The text focuses on the problem of the material culture of the village in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. However, the main goal was not to reconstruct the complete material furnishings of the village homestead. This represents just one of the possible ways for approaching the inner spiritual life of the village population. The text is based on the empirical research of the archival sources. The archival information was subsequently confronted with the results of older scientific works with the same objectives. The text is composed as a case study based on the sources coming from four dominions of South Bohemia (Třeboň, Hluboká nad Vltavou, Protivín and Orlík nad Vltavou). As a main point of departure from the point of view of the heuristic were used inheritance inventories, supplemented by documents from the area of criminal law. From the point of view of the method, the work can be classified as microhistory. It makes use especially of the reflexive approaches of historical anthropology; in the realm of theory, it draws upon the “history from below” concepts. Even though the text is not apurely regional study, the authors do not aim to generalizations in the first place. They are well aware of the fact that the validity of some partial information cannot be carried over mechanically to other ethnographical areas.
Souhrou okolností disponujeme ke dvěma sousedícím usedlostem středočeské vsi Trněný Újezd navzájem nezávislými prameny z pozdního středověku a raného novověku. Na základě nálezu v jednom ze statků se autoři zabývají způsobem vytápění na tehdejším českém venkově, zejména účelu keramické roury, k níž nalézají středoevropské analogie z různého sociálního prostředí. Doklady nepřímého způsobu vytápění domu selské usedlosti přitom pokládají za odraz prosperity i ambicí hospodáře, o nichž mnohé vypovídají podrobné záznamy o sousedním statku ze 2. pol. 16. století. and Thanks to fortuitous circumstances, we have nearly synchronous and independent sources from the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period on two neighbouring farmsteads in the central Bohemian village of Trněný Újezd. On the basis of finds on one of the estates, the authors deal with the method of heating in the Bohemian countryside at the time, especially the function of ceramic pipe, for which analogies exist from various Central European social environments. Evidence of an indirect method of heating in the farmstead home is also a reflection of the farmer’s prosperity and ambitions, about which the detailed records on the neighbouring estate from the second half of the 16th century reveal a great amount.
Oblast známá neobyčejnou koncentrací památek pozdně středověké venkovské architektury, leží severovýchodně od města Český Krumlov. V sedmi menších vsích tu najdeme nejméně deset usedlostí – dvorů z 15./16. století. Archeologickým výzkumem zde bylo zjištěno 15 dosud neznámých lokalit ze 2. poloviny 13. století a dvě z raného středověku. Pozůstatky jednotlivých dvorců ze 13. století jsou v různých prostorových vztazích k dodnes stojícím stavbám pozdně středověkého a raně novověkého stáří. V intervalu mezi počátkem 14. a počátkem 16. století došlo v Koutech k jisté změně struktury osídlení, což se většinou projevilo změnou počtu, případně polohy jednotlivých dvorců – usedlostí v rámci jednotlivých jader osídlení. Kulturní krajina v podobě, v jaké se zde vytvořila nejpozději v období pozdního středověku, se stala základem pozdějšího vývoje, pokračujícího patrně bez větších výkyvů až do dnešních dnů. and KOUTY IN THE ČESKÝ KRUMLOV REGION. A TYPICAL OR AN EXTRAORDINARY MODEL OF SETTLEMENT IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES? The study area, known for its unusual concentration of Late Medieval examples of rural architecture, lies north—east of Český Krumlov. Seven smaller villages contain at least ten farmsteads – courtyards dating to the 15th/16th centuries. Archaeological excavation here has identified 15 hitherto unknown sites from the second half of the 13th century, and 2 from the Early Middle Ages. The remains of the individual 13th century steadings have differing spatial relationships to still standing buildings of the Late Medieval and Early Modern periods. In the interval between the beginning of the 14th and the beginning of the 16th centuries, certain changes took place at Kouty – changes in the structure of settlement, manifest in most cases in changes in the number, or size, of the individual farmsteads – holdings in the framework of individual settlement cores. The cultural landscape, in the form created here no later than during the Late Middle Ages, became the basis for later development which has clearly continued without major deviations down to the present day.
The article deals with the topic of migration from cities to villages in the Czech Republic and Austria and the opportunities for the social integration of newcomers. It relates partly to the problems of suburbanisation but is not limited to just migration to suburban villages. The analysis is based on a qualitative study conducted in 2003-2004 using grounded theory, and it examines the subjective viewpoints of the incomers and their assessments of their situation. The author reveals two different patterns of motivation for migration, presents a typology of relationships between the incomers and the village community, and distinguishes three basic 'orientations' among the incomers: a village orientation, a city orientation, and an orientation towards self-sufficiency. These specific orientations emerge in the process of mutual interaction between the preferences of the incomers and the integration opportunities offered by particular villages; they are not exclusive and can change over time. The author closes with a summary of the differences between the situation in the Czech Republic and Austria, which may be a result of different structural conditions and different historical backgrounds.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the circumstances revealed by the archaeological study of extinct medieval villages whose ground plans were staked out systematically, using some of the standard schemes of the times: that is, the possible direct proportion of the area, farmed by the individual homesteads, and the expanse of the plot of yards of these homesteads, or rather the width of the yards with respect to the village square. For the initial phase of the analysis were used the available early textual and cartographical sources from areas where such research was made possible by the earlier interconnecting of information about the history of settlement that allow for studying the older stages of social structure of the communities.