Stránská skála represents an important geological and archaeological site. It is also known for its rich deposits of Jurassic cherts that were utilized in various ways during different stages of Moravian prehistory. The substantial Early Upper Paleolithic occupation events are of great significance and have been subject to several international research projects. Archaeological excavations targeting mining and workshop areas were resumed in the last years with a focus on Late Neolithic and Early Eneolithic activities. This paper introduces this project and summarizes recent results. Trends in the chipped industry within the Stránská skála workshop area are outlined, focusing on raw material variability, technology-typology, chronology, and socioeconomic aspects. The first indicators of the location and other aspects of post-Paleolithic mining activities in the field of Stránská skála III are introduced and discussed in the context of mining and workshop activities of similar contemporary features in the Czech Republic and neighboring regions. and Stránská skála představuje významnou geologickou a archeologickou lokalitu známou také jako bohatý zdroj jurských rohovců, které byly různou měrou využívány po velkou část moravského pravěku. V několika posledních letech byl obnoven výzkum těžebního a dílenského areálu na Stránské skále, a to především se zaměřením na poznání těchto aktivit v mladém neolitu až starém eneolitu. Studie přibližuje výsledky prvních výzkumných sezón projektu. Nastíněn je zde vývoj štípaných industrií z dílenského areálu, a to jak z pohledu surovinové variability místních rohovců, tak z hlediska technologicko-typologických, chronologických a socio-ekonomických aspektů. Představeny jsou rovněž první indicie týkající se lokalizace a charakteru post-paleolitické těžby rohovců v poloze Stránská skála III, jež jsou zasazeny do kontextu obdobně datovaných težebních a dílenských areálů v českých zemích a okolí.
File making is a less known branch of smithery, the production of which can be divided into two basic typologically distinct groups - files and rasps. Handmaking of a range of files and rasps included a number of special operations, which led the metal processing sector into becoming a specialized and independent area. The fundamental task of file-making was to create a cutting edge on a prepared forged piece of a file or rasp item. The oldest method was
hand crafting which survived from ancient times until the 20th century in almost unchanged form. Independent areas with a strong concentration of file manufacturing were established thanks to some specific conditions. In the Svratka region, a significant part of archaic technologies referring deep into the past of file manufacturing all the way to the 1950s was preserved due to the prosperity of file making.
Equipment of file manufacturing handicraft workshops.
The traditional handicraft form of file manufacturing required the creation of aspecific workshop environment. The disposition breakdown of file workshops was not too complicated and it reminded of a smithery in many aspects. File making required highly specialized tools focused on forging and grinding of items, cutting of blades, annealing and tempering. With the narrow specialization, small home-based workshops were established in the Svratka region, in which craftsmen and home-based workmen attended to partial tasks. A strong professional layer of residents also brought the professional language of file makers to the countryside. It did not disappear until the second half of the 20th century. The traditional handicraft manufacturing in the Svratka region disappeared quickly in early 1950s. Hand crafting file makers either entirely ceased their activities or moved on to factories in Jihlava and Hlinsko.