The paper presents the preliminary results of the analysis of two archival SAR datasets acquired by ERS-1/2 satellites of the same area of Roznow Lake in Southern Poland. Both datasets cover the same period of 8 years (1992 - 2000) and refers to the same area by the 50% of overlap between the neighbouring satellite tracks. The main purpose of this analysis was to derive the overlapping data about deformation velocity calculated using PSI (Persistent Scatterers Interferometry). The presented PSI results refer to PS (Persistent Scatterers) located on active landslides and therefore representing landslide movement. In Polish Carpathians, due to sparse urbanization, vegetation and rough relief the obtained PS density is usually not very high and generally difficult to interpret. The application of two overlapping datasets, where both of them observe the same phenomena, allow to cross-validate the data by identification of common PS points. For two datasets acquired from different tracks, usually many PS are not common and occur at different locations. Such situation could be explained by the difference between the incidence angles for both acquisitions. In a case of two tracks and therefore different terrain objects might act as PS. By joining the PS point sets from such neighbouring tracks the density of PS could be significantly increased. In order to perform a PSI analysis of Roznow Lake the data acquired from 179 and 408 tracks have been used and a few hundred of PS were obtained from PSI processing. For both tracks similar deformations velocity were obtained within a range of +/- 6 mm/yr. The PS points on active landslides are usually related to the buildings (walls, roofs) and roads affected usually by high risk., Zbigniew Perski, Andrzej Borkowski, Tomasz Wojciechowski and Antoni Wójcik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Southern Poland, especially Polish Carpathians, is a region affected by strong mass-movements. The importance of massmovements problems has been taken into consideration on the governmental level and Landslide Counteracting System (SOPO) program was launched in 2008. The main purpose of this program is to create inventory and map all active and inactive landslides and landslide prone areas in Poland. However, in case of such gigantic work, the traditional mapping methods meet sometimes their limitations. In order to overcome some of efficiency problems the new technology, the application of airborne laser scanning was tested. The main purpose of presented work is to test whether the LiDAR DTM is capable to support geological interpretation and landslide detection on steep and forested slopes for the purposes of landslide mapping within SOPO project. For this purpose the ALS dataset covering 40 km2 of the area near Roznow Lake in Polish Carpathians have been acquired in April 2010. The average scanning resolution was 7 points/m2 and LiteMapper 6800i system based on the full waveform, Riegl LMS-Q680i scanner have been used. Acquired point cloud was applied to generate DTM of 0.5 m resolution. For efficiency test purposes the detailed geological interpretation of constructed ALS DTM was focused on already well mapped large Zbyszyce landslide. The extents of the landslide and the zones of different level of activity have been mapped and then verified with field data. During the detailed analysis it was found that the level of the details of ALS DTM allows also performing morphometric analysis on landslides., Andrzej Borokowski, Zbigniew Perski, Tomasz Wojciechowski, Grzegorz Jóźków and Antoni Wójcik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper describes the results of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) study of Sambia peninsula. The idea of this work was to verify the hypothesis whether any terrain surface deformation that occur in Sambia area, could be interpreted as related to tectonic processes. Moreover, if any movements are detected what is their relationship to the 21 September 2004 earthquake? To answer these questions SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data from European satellites ERS-1 and ERS-2 acquired from 1992 to 2001 were processed with interferometric techniques to archive independent data about terrain surface deformation. The obtained results - 4 sets of PS (Persistent Scatterers) points with calculated movement velocities (mm/yr) according to linear model were compared with published results of terrestrial measurements. The analysis of PS results confirms the occurrence of terrain deformations of tectonic origin of few mm/yr. The distribution of deformation velocities suggest its relationship to the recent activity occurring along two E-W trending seismoactive sub-zones located along Pregola river valley and possibly in the northern coast of Sambia Peninsula., Zbigniew Perski and Marek Mróz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper presents preliminary results of the application of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) supported with detailed field landslide mapping. The research was focused on the areas located near the towns Rabka Zdroj and Jordanow located in southern-central Poland where detailed landslide mapping campaigns were preformed in the summer of 2009. According to the field experience the average spatial density of landslide occurrence in both areas is up to 3 landslides/sq km. The application of various Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry techniques on the above-mentioned areas was very difficult due to the very rough topography, vegetation and forest cover, and the long season with the snow cover. Following previous successful studies on other rural areas, PSI technique was therefore applied. Field work has been carried out within the frame of a national project launched in 2008 aimed to create a detailed database of all landslides in Poland. The areas where landslide problems are extremely important are the Polish Carpathians. As in previous experiments on a sparse urbanized area we noticed that it is still possible to successfully detect a number of persistent scatterers but, the interpretation of the associated deformation is difficult. However, based on cartographic data collected during the field mapping campaign it is possible to significantly improve analysis and interpretation of PSI results., Zbigniew Perski, Tomasz Wojciechowski and Andrzej Borkowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii