Die kürzlich wiedergefundenen Teile der Ausstattung des ältesten bekannten späthallstattzeitlichen Hügelgrabs mit einem zweirädrigen Wagen in Kladruby bei Rokycany waren nach der ersten Veröffentlichung durch J. L. Píč im Jahr 1907 verschollen. Die Ergebnisse der neu durchgeführten Konservierung ermöglichen es, auch bei dieser Komponente im Raum Westböhmens ähnliche technische, soziale und ökonomische Bedingungen für die Formierung der Latènezivilisation zu erweisen, wie sie bisher nur in Westeuropa vorausgesetzt worden sind. and The recent identification of the most important parts of the late Hallstatt wagon grave from Kladruby near Rokycany in the archaeological collection of National Museum, lost in following years after its discovery in 1907 and known still partly by data from the original documentation by J. L. Píč, and the data obtained by new conservation of all items allow to illustrate also in this type of components the analogous technical, social and economical conditions for the formation of the La Tène civilisation in Western Bohemia, like these which are traditionally supposed only in Western Europe.
Hradiště Vladař u Žlutic (okr. Karlovy Vary) unikalo až donedávna bližší pozornosti archeologů. Článek shrnuje současný stav našich poznatků o této lokalitě a o jejím zasazení do přírodního prostředí. Zároveň upozorňuje na potenciální význam hradiště v mladším pravěku Čech. Vladař se nedávno stal předmětem detailních průzkumů a sondáží v narušených místech. Z popisu dosavadního postupu výzkumu a základní charakteristiky nálezů (především zlomků keramiky) jsou vyvozeny závěry o osídlení v období Ha a LT. and Vladař hillfort, situated close to the town Žlutice, western Bohemia, has attained only little attention from archaeologists until very recently. This contribution provides a description of the current stage of our knowledge of the site, its environmental setting and possible significance in the Bohemian later prehistory (Bronze Age, Hallstatt and La-Tène periods). Vladař hillfort became a focus site for a currently running research project; its actual progress, basic description of the finds – mainly pottery fragments – and some outline of preliminary results about Ha and LT periods settlement are given.
The Pilsen-Senec Mesolithic station is situated on the left banks of the Berounka River, 14-16 meters above its current level, in an industinct saddle 326 m above sea level. The chipped stone industry form Pilse-Senec has a distinctly diverse material composition. The raw material are predominantly local and include different varieties of hornstone, lydite, slate, quartz, sandstone and limonite. Imported materials are represented by Nordic flint, differnet varieties of Bavarian hornstone and northwest Bohemian quartzite (Bečov, Skršín and Tušimeice types). The cipped stone industry from Pilsen-Senec is a relatively large collection of artifacts (2 069 pieces) with madny different raw materials. Trhe pridution part of the collection is absolutely predominat. The number of microliths and retouched artifats is very small. Hammerstones,anvils and heating stones are also presnet. Covetional typological analysis has differentiated between two groups of artifacts. The first group has characteristic Mesolithic microliths - such as Komornica type points, sements, a triangle, Borki type blade, and microblades. A tendecy toward microlithization is also indicated by several other tools such as end-scrapers, burins and awls. The second group consists of artifacts typical for the late Paleolithic period, for example a convexed backed point, chisels, awls,, bacek blades, lateral burigns and long blades. Using the typical approach, it would seem appropriate to divide the complex itno twoo cultural complexes- late Paleolithic and Mesolithic., Jan Fridrich, Ivana Fridrichová-Sýkorová, Milan Metlička., and Obsahuje seznam literatury