Slurry transport in horizontal and vertical pipelines is one of the major means of transport of sands and gravels in the dredging industry. There exist 4 main flow regimes, the fixed or stationary bed regime, the sliding bed regime, the heterogeneous flow regime and the homogeneous flow regime. Of course the transitions between the regimes are not very sharp, depending on parameters like the particle size distribution. The focus in this paper is on the homogeneous regime. Often the so called equivalent liquid model (ELM) is applied, however many researchers found hydraulic gradients smaller than predicted with the ELM, but larger that the hydraulic gradient of liquid. Talmon (2011, 2013) derived a fundamental equation (method) proving that the hydraulic gradient can be smaller than predicted by the ELM, based on the assumption of a particle free viscous sub-layer. He used a 2D velocity distribution without a concentration distribution. In this paper 5 methods are described (and derived) to determine the hydraulic gradient in homogeneous flow, of which the last method is based on pipe flow with a concentration distribution. It appears that the use of von Driest (Schlichting, 1968) damping, if present, dominates the results, however applying a concentration distribution may neutralise this. The final equation contains both the damping and a concentration distribution giving the possibility to calibrate the constant in the equation with experimental data. The final equation is flexible and gives a good match with experimental results in vertical and horizontal pipelines for a value of ACv = 1.3. Data of horizontal experiments Dp = 0.05-0.30 m, d = 0.04 mm, vertical experiments Dp = 0.026 m, d = 0.125, 0.345, 0.560, and 0.750 mm.
The paper deals with the effect of the parameters of aqueous slurries of particulate matter on the functional relationship between the specific energy and the flow rate of hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The empirical conversion equations available from literature are reviewed. The methods of converting the pump characteristics at clear water to those which apply for slurries have been incorporated into a straightforward, user-friendly computer program which can be run on a PC. The program may be adopted in the design of hydro-transportation systems involving hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The program computes the specific pump energy as a function of flow rate at given rotary speed, for specific operating conditions of the pump, i.e., for specific parameters of the slurry.The paper deals with the effect of the parameters of aqueous slurries of particulate matter on the functional relationship between the specific energy and the flow rate of hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The empirical conversion equations available from literature are reviewed. The methods of converting the pump characteristics at clear water to those which apply for slurries have been incorporated into a straightforward, user-friendly computer program which can be run on a PC. The program may be adopted in the design of hydro-transportation systems involving hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The program computes the specific pump energy as a function of flow rate at given rotary speed, for specific operating conditions of the pump, i.e., for specific parameters of the slurry. and Článek pojednává o vlivu parametrů hydrosměsi písku na funkční vztah měrná energie - průtok hydrodynamických bagrovacích čerpadel. Uvádí přehled empirických přepočtových vztahů v dostupných literárních podkladech. Metody přepočtu charakteristik čerpadla z čisté vody na hydrosměs byly zapracovány do uživatelsky jednoduchého výpočtového programu pro osobní počítač. Program lze využít při návrhu hydrodopravních systémů s hydrodynamickými bagrovacími čerpadly. Výstupem programu jsou závislosti měrné energie čerpadla na průtoku při daných otáčkách pro konkrétní podmínky provozu čerpadla, resp. pro konkrétní parametry suspenze.
In slurry transport of settling slurries in Newtonian fluids, it is often stated that one should apply a line speed above a critical velocity, because blow this critical velocity there is the danger of plugging the line. There are many definitions and names for this critical velocity. It is referred to as the velocity where a bed starts sliding or the velocity above which there is no stationary bed or sliding bed. Others use the velocity where the hydraulic gradient is at a minimum, because of the minimum energy consumption. Most models from literature are one term one equation models, based on the idea that the critical velocity can be explained that way. Here the following definition is used: The critical velocity is the line speed below which there may be either a stationary bed or a sliding bed, depending on the particle diameter and the pipe diameter, but above which no bed (stationary or sliding) exists, the Limit Deposit Velocity (LDV). The way of determining the LDV depends on the particle size, where 5 regions are distinguished. These regions for sand and gravel are roughly; very small particles up to 0.014-0.040 mm (d < δv), small particles from δv-0.2 mm, medium particles in a transition region from 0.2-2.00 mm, large particles > 2 mm and very large particles > 0.015·Dp. The lower limit of the LDV is the transition between a sliding bed and heterogeneous transport. The new model is partly based on physics and correlates well with experiments from literature.