The mobility of scientists that is the subject of this article is part of the broad scale of flows of people, objects, and knowledge in the contemporary world. These flows occur in multiple ways: from relocation and settlement in another country, to everyday pendulating mobility back and forth across boarders. In this article, the author is concerned with academic mobility and particularly mobility tied to long-term post-doctoral fellowships. She sets out to explore the gender dimension of long-term academic mobility and observe how scientists organise their professional and personal lives around movement between academic institutions. She argues that mobility at this stage of the academic trajectory involves the production of new (re)configurations of partnerships, while at the same time the fact of being in a partnership is constitutive for establishing an academic career., Alice Červinková., Téma: Feministická reflexe globalizace, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
Členové Katedry fyziky povrchů a plazmatu MFF UK pří doc. RNDr. Evě Tomkové, CSc. k jejím narozeninám pevné zdraví, dobrou náladu a pohodu, a také aby si zachovala zájem o dění ve společnosti, kultuře i na katedře jako doposud. and Kolegové z KFPP MFF UK v Praze.
The International Year of Chemistry 2011 attracted chemistry women worldwide for a breakfast meeting on January 18, 2011. In addition to networking, the aim was to commemorate the fundamental role Marie Curie attained in chemistry on the 100th anniversary of her being awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. The event was held in various centers worldwide including Prague. and Zuzana Sedláková.
Recenzentka shledává v obou publikacích kontrapozice, souvislosti a také inspiraci k zajímavým otázkám, jako je kontinuita a diskontinuita vědy v 19. a 20. století, reflexe proměny vědeckých paradigmat, strategie etablování nových vědeckých přístupů a úspěšné vědecké kariéry, postavení a emancipace ženy ve světě vědy. Přibližuje nedoceněnou osobnost filozofky Albíny Dratvové (1892–1969) a její vědecký deník a zamýšlí se nad osudem členů Pražského lingvistického kroužku a jejich předválečného vědeckého odkazu v poválečném Československu., In each of the two publications considered here the reviewer finds points in common as well as opposing views, and has been prompted to raise some interesting questions, for example, about the continuity and discontinuity of scholarship in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, reflections on changes to academic paradigms, a strategy to establish new scholarly approaches and to achieve success in one’s academic career, and the status of women and women’s liberation in academia. The reviewer acquaints us with the underappreciated philosopher Albína Dratvová (1892–1969) and her academic diary, and considers the lives of members of the Prague Linguistic Circle and the legacy of their pre-war academic works in post-war Czechoslovakia., and [autor recenze] Doubravka Olšáková.