Several characterizations of 0-distributive posets are obtained by using the prime ideals as well as the semiprime ideals. It is also proved that if every proper l-filter of a poset is contained in a proper semiprime filter, then it is 0-distributive. Further, the concept of a semiatom in 0-distributive posets is introduced and characterized in terms of dual atoms and also in terms of maximal annihilator. Moreover, semiatomic 0-distributive posets are defined and characterized. It is shown that a 0-distributive poset P is semiatomic if and only if the intersection of all non dense prime ideals of P equals (0]. Some counterexamples are also given.
The concept of a 0-ideal in 0-distributive posets is introduced. Several properties of 0-ideals in 0-distributive posets are established. Further, the interrelationships between 0-ideals and α-ideals in 0-distributive posets are investigated. Moreover, a characterization of prime ideals to be 0-ideals in 0-distributive posets is obtained in terms of non-dense ideals. It is shown that every 0-ideal of a 0-distributive meet semilattice is semiprime. Several counterexamples are discussed.
The 0-distributive semilattice is characterized in terms of semiideals, ideals and filters. Some sufficient conditions and some necessary conditions for 0-distributivity are obtained. Counterexamples are given to prove that certain conditions are not necessary and certain conditions are not sufficient.
We give two variations of the Holland representation theorem for $\ell $-groups and of its generalization of Glass for directed interpolation po-groups as groups of automorphisms of a linearly ordered set or of an antilattice, respectively. We show that every pseudo-effect algebra with some kind of the Riesz decomposition property as well as any pseudo $MV$-algebra can be represented as a pseudo-effect algebra or as a pseudo $MV$-algebra of automorphisms of some antilattice or of some linearly ordered set.
Ordered prime spectra of Boolean products of bounded DRl-monoids are described by means of their decompositions to the prime spectra of the components.
The concept of a semiprime ideal in a poset is introduced. Characterizations of semiprime ideals in a poset P as well as characterizations of a semiprime ideal to be prime in P are obtained in terms of meet-irreducible elements of the lattice of ideals of P and in terms of maximality of ideals. Also, prime ideals in a poset are characterized.
In the paper, the notion of relative polarity in ordered sets is introduced and the lattices of $R$-polars are studied. Connections between $R$-polars and prime ideals, especially in distributive sets, are found.
Dually residuated lattice-ordered monoids (DRl-monoids for short) generalize lattice-ordered groups and include for instance also GMV -algebras (pseudo MV -algebras), a non-commutative extension of MV -algebras. In the present paper, the spectral topology of proper prime ideals is introduced and studied.
The concept of α-ideals in posets is introduced. Several properties of α-ideals in 0-distributive posets are studied. Characterization of prime ideals to be α-ideals in 0- distributive posets is obtained in terms of minimality of ideals. Further, it is proved that if a prime ideal I of a 0-distributive poset is non-dense, then I is an α-ideal. Moreover, it is shown that the set of all α-ideals α Id(P) of a poset P with 0 forms a complete lattice. A result analogous to separation theorem for finite 0-distributive posets is obtained with respect to prime α-ideals. Some counterexamples are also given.