Belgium took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on July 1, 2010. The Belgian Presidency is focused on these major projects: Implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon, which comes into force on December 1, 2010; launch of the EU 2020 strategy, which will guide EU policies in the coming decade; pursuit of international climate and energy negotiations; implementation of the Stockholm Programme in the areas of justice, asylum and immigration; continuation of enlargement negotiations; and, preparation of the 2011 budget and mid-term revision of financial perspectives. and Jana Vaňová.
The project International Audit of Research, Development and Innovations in the Czech Republic and Implementation of its Conclusions into Strategic Documents provides an external and independent evaluation of the research, development and innovation system in the Czech Republic and its current results. Further conditions for personal and professional growth of, in particular, young researchers in different types of institutions involved in science and research is analysed along with the efficiency of post-graduate studies. The project also focuses on an analysis of relations between academic and industrial sectors and the status of intellectual property protection. Project results will be implemented into the updated Reform of the Research, Development and Innovation System in the Czech Republic and National Policy of Research, Deve-lopment and Innovations in the Czech Republic between 2009 and 2015, for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of public support. Such results will be also used for the completion of a comprehensive system of evaluation of research and development results to ensure the objective allocation of institutional support. and Podepsáno pod článkem jako "Zpráva projektového týmu"
The phrase open access refers to unrestricted online access to articles published in scholarly journals. Open Access comes in two forms - Gratis versus Libre: Gratis OA is no-cost online access, while Libre OA offers some additional usage rights. is similar to OA, but usually includes the right to modify the work, whereas in scholarly publishing it is customary to keep an article’s content intact by associating it with a specific author. Open access can be offered in two ways: Green OA is provided by authors publishing in any journal and then self-archiving their post prints in their institutional repository or on some other OA website. Green OA journal publishers endorse immediate OA self-archiving by their authors. Gold OA is offered by authors publishing in an that provides immediate OA to all of its articles on the publisher’s website. and Martin Lhoták, Iva Burešová.
V souvislosti s ukončením procesu hodnocení výzkumné činnosti pracovišť Akademie věd České republiky za léta 2005-09 se hodně času věnovalo diskuzím nad budoucím směrováním Akademie věd ČR. Základním cílem je zvýšení vědeckého výkonu Akademie věd a jejích jednotlivých ústavů vytvořením koherentního programu AV ČR jako celku, který by zahrnoval aktuální trendy světové vědy a vývoje poznání a zároveň reagoval na základní společenské výzvy v oblasti vědy a výzkumu. Přípravu této strategie lze vnímat jako pokračování pohybu Akademie věd ve směru nastoupeném po mimořádném Akademickém sněmu v červnu 2009, kdy byla v novodobé historii České republiky poprvé ohrožena její existence., In connection with the completion of the evaluation process for research activities at our institutes for 2005-09, we have devoted a great deal of time to discussions of the future direction of AS CR. The fundamental aim is to raise the scientific performance of AS CR and its institutes by creating a coherent programme for AS CR as a whole, reflecting current trends in world science and development of knowledge and at the same time reacting to the essential social challenges in science and research. I perceive the preparation of the Strategy as a continuation of the shift in direction taken after the extraordinary Academy Assembly in June 2009, when its existence was in jeopardy for the first time in the modern history of the Czech Republic., and Jiří Drahoš.