera adults and plant material. Birds from mixed forest foraged less on Lepidoptera adults in contrast to individuals from deciduous forest. This could be compensated by bigger consumption of seeds and buds there. Regarding seasonal changes, within five winter months (from November to March), the relative volume and frequency of some invertebrate groups (Heteroptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera) significantly increased with the temperature but no correlations were found with other weather characteristics. Invertebrates exhibited the opposite seasonal pattern compared to the plant material.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
5. Food induced variation of thermal constants of development and growth of Autographa gamma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae
- Creator:
- Honěk, Alois, Jarošík, Vojtěch, Martinková, Zdenka, and Novák, Ivo
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Autographa gamma, Noctuidae, larva, development, food, temperature, thermal constants, lower development threshold, sum of effective temperatures, rate isomorphy, growth, and body size
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The development stages of a species may have an identical lower development threshold (LDT) and proportionally different durations. This phenomenon called "rate isomorphy" (RI) has been demonstrated for a number of insect species. In contrast, the growing day degrees accumulated over the period of larval development (sum of effective temperatures SET) should be plastic and vary with environment conditions. The prediction from RI is that, with changing conditions, the uniform LDT should be accompanied by differences in development time which remain proportional at different temperatures. This was tested by investigating the effect of diet on thermal requirements for development of larvae of the polyphagous species Autographa gamma (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The larvae were kept at 15.0, 20.3 and 26.7°C and fed on leaves of 13dicotyledoneous herb and tree species. The proportion of total development time spent on a particular diet was plotted against temperature. The existence of RI was inferred from a zero change in development time proportion with changing temperature. This rigorous test supported RI for 3 of 9 diets where development was completed in all temperatures. The LDT observed on 11 diets where the larvae completed development in at least 2 temperatures varied between 9.3 and 11.0°C while SET varied between 167 and 353 day degrees (dd). Assuming RI, LDT and SET for those 9 diets were recalculated. The recalculated LDT was 10.0°C and SET varied between 177-257 dd. The SET increased with decreasing water content and decreasing nitrogen content of food. Worsening food quality decreased food consumption, metabolic and food conversion efficiency, and the relative growth rate of the larvae. Increasing metabolic costs of development were thus positively correlated with SET. The standardized rate of growth (mg.dd-1) was typical for particular diets. Pupal mass decreased with increasing temperature and, within each temperature, with development length.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
6. Priority české technologické platformy pro potraviny
- Creator:
- Josef Vačkář
- Format:
- Type:
- article, zprávy, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Věda. Všeobecnosti. Základy vědy a kultury. Vědecká práce, životní styl, potraviny, life style, food, 12, and 00
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Josef Vačkář.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
7. Svatba Amora a Psyche
- Creator:
- Spranger, Bartholomeus (návrh); Goltzius,
- Subject:
- anvil, bident, bow, cornucopia, club, flowers, food, hammer, musical instruments, perfume, rudder, scythe, sphinx, syrinx, trumpet, spear, violin, wreath of corn, Amor, Ceres, Diana, Fama, Flumen, Hercules, Hora, Iuno, Iuppiter, Marsyas, Mercurius, Musae, Neptunus, Nymphae, Pluto, putti, Saturnus, and Vulcanus
- Description:
- Mědiryt ze tří desek (43 x 85, 4 cm): svatební hostina (69 postav) v oblacích nad přímořskou krajinou zabydlených putti (rozhazují květiny, jeden rozlévá voňavky). Nalevo je průvod Nymf přinášejících jídlo, který střeží Herkules (lví kůže, kyj), u jeho nohou Sfinga. Vedle Herkula stojí Ceres (koruna z klasů, roh hojnosti), která dohlíží na průvod s jídlem, napravo od ní Bacchus (kůže přes rameno) rozlévá víno. Pod Bakcehm říční božstvo (nádoba, kormidlo). U stolu sedí nalevo Pluto (dvojzubec), Mars (přilba) a Neptun (trojzubec), uprostřed Merkur (okřídlená čapka) servíruje jídlo Juno a Jupiterovi, napravo v čele stolu sedí Amor a Psyche. Hora s motýlími křídly zdobí hodovníky květinami. Za novomanželi je orchestr Múz dirigovaný Apollónem (zář okolo hlavy, housle), za Apollónem stojí Diana (luk, kopí na kance). Napravo Marsyas (syrinx) a Chronos (kosa) pojídající dítě. Zcela vpravo stojí Vulkán (kladivo) u kovadliny. Nad hostinou vlevo sedí na oblaku Fama (trubky), Prag um 1600#, I, č. 312 s. 420., and Jeden z prvních a nejvlivnějších monumentálních tisků. Inspirací byly Apuleiovy Proměny (6, 24): Amor a Psyche v čele stolu, vedle nich Jupiter a Juno, Bakchus jako číšník, Hora zdobící hodovníky květinami, zpívající Múzy, které doprovází Apollón (na na citharu, ale na housle), Marsyas se syrinx (u Goltzia však nehraje) a rozstřikování voňavek (ne Grácie, ale putti). Vzorem pro výtvarné pojetí byly dvě nástropní fresky v Loggia di Psyche (Řím, Villa Farnesina) od Raffaela a jeho dílny (1517-1518), z nichž svatební hostina Amora a Psyche se Apuleia držela ještě těsněji. Odtud Spranger převzal některé některé postavy i celé skupiny (napřiklad Bakchus nalévající z oinochoe víno do číše, kterou drží putto), ale i motivy, které v Apuleiovi nejsou, například sfinga s Porady bohů. Spranger se však inspiroval i pozdějšími zobrazeními hostin bohů, např. ze svatební hostiny Amora a Psyche v Palazzo Te od Giulia Romana (1526-1528) převzal na okraji umístěného Vulkána ukazujícího na hodovníky.
- Rights:
- autorská práva www.olympos.cz