První epidemiologickou studii nevyšetřené dyspepsie v České republice provedla naše skupina v roce 2001. V roce 2011 jsme provedli novou prospektivní multicentrickou studii stejnou metodikou. V 22 centrech bylo zařazeno 1 836 osob (ve věku 5–98 let). Celková prevalence dlouhodobou dyspepsie byla 12 %, a to 3,5 % u lidí ve věku 5–24 let, 18 % mezi 25–64letými a 15 % u lidí ≥ 65 let. Přestože v posledních 10 letech došlo k významnému poklesu prevalence infekce Helicobacter pylori, prevalence a sociodemografické determinanty dyspepsie se signifikantně nezměnily., Epidemiology of uninvestigated dyspepsia was studied in the Czech Republic for the first time in 2001. The aim of our current multi-centre prospective study was to evaluate dyspepsia using the same methods in a representative sample of general unselected population from the same geographical areas 10 years later. A total of 22 centres entered the study. A total of 1,836 subjects (aged 5–98 years) were enrolled. The overall prevalence of dyspepsia was 12 %; namely 3.5 % in subjects aged 5–24 years, 18 % among 25–64-year-old persons and 15 % in subjects ≥ 65 years. Despite the substantial decrease of Helicobacter pylori infection in the Czech Republic over the past 10 years, the prevalence and basic socio-demographic determinants of uninvestigated dyspepsia did not change significantly., and Stanislav Rejchrt, Ilona Koupil, Marcela Kopáčová, Miluška Škodová Fendrichová, Bohumil Seifert, Viktor Voříšek, Jana Špirková, Tomáš Douda, Ilja Tachecí, Jan Bureš
The aim of this study project was to prepare our own method of porcine oesophageal manometry. Ten mature experimental pigs entered the study. Conventional water-perfused system was decided for manometry. Porcine resting and relaxed pressures of the lower oesophageal sphincter are fully comparable with healthy human subjects. Evocable swallowing is doable and oesophageal peristalsis is quantifiable. Basic manometric parameters were different in male and female animals. Oesophageal manometry in experimental pigs is feasible. Porcine oesophageal manometry will be usable for preclinical studies in future. and I. Tachecí, V. Radochová, J. Květina, S. Rejchrt, M. Kopáčová, J. Bureš
Gastrointestinal lipomas are usually asymptomatic, detected incidentally. However, they can cause severe symptoms such as obstruction, invagination, and bleeding. The transsection of an infarcted or large lipoma by needle sphincterotome (needle knife) and/or snare polypectomy of the upper part of the tumour is an option for the endoscopy treatment of giant infarcted lipomas. Cutting a top of lipoma (unroofing technique) allowed flow out of adipose tissue from the lipoma. and M. Kopáčová, S. Rejchrt, J. Bureš
Bio-degradable stents are be made of different synthetic polymers (like polylactide or polyglycolide) or their co-polymers (polydioxanone). They can be used for treating benign stenoses of the small and large intestine, particularly in Crohn’s disease. Endoscopic introduction of bio-degradable stents into small and large intestinal stenoses is feasible and relatively simple. Initial results are encouraging and the complication rate is low. However, there are still some difficulties that need to be overcome. The rate of early stent migration is still rather high (up to one third of patients). This might be solved by changes in the shape or rigidity of the stents as well as by further improvement in the design. Proof of long-term efficacy and safety requires further studies., Stanislav Rejchrt, Jan Bureš, Jan Brožík, Marcela Kopáčová, and Literatura 52