U pavouků se často setkáváme se sexuálním kanibalismem, tedy situací, kdy je samec zabit a zkonzumován samicí při páření. U mikárie pospolité (Micaria sociabilis) se však role vyměnily a jsou to samice, které se ocitají při páření v ohrožení a často padají za oběť samcům. Tento tzv. reverzní sexuální kanibalismus je u studovaného druhu ovlivněn hned několika faktory, jako například stářím samice či dostupností potravy., In spiders, sexual cannibalism is a common phenomenon. While normally a male becomes a victim of the female during mating, in the spider Micaria sociabilis females are in danger as they are often killed during sexual interaction by males. In Micaria this so-called reversed sexual cannibalism is affected by several factors such as the age of the female and food availability., and Lenka Sentenská.
Trematode sporocysts and rediae reproduce by parthenogenesis, forming clonal groups in the molluscan host. It has recently become popular to consider these groups as eusocial colonies, with division of labour between rediae morphs: small 'soldiers' incapable of reproduction defend the colony, while large rediae reproduce. Alternatively, clonal groups can be considered as self-sustaining infrapopulations. We tested these two hypotheses in the light of new data on rediae of Himasthla elongata (Mehlis, 1831) from snails Littorina littorea (Linnaeus) concerning ultrastructure, growth character and composition of their groups. Clonal groups under study contained rediae of different age and maturity stages: small (young) rediae, rediae with early cercarial embryos, rediae with late embryonic cercariae, rediae with fully formed motile cercariae, rediae with redial embryos and degenerating rediae. Small rediae had a reproductive organ, the germinal mass, whereas most large rediae with developing cercariae did not, which contradicts the eusocialconcept. Overall distribution of rediae by size and by gut to body length ratio was bimodal, which agrees with the eusocial concept ('soldiers' and 'reproductives' as modal size classes). On closer inspection, however, the bimodal size-frequency distributions (SFD) turned out to be the sum of unimodal SFD of rediae at various stages of maturity. The overall bimodality was determined by the character of redial growth resulting in a relatively low occurrence of intermediate morphs and by the developmental arrest in young rediae. The facts that small rediae can attack other rediae and concentrate in the anterior parts of the mollusc can be explained by age-related feeding preferences and niche segregation. They are unlikely to be associated with the 'colony' defence against invaders. To sum up, clonal groups of H. elongata rediae in our study represented self-sustaining infrapopulations., Kirill V. Galaktionov, Irina M. Podvyaznaya, Kirill E. Nikolaev, Ivan A. Levakin., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The reproduction of the Splash Tetra (Copella arnoldi), which inhabits the Amazon freshwater river basin, has its peculiarities. These fish deposit their eggs on the bottom of leaf blades above the water surface, where atmospheric moisture is high. After spawning is over the males remain beneath the leaf and spray the fertilized eggs with water so that they do not dry out. But that is the end of their care for their offspring. The hatching fry falls from the leaf back into the water and begin their independent life. These fish usually start mass spawning during the rainy season. Fish breeders are well aware of this fact and often deliberately arrange similar conditions for their fish when breeding them in captivity. and Jaroslav Eliáš.
7β-hydroxy-epiandrosterone (7β-OH-EpiA) is an endogenous androgen metabolite that has been shown to exert neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and anti-estrogenic effects. However, to the best of our knowledge no information is available about this androgen steroid in relation to sperm quality. We analyzed 7β-OH-EpiA in plasma and seminal plasma using a newly developed isotope dilution ultra-high performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry method. Validation met the requirements of FDA guidelines. Levels of 7β-OH-EpiA were measured in 191 men with different degrees of infertility. One-way analysis of variance followed by multiple comparison and correlation analysis adjusted for age, BMI and abstinence time were performed to evaluate the relationships between this steroid and sperm quality. Concentrations of 7β-OH-EpiA in seminal plasma were significantly higher in severely infertile men in comparison with healthy men and slightly infertile men. The same trend was found when blood plasma was evaluated. Furthermore, plasma 7β-OH-EpiA negatively correlated with sperm concentration (-0.215; p<0.01) and total count (-0.15; p<0.05). Seminal 7β-OH-EpiA was negatively associated with motility (-0.26; p<0.01), progressively motile spermatozoa (-0.233; p<0.01) and nonprogressively motile spermatozoa (-0.188; p<0.05). 7β-OH-EpiA is associated with lower sperm quality and deserves more research in that respect., J. Vitku, L. Kolatorova, C. Ricco, C. Ferroud, O. Hennebert, T. Skodova, J. Heracek, L. Starka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Adaptace dědičného základu organismů na změny probíhající v prostředí je základním principem života. Bakterie mění svou genetickou výbavu mutacemi nebo horizontálním přenosem genů. Někdy před miliardou let vznikly jejich symbiotickým skládáním organismy s buněčným jádrem - Eukaryota. Vznik jaderných organismů byl následován vznikem sexuální reprodukce. Při zrání pohlavních buněk došlo k vytváření nové DNA umožňující proměnu genomu. Existují však živočichové, kteří si zajistili tuto proměnu horizontálním přenosem genů. and Ilja Trebichavský ; ilustroval Vladimír Renčín ; foto D. Vondrák.