Ostrov Madagaskar patří z pohledu taxonomů i ochranářů mezi nejzajímavější místa světa. A zvláště mezi palmami, v čeledi Arecaceae patří mezi významná vývojová centra - nesmírně bohatá a zároveň velmi zranitelná. Z Madagaskaru je dosud popsáno 203 druhů palem v 17 rodech, což je téměř trojnásobek oproti celé Africe. Přitom pouhých 7 druhů má větší areály, zbývající druhy jsou madagaskarskými endemity. První díl dvoudílného seriálu představuje klimatické, geografické a vegetační poměry ostrova. Zvláštní kapitolu zasluhuje i historie tamního palmového výzkumu., In the eyes of taxonomists and nature conservationists, Madagascar is one of the most interesting areas in the world, particularly with regard to palms (Arecaceae), as these form an important evolutionary centre - very rich and yet at the same time fragile. 203 palm species in 17 genera has been described so far, which is three times more than in Africa. And only 7 species have wider distribution outside Madagascar, the rest being endemics of the island. The first part of this two-volume article describes the climatic, geographic and vegetation characteristics of the island. The history of palm research in Madagascar is also mentioned., and Vlastik Rybka, Romana Rybková.
Madagaskarské palmy tvoří necelou desetinu celkového světového palmového bohatství co do počtu rodů i druhů, což potvrzuje význam ostrova pro tuto čeleď. Po prvním dílu představujícím vegetační poměry ostrova a historii palmového výzkumu přibližujeme ve druhém dílu jednotlivé palmové rody. U větších rodů Ravenea a Dypsis je podán rámcový přehled druhové rozmanitosti, u malých rodů je přehled úplný. Pozornost věnujeme i ohrožení madagaskarských palem a jeho hlavním příčinám., Palm species of Madagascar encompass almost one tenth of the entire palm (Arecaceae) richness throughout the world. It confirms the importance of the island for palms. While the first part of the series described the vegetation characteristics along with the history of palm research, the second part introduces all the palm genera of Madagascar. Smaller genera are presented in full scope, and some interesting species from the larger genera Dypsis and Ravenea are highlighted. Conservation status and contemporary threats to the palms of Madagascar are also covered., and Vlastik Rybka, Romana Rybková.
A new genus and species, Horakia kubani gen. n., sp. n., of Meligethinae from Thailand are described and compared with the closely related genus Cryptarchopria Jelínek. Cryptarchopria infima (Grouvelle) is recorded from the islands Ambon and Seram (Maluku, Indonesia), and its association with flowers of the palm Areca catechu L. is established for the first time. Diagnostic characters of the genus Kabakovia Kirejtshuk, 1979 are discussed, and Kabakovia latipes (Grouvelle, 1908) is recorded from Nepal for the first time.
In this fresco monochromatic medallion we see on the left Pegasus with outstretched wings standing on hind legs, above him on the mountain's peak there is a round temple of Apollo. In the middle there are palm trees. On the right there is a group of seven Muses, in the middle Clio (History) is sitting with her right hand raised, her left elbow reposed on a pile of books. At the bottom Melpomene (Tragedy) is reclining, she turns her bare back to the viewer, her head is turned and she seems to be contemplating the tragic mask which she holds in her left hand. At the top we see Urania (Astronomy) inspecting heaven with a telescope. It is to be noted that Asam took care to choose a representative set of Muses to fit the theme of his fresco. Since it represents a historical event with a serious message, Clio and Melpomene dominate in the group of Muses, Urania is distinguished as a muse of Christian poets and personification of spirituality., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.