V roce 1964 obdržel polský básník Zbigniew Herbert vízum pro cestu do Řecka. O své cestě pojednává v pěti esejích věnovaných antickému Řecku, které vycházely v letech 1965–1973, dříve, než byly vydány posmrtně v souboru názvem Labyrint u moře (2000). Proč se Herbert zajímá v páté eseji, jež vznikla v roce 1969, o revoltu na ostrově Samos proti athénské hegemonii? Díky tomuto tématu může promlouvat o současnosti (pražské jaro a jeho potlačení) a cenzuře: návrat prostřednictvím minulosti, explicitní a implicitní analogie. Disidentský básník také navrhuje politickou analýzu sovětské totality a pohrává si s dvojsmysly. Ale toto gesto angažovanosti ve prospěch odporu Čechoslováků musí být chápáno v perspektivě širšího rámce historického výzkumu dané doby a reflexe dějin vítězi. and In 1964 Polish poet Zbigniew Herbert obtained his visa for Greece. This trip was the basis for five essays devoted to ancient Greece that were published between 1965 and 1973, before being gathered in a posthumous collection, The Labyrinth by the Sea (2000). In the fifth essay, written in 1969, Herbert interested in the episode about the Revolt of Samos against Athenian hegemony. Why this particular interest? This subject allows him to speak about the present (the Prague Spring) and its repression by-passing censorship: the detour in the past as well as the process of explicit and especially implicit analogy. The dissident poet also proposes a political analysis of Soviet totalitarianism, playing on a series of double meanings. But this commitment supporting the revolt of the Czechoslovaks must be put into perspective in the broader context of the historical research of his time and his reflection on how the victors write history.
The paper focuses on Antonín Bedřich I, the count of Mitrovice (1770– 1842), a native of Brno and a benefactor, who was a governor of Moravia and Silesia in 1815–1827. It analyses his contribution to his hometown, to the development of Moravian studies and the foundation of the museum of Brno. By way of citing contemporary periodicals the study documents the significance of Mitrovský's personality.
This paper is a first attempt to examine a relatively unknown Byzantine grammar attributed to the twelfth-century poet Theodoros Prodromos. The paper deals with various aspects of this work like the recent scholarly work, Prodromos' authorship, the manuscript tradition, and its purpose of composition. The main purpose of this article is therefore to highlight the importance of this obscure grammatical work in an attempt to set the ground for a future detailed study.
This study aims to investigate the problem-solving behaviors of a teacher and his students based on a cognitive – metacognitive framework. The problem-solving behaviors of 6-8th-grade students and a mathematics teacher were recorded and encoded during task-based interview sessions about solving problems, and semi-structured interviews were used to obtain information regarding the mathematics teacher's perceptions of mathematical problem-solving processes. They solved the problems in a learning environment, and their problem-solving processes were investigated using the think-aloud method. The results indicated that the students and the teacher followed a similar path involving reading, understanding, exploring, planning, and implementing. Furthermore, not all episodes occurred in each problem-solving task and the behaviors that represented given episodes changed according to the participants. Students with different problem-solving skill levels were found to exhibit different frequencies of cognitive and metacognitive behaviors while solving problems. The problemsolving behaviors of the teacher and the students revealed information related to metacognitive behaviors that are to be developed in further studies.
Despite the growing importance and popularity of new digitally enhanced making and design environments, students' knowledge creation is still a fairly unexplored issue within these contexts. To address this research gap, we have drawn on empirical case study data from a public school that is implementing a novel making and design environment called the FUSE Studio. Our data comprise 111 hours of video records of 9–12-year-old students' (N = 94) making and design activities collected during one semester. Drawing from sociocultural and cultural-historical theorizing with a specific focus on the concepts of funds of knowledge and knowledge creation, we ask: 1) How are students' funds of knowledge manifested in the FUSE Studio? 2) How do students' funds of knowledge mediate their knowledge creation activity? "Funds of knowledge" refers to a student's multiple cultural resources that stem from their life worlds in and out of school. Our findings indicate that students' knowledge creation includes vertical knowledge maintenance, horizontal knowledge breaking, and knowledge expansion. The latter involves a tension-laden socio-materially mediated process that opens up opportunities for the creation of innovative solutions and expansion of a student's existing funds of knowledge.
