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112. Albánsky psaná autobiografie Jana Urbana Jarníka
- Creator:
- Surovčák, Martin
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Albanian, Ghegh Dialect, Memoirs, Autobiography, albánština, gegský dialekt, memoáry, autobiografie, and Balkan Studies
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Jan Urban Jarník (1848–1923) was the founder of Romanian and Albanian studies in what is today the Czech Republic. He loved recording the events of his life and published many memoirs in the Czech and Romanian press. After meeting with members of the Albanian diaspora in Bucharest, he decided to write an autobiography in Ghegh Albanian (a northwestern dialect). This article subjects the whole text to a linguistic analysis and provides a Czech translation. and Jan Urban Jarník (1848–1923) byl zakladatelem romanistiky a albanistiky v českých zemích. Rád psal o svých životních příhodách a vydal mnoho memoárů v českém a rumunském tisku. Poté co se setkal s příslušníky albánské diaspory v Bukurešti, se rozhodl sepsat vlastní autobiografii v gegské albánštině, konkrétně v severozápadogegském nářečí. Tento článek přináší komentované vydání textu včetně překladu do češtiny
- Rights:
- unknown
113. Alexandrinky - Slovinky, které vzaly osud do svých rukou
- Creator:
- Klvaňová, Alena
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Alexandrian Women, Slovenian women's emigration, Goriška region, Egypt, Alexandrinky, slovinská ženská emigrace, region Goriška, and Balkan Studies
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This contribution covers an interesting historical phenomenon: the emigration of women and girls from the southwestern Slovenian region of Goriška who, for a variety of reasons, began leaving their native land in the second half of the 19th century to seek a new home beyond its borders. Egypt and its booming metropolis of Alexandria became the most popular place for them to establish themselves. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, an increasing number of Slovene women sought work here. Slovenian women and girls worked in the town as governesses or as companions or wet nurses for hire, and they soon acquired the nickname "the Alexandrian Women". and Příspěvek se zabývá zajímavým historickým fenoménem emigrace žen a dívek z jihozápadního slovinského regionu Goriška, které od druhé poloviny 19. století začaly z rozličných motivů opouštět svou rodnou vlast a hledat za jejími hranicemi nový domov. Nejvyhledávanějším místem pro jejich usazení se stal Egypt a jeho vzkvétající metropole Alexandrie, kam na přelomu 19. a 20. století začalo stále více Slovinek odcházet za prací. Slovinské ženy a dívky ve městě pracovaly jako vychovatelky, guvernantky, společnice či námezdné kojné a záhy si osvojily přízvisko alexandrinky.
- Rights:
- unknown
114. Aligning teacher preparation, professional development and evaluation : the orthodoxy of TAP teachers and teaching
- Creator:
- Holloway, Jessica
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- teacher accountability, policy alignment, TAP System, rubrics, value-added measurement, and Educational Sciences
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- This paper looks at one of the most popular teacher accountability systems in the USA, TAP: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement, which is a comprehensive program that meets the requirements of multiple large federal grants schemes. The paper shows that, after consortia in Arizona and Texas won multimillion-dollar grant awards, thousands of teachers in these states have become engrossed within a TAP circuit that shapes multiple domains of their professional identity and growth. TAP's ubiquitous presence helps build system alignment, but it also means that teachers are increasingly limited in their exposure to alternative philosophies, practices, or measurements of teaching. Therefore, I challenge the assumptions of alignment and illustrate how such alignment flattens and overly-simplifies the plurality and complexity of teaching, even though present times require adaptability within schools. What I ultimately argue is that the precise and comprehensive alignment of this system enforces and reinforces TAP as the orthodox reality of what it means to be and become a teacher.
- Rights:
- unknown
115. Alois Augustin Vrzal : koncepce a dokumenty
- Creator:
- Pospíšil, Ivo
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Slavonic Studies and Czech Studies (literature)
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
116. An activity whereby the mind regards itself': Spinoza on consciousness
- Creator:
- Petrufová Joppová, Michaela
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Baruch Spinoza, body-mind problem, consciousness, philosophy of mind, psychic reality, filozofie mysli, problém vztahu tělo-mysl, psychická realita, vědomí, and Philosophy
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Baruch Spinoza's philosophy of mind stirs up the disputes about the nature of body-mind relations with its rigorous and naturalistic monism. The unity of body and mind is consequential of his metaphysics of the substance, but the concept of the unity of the mind and its idea rightfully confuses Spinoza's commentators. Many have been tempted to interpret this as a possible account of consciousness, but it still has not yet been fully understood. This paper attempts to introduce an interpretation of the concept of ideas of ideas with regards to consciousness based on strict ontological monism, conceptual dualism, and self-similarity architecture, which concludes in distinguishing mental and psychic reality. While we might attribute mental reality, or mentality, to every extended thing, psychic reality is constituted by conscious ideas. And it seems to follow from Spinoza's theory that the more 'psychic' the mind is, the more it knows God. and Filozofie mysli Barucha Spinozy svým rigorózním naturalistickým monismem podněcuje mnohé diskuze o povaze vztahu mysli a těla. Jednota mysli a těla je konsekventní jeho substanční metafyzice, avšak koncepce jednoty mysli a její ideje oprávněně mate Spinozovy komentátory. Mnozí z nich jsou nakloněni interpretovat tento koncept jako Spinozovu variaci na koncept (sebe)vědomí, přesto se však zdá, že jako takový ještě nebyl zcela adekvátně a celostně uchopen. Příspěvek představuje interpretaci konceptu idejí idejí v kontextu vědomí, přičemž metodologicky vychází z ontologického monismu, konceptuálního dualismu a sebe-opakující se architektury mysli a zahrnuje logické vyvození možné diferenciace mentální a psychické reality. Zatímco mentální realitu neboli mentalitu je možné na základě Spinozova učení připisovat každé rozprostraněné věci, psychická realita neboli psychika je konstituována vědomými idejemi. Ze Spinozova učení přitom také vyplývá, že čím více psychiky jednotlivá věc "má", tím více poznává Boha.
