Knowing the extent of inundation areas for individual N-year flood events, the specific flood scenarios, and having an idea about the depths and velocities in the longitudinal or transverse water course profile provided by hydrodynamic models is of key importance for protecting peoples’ lives and mitigating damage to property. Input data for creating the watercourse computational geometry are crucial for hydrodynamic models. Requirements for input data vary with respect to the hydrodynamic model used. One-dimensional (1D) hydrodynamic models in which the computing track is formed by cross-sectional profiles of the channel are characterized by lower requirements for input data. In two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic models, a digital terrain model is needed for the entire area studied. Financial requirements of the project increase with regard to the input data and the model used. The increase is mainly due to the high cost of the geodetic surveying of the stream channel. The paper aims at a verification and presentation of the suitability of using hydrological measurements in developing a schematization (geometry) of water courses based on topographic data gained from aerial laser scanning provided by the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre. Taking into account the hydrological measurement during the schematization of the water course into the hydrodynamic model consists in the derivation of flow rate achieved at the time of data acquisition using the method of aerial laser scanning by means of hydrological analogy and in using the established flow rate values as a basis for deepening of the digital terrain model from aerial laser scanning data. Thus, the given principle helps to capture precisely the remaining part of the channel profile which is not reflected in the digital terrain model prepared by the method of aerial laser scanning and fully correct geometry is achieved for the hydrodynamic model. and Znalost rozsahu záplavových území pro jednotlivé N-leté povodňové události a konkrétní povodňové scénáře, včetně získané představy o hloubkách a rychlostech v podélném či příčném profilu vodního toku, které poskytují hydrodynamické modely, zaujímá výsadní postavení z pohledu ochrany životů a zmírnění škod na majetku občanů. Stěžejním faktorem pro tvorbu hydrodynamických modelů jsou vstupní data pro vytvoření výpočetní geometrie vodního toku. Požadavky na vstupní data se liší s ohledem na použitý hydrodynamický model. Jednorozměrné (1D) hydrodynamické modely se vyznačují nižšími požadavky na vstupní data, kdy výpočetní trať je tvořena příčnými profily koryta, naproti tomu u dvourozměrných (2D) hydrodynamických modelů je nutné sestavit pro celé řešené území digitální model reliéfu. S ohledem na vstupní data a použitý model roste i finanční náročnost celého projektu. Nárůst finančních prostředků je způsoben především vysokými náklady na geodetické zaměření koryta toku. Cílem příspěvku bylo ověřit a prezentovat vhodnost využití hydrologického měření při tvorbě schematizace (geometrie) vodních toků na podkladě výškopisných dat získaných metodou leteckého laserového skenování, které zabezpečuje Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální. Zohlednění hydrologického měření při schematizaci vodního toku do hydrodynamického modelu spočívá v odvození dosaženého průtoku v době pořizování dat metodou leteckého laserového skenování a takto stanovené průtoky lze využít jako podklad pro zahloubení digitálního modelu reliéfu připraveného z dat leteckého laserového skenování. Daný princip tak nahrazuje zbývající část profilu koryta, která není metodou leteckého laserového skenování v digitálním modelu reliéfu reflektována. Je tak dosaženo požadované geometrie koryta vodního toku, jehož kapacita je shodná s hodnotou průtoku v přirozeném korytě.
