The author summarizes the life and in particular scientifi c career of historian Bedřich Loewenstein, describes areas of his professional interest and his intellectual orientation, reminds of his most important works published in Czech and German, and assesses his contribution. Loewenstein was born in 1929 in Prague, in a Czech- -German-Jewish family, lived through the German occupation in diffi cult conditions, and started studying history and philosophy at what was then the Faculty of Arts and History of the Charles University, but was expelled two years later for political reasons. He was allowed to complete his studies later, and in 1957 started working at the Institute of History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, where he remained until his dismissal in 1970. He started intensive contacts with West German historians and other intellectuals during the 1960s, and organized an important international symposium, ''Europe and Fascism'', in Prague in 1969. Since the early 1970s, he was not allowed to publish and was employed as an interpreter/translator of the trade mission (since 1973 embassy) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Although watched by the State Security, he managed to make use of his position to establish an important connection between domestic dissenters and their supporters abroad, which was used to exchange publications and other documents. In 1979, he accepted an offer of professorship of recent history at the Free University in West Berlin, where he remained until 1994 and where he could develop and expand his research interests and devote himself to intensive publication activities. For a long time, Bedřich Loewenstein was focusing on the German history of the 19th and 20th centuries; since the 1960s, he was also studying ideological, psychological, and social prerequisites of Nazism and later also more general issues of crises of the 20th century, modernism and modernity, civic society, European nationalism, and civilization. In this respect, he was able to integrate approaches and knowledge of other social sciences - sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, and economy - in a prolifi c manner. He was a long-time and intensive intermediary of views and ideas between the Czech (or Czechoslovak) and German historiographies. His works, written in a concise, scientifi c-essayist style, earned him respect among colleagues both at home and abroad. His principal works include Plädoyer für die Zivilisation (Hamburg, Hoffmann und Campe 1973), Entwurf der Moderne: Vom Geist der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und Zivilisation (Essen, Reimar Hobbing 1987; in Czech in 1995), Problemfelder der Moderne: Elemente der politischen Kultur (Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1990), My a ti druzí: Dějiny, psychologie, antropologie [We and the others: History, psychology, anthropology] (Brno, Doplněk 1997; in German in 2003). A synthesis of Loewensteinʼs thinking about a broad spectrum of issues is presented in his book Der Fortschrittsglaube: Geschichte einer europäischen Idee (Göttingen,Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2008; in Czech: Víra v pokrok: Dějiny jedné evropské ideje [Faith in progress: The history of a European idea]. Praha, OIKOYMENH 2009). and Překlad: Jiří Mareš
Soil compaction in agricultural areas inhibits plant root growth through increased mechanical resistance, altered water and nutrient supply. The main objective of this study was to evaluate spatial distribution of roots and its effect on water uptake of maize grown on field with subsoil compaction. Two treatments were examined: complex melioration consisting of deep loosening in combination with drainage and control without applied meliorations. Root observations were conducted on vertical and superposed horizontal planes covered with a 2 cm grid short after silking. Root distributions expressed as index of density and/or dry mass density were estimated down to 1m soil depth and with a distance to a plant base. For analysis of root distribution pattern on the horizontal planes, a Variance to Mean Ratio (VMR) test was applied. Soil water monitoring were conducted during the vegetation period. On the vertical planes, root densities were similar in the topsoil of both treatments, but the results were significantly higher in the subsoil of the meliorated one showing deeper allocation of root density. In contrast, the control had more squares with lots of roots (i.e. higher indexes) just at the top- subsoil boundary owing to bunching of roots in macropores. The horizontal planes in the control generally consisted larger areas without visible roots and thus great distances for water and nutrient transmission, especially in the subsoil. The estimated VMR also pointed toward different levels of root clustering. Consequently, an inhibited water extraction from the subsoil in the control, a delay in crop ontogenesis and a less biomass production was established during the observed period. and Zhutnenie poľnohospodárskej pôdy bráni rastu koreňov; je to spôsobené zvýšeným mechanickým odporom pôdy, a zníženým prítokom vody a živín. Cieľom tejto štúdie je zhodnotenie priestorovej variability koreňov, ich vplyvu na odber vody koreňmi kukurice na poli so zhutnenou podorničnou vrstvou. Boli hodnotené dva spôsoby obrábania: komplexná meliorácia pozostávajúca z hlbokého podrývania v kombinácii s drenážou a obrábanie (kontrola) bez melioračných zásahov. Identifikácia rozdelenia koreňov bola vykonaná vo vertikálnych a horizontálnych rovinách s 2-cm sieťou, krátko po metaní. Rozdelenie koreňov bolo vyjadrené ako index hustoty alebo ako hustota suchej biomasy koreňov do hĺbky 1 m; v horizontálnom smere až k susedným rastlinám. Bol použitý test ''Variance to Mean Ratio'' (VMR) na určenie rozdelenia koreňov v horizontálnom smere počas vegetačného obdobia. Hustota koreňov vrchnej vrstvy pôdy vo vertikálnej rovine bola podobná pre obidve varianty, ale pre meliorovanú pôdu boli hodnoty hustoty koreňov v podloží podstatne vyššie a korene zasahovali hlbšie. Ako protiklad, na kontrolnom pozemku bolo viac štvorcov s mnohými koreňmi (t.j. vyššie indexy) práve na hranici orničnej a podorničnej vrstvy, pre enormný rast koreňov v makropóroch. V horizontálnej rovine tento kontrolný pozemok obsahoval veľké oblasti bez viditeľných koreňov, a to znamená veľké vzdialenosti pre prenos vody a živín v podorničnej vrstve. Výsledky aplikácie VMR naznačujú tiež rozdielne úrovne zhlukov koreňov. Z toho vyplýva znížený odber vody koreňmi rastlín na kontrolnom pozemku, ako aj pomalšia ontogenéza a nižšia produkcia biomasy, ktorá bola identifikovaná počas sledovaného obdobia.
Traditionally, all freshwater representatives of red algae with uniaxial cartilagineous and pseudoparenchymatous thalli were placed in the genus Lemanea. Two subgenera of this genus were distinguished, Lemanea and Paralemanea. The recently proposed elevation of these subgenera to genera is fully justified and generally accepted. However, the increasing data from natural populations of Lemanea shows that not all the traditional diacritical features are reliable for distinguishing species. This paper presents the results of a research project on the morphological variability of Lemanea in the Czech Republic. Of the four species Lemanea fluviatilis and L. torulosa appear to be well-defined but there are no clear differences between Paralemanea annulata and P. catenata. A survey of taxa and key to species are presented.