Over the past 40 years, much has been published on the ultrastructure and cellular development of embryonic structures in a wide range of cestodes. However, the literature contains many discrepancies in both terminology and interpretations because of the facts that these organisms are phylogenetically diverse within their respective orders and families, the habitats that affect embryonic envelope structure are diverse, and the work has been done in various laboratories around the world. This review and synthesis was initiated by a working group of biologists from around the world convened at the Fifth International Workshop on Cestode Systematics and Phylogeny in České Budĕjovice, at the Institute of Parasitology of the Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It brings together the data from published work and establishes a uniform terminology and interpretation based on the data as they are presented. A consensus was reached for standardised definitions of the oncosphere, hexacanth, coracidium, embryonic envelopes, outer envelope, inner envelope, embryophore, vitelline capsule, shell, and outer coat. All of these are defined as components of the embryo or its vitellocyte-derived or uterine-derived coatings.
The tegument ultrastructure of the cestode Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied in the stages of oncosphere, procercoid, plerocercoid and adult. The syncytium of primary tegument has glandular origin and is located in the peripheral areas of the oncosphere. The primary tegument degenerates at the initial stages of the procercoid development and is replaced with secondary tegument persisting throughout all following stages of the worm’s development. Two ways of microthrix formation on the body surface of procercoid were discovered. The formation of the cyst consisting of fibrillar material around the plerocercoid was observed. It fills spaces between numerous finger-like évaginations of plerocercoid’s tegument. The structural differentiation of tegument and microtriches was demonstrated on the scolex and all parts of strabila of T. nodulosus.