Academic detailing, also known as prescriber support and education, is the service of sending trained clinicians to physicians’ offices in order to present the best available, objective scientific evidence in a given therapeutic area. We describe and review experience with academic detailing programs. We conclude that the academic detailing program could be tried in the Czech Republic, Ludwig O. Dittrich, and Literatura
Péče o hydrataci seniorů patří mezi základní aspekty kvalitní soudobé medicíny. Je nezbytné znát jak příčiny, tak důsledky dehydratace, která se stává rizikovým faktorem celé řady onemocnění ve stáří. Důležitá je spolupráce rodiny, ošetřovatelských, pečovatelských institucí, praktických lékařů i specialistů. Zabrání se tak mnohdy zbytečným hospitalizacím i rehospitalizadm., The senior hydration care is one of the basic aspects of an efficacious contemporary medicine. It is necessary to know the causes as well as the results of dehydration, since it becomes a risk faaor of the series of diseases in old age. Therefore, a co-operation of family, attendant, tender institutions, praaitioners and specialists is important. It helps to avoid the hospitalisation and re-hospitalisation, which are often unnecessary., Božena Jurašková, Lit: 5, and Souhrn: eng
The subject of liability for damage to client caused during performance of social services in residential establishments becomes increasingly relevant. As opposed to the liability for damage caused during performance of health services, this subject is rather underappreciated by general members of the legal profession. For this reason RILSA produced a study „Legal aspects of liability for damage caused to a client while providing a social-health care in residential establishment for social services“ that aimed to find out the level of knowledge among the providers of residential social services in the area of liability for damage. To find out the level of legal knowledge of providers of residential social services, a question form was distributed randomly in the Czech Republic. We found out, that providers of residential social services know about the existence of liability for damage and that they are insured. But in the case of significant incurred damage or in the case of more damages within one year the insurance coverage limit might not be sufficient. However, the knowledge of legal terms of liability for damage eventually caused to their clients is limited and current way of obtaining the knowledge by individual study is insufficient., Daniela Bruthansová, Věra Jeřábková, and Literatura
V tomto článku se zabýváme koncepčním zakotvením institutu „dříve projevených přání pacienta“. Institut vychází ze tří konceptů, z práva na sebeurčení, práva na ochranu lidské důstojnosti a právo na nedotknutelnost osoby. Člověk je kontextuální bytí. Z faktu kontextuality pak vyplývá požadavek kontextuální interpretace pacientova textu., In this article we reflect upon human rights principles of advance directives. Advance directives come from three concepts: right of self-determination, respect for human dignity and respect to human dignity. Human person is a contextual being. From the fact of contextuality comes demand for contextual interpretation of the patient’s text., Jaromír Matějek, and Literatura
Existuje řada faktorů, které mohou komplianci ovlivňovat. Tyto faktory bývají povětšinou kategorizovány na charakteristiky pacienta, znaky dané nemoci, charakteristiky léčebného režimu, charakteristiky léčebného uspořádání – settingu, povahu vztahu mezi pacientem a zdravotníkem. Právě vztah mezi pacientem a zdravotníkem je klíčovou záležitostí ve studiu kompliance. „Vztah“ však může být obtížně uchopitelným (a tudíž i ovlivnitelným) pojmem. Více jasnosti může vnést uvažování o tom, čím je povaha vztahu mezi zdravotníkem a pacientem utvářena: o spokojenosti pacienta s léčbou, o rozvržení moci mezi zdravotníkem a pacientem, o otevřené komunikaci mezi nimi, o sdílení informací, o rovnováze aktivity pacienta a zdravotníka i o zájmu zdravotníka o to, co si pacient o léčbě myslí a jak ji prožívá. To vše jsou příležitosti k větší spolupráci pacientů a zdravotníků., There are many specific factors, which can influence compliance. These factors are mostly put into five categories: patient characteristics, disease characteristics, treatment factors, factors of the treatment setting, and factors of patient-provider relationship. Just this patient-provider relationship is a key figure in the study of compliance. However, „relationship“ may be a term difficult to be understood (and influenced, as well). Considering the patients´ satisfaction with treatment, the power between providers and patients, the open communication between them, sharing information, balanced activity of both parties, providers´ interest in patients´ beliefs and experiences may make the term „relationship“ clearer. In all of these issues new opportunities for better cooperation between patients and providers can be found., Jániš M., and Literatura