The concept of dissent as it is articulated in the work of Ladislav Hejdánek is investigated in the article. The author first utilizes Pithart’s schematic division of dissent into the protesting and the reflective in order to subsequently, in Hejdánek’s conception, distinguish yet a third, creative type of dissent. This the author then analyzes in more detail in a systematic interpretation of Hejdánek’s attitudes and thoughts (including comparisons with the texts of other dissidents and thinkers). Nevertheless, he primarily focuses on the Chartist discussion on courage, in which he clarifies Hejdánek’s position, along with a search for a possible shielding, or more precisely in the context of a civilly disobedient position of an admissible and convincing concept of morality., V předloženém textu je zkoumáno pojetí disentu v díle Ladislava Hejdánka. Autor si nejprve pomáhá Pithartovým schematickým dělením disentu na protestující a reflektující, aby následně v Hejdánkově koncepci odlišil ještě třetí, tvůrčí typ disentu. Ten následně detailněji analyzuje v systematické interpretaci Hejdánkových postojů a myšlení (včetně komparace s texty dalších disidentů a myslitelů). Soustřeďuje se přitom především na chartistickou diskusi o statečnosti, v níž vyjasňuje Hejdánkovu pozici, ovšem spolu s hledáním možného zaštiťujícího, respektive v kontextu občansky neposlušného postoje přípustného a přesvědčivého pojetí morálky., and Ladislavu Hejdánkovi k nedožitým 93. narozeninám
A familiarity with the life work of Bernard Williams impresses on us his arguments in moral theory and systematization. In Williams̕ view, the agent’s identity and integrity is based on (impartial) reason, emotions, projects and many other things which the agent finds to be important for him. In this sense, the ability to cope with a life full of irresoluble conflicts and stress, a life which we never have in our command and yet which we responsibly fulfill, is the central value.
This modest notion of a human being’s life, denying (a longing for) sovereignty, represents Williams̕ realism. He treats policy as a struggle among the powerful, the less powerful and the powerless to be the essence of all life morality included. Because of this fact, Williams resists founding policy upon any moral system, and insists on dealing with political platitudes ( just as his favorite ancient Greek tragedy used to do) in which everything essential is comprised: how to justify constraint where it is already forbidden to constrain agents to do some things etc. In short, Williams is interested in universal evil and tragic principles and the possibilities of reducing them in actual, historical, circumstances. He has doubts about theories dealing with unreal matters (utopia) or less essential things (for example it is good to study theories of liberalism but only in historical circumstances).
The familiar division of political thinkers into moralists and realists leads the author to the question of how to classify Ladislav Hejdánek’s unique yet ambiguous approach to public weal and matters politic. Does Hejdánek base his understanding of democracy and liberalism (and of liberties an drights thereunto appertaining) on morality (on philosophy or on system theory) or does he recognise the primacy of matters politic? Though in Hejdánek’s writings moral appeals are frequent and fundamental, the author seeks to show that realism prevails. In the present text, the author delineates the specific realism of this Czech thinker more precisely by analysing Hejdánek’s texts, especially his Epistles to a Friend.
The Czech dissident movement included thinkers who searched for a morally pure, parallel polis, and who felt comfortable within its isolation. The philosophers of Charter 77 (Jan Patočka and Ladislav Hejdánek especially), by contrast, rejected the idea of being morally superior to their opponents. It is interesting to consider where Václav Havel stands at this crossroads. Havel very much cooperated with the above-mentioned philosophers and was inspired by them in his own writing and agency. On the other hand, Havel undoubtedly performed a certain moral-existential concept of dissent. In this paper I examine Havel’s existential concept. In particular, after distinguishing between two existential approaches in Havel’s writings, I analyse two fundamental philosophical critiques of Havel in the work of Ladislav Hejdánek. According to Hejdánek, Havel 1) identifies intellectuals with non-politicians, i.e. he is governed by the incorrect dualism of the political versus the non-political, and 2) is self-focused and moralising, i.e. he keeps too much within his own self (subjectivity) and “a given” (existent, objective) world. Given this critique, I will systematise Hejdánek’s objections and suggested solutions. In the first case, I see the solution in a more detailed distinction: we should distinguish between politics and non-politics (intellectuals) but also non-political politics. In the second case, we should look for the essence (focal point) of man not in his morality but outside it: man should orient himself “out of his self”.
Animals and Philosophy. The article aims at explaining the meaning of animals appearing in erotic scenes of Ancient Greek initiatory rites (in vase paintings from 6-4 centuries B. C.). What role could be accredited to these scenes in the context of Ancient Greek education and philosophy? Author analyses possible relations of animals to the fooodconsumption, game or fight, to potential attributes of beloved and lover as well and eventually also to the very paederasty and educational process.