Effect of the parameters of sand-water mixtures on the specific energy of hydrodynamic pumps
- Title:
- Effect of the parameters of sand-water mixtures on the specific energy of hydrodynamic pumps
Vliv parametrů suspenze písek-voda na měrnou energii hydrodynamických čerpadel - Creator:
- Melichar, Jan
- Identifier:
- https://cdk.lib.cas.cz/client/handle/uuid:6c2fd3e9-3d56-46d8-ae33-a012d1cca2c5
uuid:6c2fd3e9-3d56-46d8-ae33-a012d1cca2c5 - Subject:
- slurry transport, dredge pump, specific energy reduction, slurry flow, hydrodoprava substrátů, bagrovací čerpadlo, pokles měrné energie, and proudění suspenze
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Description:
- The paper deals with the effect of the parameters of aqueous slurries of particulate matter on the functional relationship between the specific energy and the flow rate of hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The empirical conversion equations available from literature are reviewed. The methods of converting the pump characteristics at clear water to those which apply for slurries have been incorporated into a straightforward, user-friendly computer program which can be run on a PC. The program may be adopted in the design of hydro-transportation systems involving hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The program computes the specific pump energy as a function of flow rate at given rotary speed, for specific operating conditions of the pump, i.e., for specific parameters of the slurry.The paper deals with the effect of the parameters of aqueous slurries of particulate matter on the functional relationship between the specific energy and the flow rate of hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The empirical conversion equations available from literature are reviewed. The methods of converting the pump characteristics at clear water to those which apply for slurries have been incorporated into a straightforward, user-friendly computer program which can be run on a PC. The program may be adopted in the design of hydro-transportation systems involving hydrodynamic dredge pumps. The program computes the specific pump energy as a function of flow rate at given rotary speed, for specific operating conditions of the pump, i.e., for specific parameters of the slurry. and Článek pojednává o vlivu parametrů hydrosměsi písku na funkční vztah měrná energie - průtok hydrodynamických bagrovacích čerpadel. Uvádí přehled empirických přepočtových vztahů v dostupných literárních podkladech. Metody přepočtu charakteristik čerpadla z čisté vody na hydrosměs byly zapracovány do uživatelsky jednoduchého výpočtového programu pro osobní počítač. Program lze využít při návrhu hydrodopravních systémů s hydrodynamickými bagrovacími čerpadly. Výstupem programu jsou závislosti měrné energie čerpadla na průtoku při daných otáčkách pro konkrétní podmínky provozu čerpadla, resp. pro konkrétní parametry suspenze.
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
policy:public - Coverage:
- 298-308
- Source:
- Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics | 2003 Volume:51 | Number:4
- Harvested from:
- Metadata only:
- false
The item or associated files might be "in copyright"; review the provided rights metadata:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- policy:public