The broadening use of the concepts of lifelong and lifewide learning has opened space for exploring learning processes beyond official educational institutions providing formal education. Environments where adults learn intensively in both informal and non-formal ways include businesses. The specific environment of family businesses is an attractive research topic in the context of intergenerational learning and consistent with the concept of workplace learning (Evans, Hodkinson, Rainbird, & Unwin, 2006; Novotný, 2009). A family business is a place where intergenerational learning is a necessary and desirable part of its everyday operation. One might even speculate that the success of the family business depends to a certain extent on intergenerational learning among the employees, who happen to be family members. This aspect of family businesses has not yet received research interest in the Czech Republic. This chapter presents findings concerning intergenerational learning interactions in family businesses, what initiates these learning interactions, and their form and content. The findings are then related to organizational culture, i.e. the culture of the family business.
Vocational schools are the backbone of Germany's dual training system and it is expected that students in such schools have successfully mastered their first career-related decision. However, previous research suggests that attending a vocational school is often based more on practical considerations than on an informed careerdecision making process. Therefore, questions arise about the state of vocational students' career competences and how to support their development on an individual basis. This study aims to shed light on the developmental patterns of students' career competences at German vocational schools. Latent profile analysis of career competence was therefore conducted with data from vocational school students (N = 453). Data collection took place in 2017 in four vocational schools in North Rhine-Westphalia. The participants were on average 18.20 years old (SD = 1.65), and 48% of them were female. Using a standardized questionnaire, they self-assessed 12 facets of their career competences. The results showed 3 profile groups that followed a similar pattern regarding the 12 career competence facets. They mainly differed in their overall career competence level: low developed, intermediate and advanced. Furthermore, a fourth profile that diverged from the three other profiles in terms of career pattern was identified: highly concerned/little-stress-resistant. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed statistical differences among these profile groups in the 12 career competence facets. Multinomial logistic regressions showed significant effects from gender and concrete career aspirations on profile affiliation. Limitations of the study, practical implications, and issues for future research are discussed.
The author of the present outline analyzes some of the crucial works by a prominent Serbian theoretician of verse and of poetic language Milosav Čarkić with the core in his recent book A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms (2020). On the basis of a thorough analysis he characterizes this set of works accompanied by those going back to the 1990s and published mostly in Serbian as key contributions to the world theory of verse. The present treatise analyses several books written by Milosav Čarkić in Russian, Serbian and English in the three recent decades, including Phonics of Verse (Фоника стиха, 1992), Phonostylistics of Verse (Фоностилистика стиха, 1995), The Glossary of Rhyme (Појмовник риме, 2001), The Stylistics of Verse (Стилистика стиха, 2006), On Poetic Language (2010), Models of Rhyme (2017), and The Rhyme in Serbian Verse (Рима у српском стиху, 2017) and predominantly his new book mentioned above A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms (2020). His main scholarly contribution consists in the investigation of the sphere on the boundary of phonics, stylistics, and poetics of verse and of the semantics, structure, function, and terminology of rhymes in European context. and Autor přítomného přehledu analyzuje některá stěžejní díla prominentního srbského teoretika verše a básnického jazyka Milosava Čarkiće s jádrem v jeho nejnovější knize A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms (2020). Na základě důkladné analýzy charakterizuje tento soubor děl doprovázený těmi z 90. let 20. století a publikovanými většinou srbsky jako klíčové příspěvky k světové teorii verše. Přítomné pojednání analyzuje několik knih, které Milosav Čarkić napsal rusky, srbsky a anglicky v posledních třech desetiletích, včetně Foniky verše (Фоника стиха, 1992), Fonostylistiky (Фоностилистика стиха, 1995), Glosáře rýmu (Појмовник риме, 2001), Stylistiky verše (Стилистика стиха, 2006), O básnickém jazyce (On Poetic Language, 2010), Modely rýmu (Models of Rhyme, 2017) a Rým v srbském verši (Рима у српском стиху, 2017) a zvláště jeho nové, výše zmíněné knihy Slovník rýmových termínů (A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms, 2020). Jeho hlavní badatelský přínos spočívá ve zkoumání sféry na hranici foniky, stylistiky a poetiky verše a sémantiky, struktury, funkce a terminologie rýmu v evropském kontextu.