- Rights:
- unknown
117. An der Seite König Sigismunds und Herzog Albrechts V. von Österreich : die Herren von Liechtenstein und Nikolsburg im Hussitenkrieg (1419–1436) und die Bedeutung dieser Zeit in der Hausgeschichte
- Creator:
- Elbel, Petr
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Liechtensteins, Moravia, Hussites, Sigismund of Luxemburg, Mikulov, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- This study examines the role of the aristocratic Liechtenstein family during the Hussite Revolution, when it was one of the most ardent supporters of King Sigismund and the Austrian duke, and then from 1423 of the Moravian margrave Albrecht V, while also trying to recognize the importance of this period in the family's history. In Bohemia and Moravia, the Hussite Revolution led to the increase in the political and economic importance of the nobility on both sides. In the case of the Hussites, they profited from the forced confiscation of church property and from their participation in military campaigns across the whole of Central Europe. In the case of the Catholics, they benefited from the military service under King Sigismund and Duke Albrecht, and from the pledges of church and royal estates. The author shows that despite the Liechtensteins' loyal service to Sigismund and Albrecht during the Hussite Wars, they received substantially less property than other families, and any significant gains were only made in Austria where they were given part of the estate which Albrecht V had confiscated from the feudal lord Otto von Maissau. Of greater significance for the family history was its involvement in Sigismund of Luxemburg's sovereign rule over Moravia, where Hartneid V of Liechtenstein held the rank of governor of Znojmo and burgrave of Špilberk Castle in Brno. Although the Hussite Wars did not result in any significant increase in the wealth of the Liechtenstein family, and the family in fact probably suffered some economic losses, its firm commitment to the side of King Sigismund and Duke Albrecht undoubtedly contributed towards the strengthening of the family's position amongst the high nobility in the half century after the fall of the Austrian steward, Jan I of Liechtenstein (1394).
- Rights:
- unknown
118. An integrative review of literature on learners in the digital era
- Creator:
- Gallardo Echenique, Eliana
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- digital learner, digital era, digital technologies, higher education, integrative literature review, and Educational Sciences
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The purpose of this paper is to report on the state of knowledge in education related to the concept of the "digital native" and affiliated concepts, as well as on how the literature was identified, analyzed, synthesized, and reported. To address the research aim, an integrative literature review was performed. In all, 355 articles (both qualitative and quantitative) published between 1991 and 2013 were reviewed. On the basis of the findings, the literature review revealed 46 terms related to the notion of this "new generation" of students, some similar, others quite different, and many redundant. The three most common terms in circulation are: digital natives, net generation, and millennials. The author recommends moving beyond the superficial dichotomy of "natives" and "immigrants", focusing on the implications of being a learner in a digital era, and taking into account factors such as age, gender, education, culture, experience, institutional context, learning design, social inclusion and exclusion, subject discipline, and socio-economic background.
- Rights:
- unknown
119. Anachronismy Jiřího Levého
- Creator:
- Osolsobě, Ivo
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Slavonic Studies and Czech Studies (literature)
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
120. Analysis of different categories of epistemic and metacognitive discourse in argumentation
- Creator:
- Av-Shalom, Na'ama Y., Zimmerman, Randi M., Chinn, Clark A., and Duncan, Ravit G.
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- metacognition, epistemic cognition, argumentation, and Educational Sciences
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Argumentative practices have been shown to deepen understanding and improve academic performance. After 10 years of work with science curricula designed to develop reasoning, we present a framework grounded in data from our projects for identifying different forms of metacognitive engagement in science inquiry classes. We focus on four categories of discourse from our data: object of thought or discourse; expressions of what someone is thinking; degree of specificity; and discourse applying and tailoring understanding of epistemic cognition to particular topics. We present multiple examples in each of these categories. Our goal is to provide analytic tools along with examples to better identify and code argumentative discourse that advances students' apt epistemic performance.
- Rights:
- unknown