O tom jak se rodily první přístupy k udržení horkého fúzního plazmatu pomocí silných elektrických a magnetických polí., Through his whole scientific career, carried out mainly at FTI Kharkov in the Soviet Union, O. A. Lavrentev (1926-2011) studied thermonuclear plasma confinement. Initially an electrostatic confinement and later a magnetic electrostatic plasma confinement was proposed by him. However, he did not describe the transition from the first to the second type of confinement, e. g., from the spherical concentric purely electrostatic trap to the magnetic trap formed by spindle cusp fields with its slits plugged by electrostatic fields, which represents the simplest type of an electromagnetic trap. This article offers a hypothesis of how O. A. Lavrentev transformed the earlier concept into the later one., Milan Řípa, Miroslav Šos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
During a survey of parasites of Percichthys trucha (Cuvier et Valenciennes) (Perciformes: Percichthyidae) in northwestern Patagonian lakes, a new dracunculoid of the family Guyanemidae was found parasitizing as adults the heart of the fish. This species belongs to the genus Pseudodelphis Adamson et Roth, 1990 by having deirids, glandular multinucleate oesophagus and anterior branch of the uterus, and by lacking caudal alae and a gubernaculum. Pseudodelphis limnicola sp. n. differs from Pseudodelphis oligocotti Adamson et Roth, 1990 by the number and distribution of the cephalic papillae, a muscular oesophagus submerged into the glandular portion and by lacking a peribuccal ring. This is the first record of a guyanemid inhabiting the heart of a Neotropical perciform fish.
The contemporary development of agriculture aims to decrease material and energy demands of cultivation systems. The no-tillage system is a part of the rationalization measures. The presented article is dealing with the influence of the conventional tillage (KA) and no-tillage system (BA) on content of soil water, i. e. maximum (Wmax), average (W?) and minimum soil water content (Wmin), in heavy soils of the East-Slovakia Lowland. The vegetation period of the observed years are classified from very dry (1999), humid (2000, 2002), very humid (2001) to extremely humid (1998). There was observed statistically significant influence of used systems of agrotechnical measures only in the case of minimum soil water content. This value was higher in case of no-tillage system about 4,3 % from wilting point value during five observed years, i. e. in a soil profile 0-0.3 m about 3.0 mm of water layer and in profile 0-0,8 m about 8.5 mm. and Súčasný vývoj poľnohospodárstva smeruje k znižovaniu materiálovej a energetickej náročnosti pestovateľských systémov. Súčasťou racionalizačných prístupov je aj bezorbový systém. Predkladaný príspevok sa zaoberá vplyvom konvenčnej agrotechniky (KA) a bezorbového systému (BA) na maximálnu (Wmax), priemernú (WØ) a minimálnu zásobu pôdnej vody (Wmin) na ťažkých pôdach Východoslovenskej nížiny. Pri využití úhrnu zrážok ako kritéria hodnotenia poveternostných podmienok sú vegetačné obdobia sledovaných rokov klasifikované od veľmi suchého (1999) cez vlhké (2000, 2002), veľmi vlhké (2001) až extrémne vlhké (1998). Vplyv použitých systémov agrotechnických opatrení sa štatisticky významne prejavil iba pri minimálnej zásobe pôdnej vody, ktorá v priemere za päť sledovaných rokov bola vyššia pri bezorbovom systéme o cca 4,3 % z vlhkosti bodu vädnutia, čiže v pôdnom profile 0 - 0,3 m o 3,0 mm a v profile 0 - 0,8 m o 8,5 mm.