Unilateral otosclerosis combined with avascular necrosis of stapes crura is a rare entity. It should be considered in a case of high grade otosclerosis. Symptoms are the same as in patients who suffer from common otosclerosis. Patients complain on progressive hearing loss and tinnitus. The diagnosis is made clinically by conventional audiologic evaluation and radiologically by x-ray mastoid Schuller's view and CT scan. HRCT scan makes visible all parts of ossicular chain and gives surgeon some information about ossicular chain damage. Surgery with stapedotomy and stapes prosthesis implantation in a case of otosclerosis with avascular necrosis of stapes crura can be success therapy to improve patient's hearing and M. Erdoglija, J. Sotirovic, V. Jacimovic, B. Vukomanovic
Primary graft dysfunction (PGD) is a life-threatening complication among heart transplant recipients and a major cause of early mortality. Although the pathogenesis of PGD is still unclear, ischemia/reperfusion injury has been identified as a predominant factor. Both necrosis and apoptosis contribute to the loss of cardiomyocytes during ischemia/reperfusion injury, and this loss of cells can ultimately lead to PGD. The aim of our prospective study was to find out whether cell death, necrosis and apoptosis markers present in the donor myocardium can predict PGD. The prospective study involved 64 consecutive patients who underwent orthotopic heart transplantation at our institute between September 2010 and January 2013. High-sensitive cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) as a marker of minor myocardial necrosis was detected from arterial blood samples before the donor’s pericardium was opened. Apoptosis (caspase-3, active + pro-caspase-3, bcl-2, TUNEL) was assessed from bioptic samples taken from the right ventricle prior graft harvesting. In our study, 14 % of transplant recipients developed PGD classified according to the standardized definition proposed by the ISHLT Working Group. We did not find differences between the groups in regard to hs-cTnT serum levels. The mean hs-cTnT value for the PGD group was 57.4±22.9 ng/l, compared to 68.4±10.8 ng/l in the group without PGD. The presence and severity of apoptosis in grafted hearts did not differ between grafts without PGD and hearts that subsequently developed PGD. In conclusion, our findings did not demonstrate any association between measured myocardial cell death, necrosis or apoptosis markers in donor myocardium and PGD in allograft recipients. More detailed investigations of cell death signaling pathways in transplanted hearts are required., O. Szarszoi, J. Besik, M. Smetana, J. Maly, M. Urban, J. Maluskova, A. Lodererova, L. Hoskova, Z. Tucanova, J. Pirk, I. Netuka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study was designed to measure nitrite/nitrate and cytokine levels of serum obtained from septic shock patients and to describe potential depressant effects of human septic serum on rat cardiomyocytes. Serum was prepared from 10 non-septic patients and 10 patients with documented septic shock. Adult rat ventricular myocytes were exposed to 20 % serum in the medium. Cardiomyocyte contractility was assessed by measuring shortening fraction and shortening velocity. Serum levels of nitrite/nitrate, a marker of nitric oxide final metabolites, and cytokines (tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL) 1β , 6, 10, 8 and 12p70) were measured. Compared with serum from non-septic patients, serum of septic shock patients induced rapid reduction of the extent and velocity of shortening in isolated cardiomyocytes. Nitrite/nitrate, TNF-α , IL-1β and IL-12p70 concentrations of tested serum for cardiomyocyte studies were not increased in septic serum compared with controls . In contrast, septic serum that induced a depression of in vitro contractility, had increased levels of IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10. We can conclude that the depression of in vitro contractility induced by septic serum is not directly dependent on elevated levels of nitric oxide metabolites, TNF-α or IL-1β. Our results support the view that other cytokines, including IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10, are potent circulating mediators of myocardial depression in cardiomyocytes., O. Joulin, P. Petillot, M. Labalette, S. Lancel, R. Neviere., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Vnitřní břišní hernie jsou méně častou chirurgickou diagnózou, mnohdy zjištěnou jako náhodný peroperační nález. Ileózní stavy na podkladě těchto hernií jsou pak raritními případy. V našem článku prezentujeme případ 69leté zdravé ženy, operované na základě chybně interpretovaného CT nálezu pro suspektní volvulus žaludku, kde pravou příčinou byla peroperačně zjištěná herniace pravé části kolon do bursy omentalis s dilatací céka a známkami nekrotizace stěny střevní., Internal abdominal hernias present an infrequent surgical diagnosis and are usually encountered accidentally during surgery. They are generally considered as an extremely rare cause of ileus. In our article we present the case of a 69-year-old healthy female who was operated for suspected gastric volvulus as suggested by the CT scan; however, upon surgery, herniation of the right-sided colon into the omental bursa with subsequent cecal dilation and bowel wall necrosis was revealed to be the true culprit., and V. Sobek, M. Chrostek
V léčbě uveálních melanomů se v některých případech používá radiochirurgie CyberKnifem. Histologickými a imunohistologickými změnami v nádorové tkáni po terapii se zabývá poměrně málo autorů. V tomto sdělení uvádíme výsledky vyšetření dvou takových případů. U obou pacientů byla provedena enukleace bulbu pro bolestivý glaukom. U prvého pacienta šlo o recidivující melanom, který byl ošetřen gama nožem před deseti lety. Pro lehkou progresi ložiska melanomu bylo provedeno ošetření CyberKnifem celkovými dávkami 45Gy ve 3 frakcích. Po necelých pěti měsících po ozáření bulbu došlo k regresi recidivujícího nádoru z původní prominence 1,4 mm v ploše 6 mm × 0,6 mm na prominenci 0,3 mm v ploše 3 mm × 0,3 mm. Histologicky byla zaznamenána rezidua řídce celulárního ložiska regresivně změněných nádorových buněk a přítomnost reaktivních změn optického nervu. Druhý pacient byl měsíc po radioterapii CyberKnifem s následnou komplikovanou operací katarakty a s enukleací bulbu bez regrese – tedy zániku nádorových buněk. Velikost tumoru 11,1 mm × 15mm s prominencí 9,3mm přetrvávala i po ozáření dávkou 40Gy/1Fr. V histologickém vyšetření byly nádorové buňky bez patologických změn. V imunohistochemickém vyšetření jsme pozorovali u prvého pacienta vysokou difuzní expresi proteinu bcl-2 až do výše 75 % a méně než 1% pozitivitu ve vyšetření s proliferačním markerem Ki-67. U druhého případu byla situace odlišná, s výraznou až 75% pozitivní expresí bcl-2 proteinu v nádorových buňkách v povrchových vrstvách tumoru a s klesajícím počtem pozitivní exprese v hlubokých vrstvách nádoru, kde dosahovala maxima do 25 %. Proliferační aktivita s pozitivní jadernou expresí v Ki-67 vzrůstala od povrchu, kde se pohybovala v rozmezí 1–3 % do hloubky nádoru a k jeho bázi, kde dosahovala až 5 %. Naše pozorování ukazuje na výraznou redistribuci genetické aktivity uvnitř nádoru. Ta se projevuje „overexpresí“ bcl-2 proteinu a u druhého případu je patrná rozdílná pozitivita bcl-2 proteinu v různých vrstvách nádoru. Vztah tohoto fenomenu k radioterapii není dosud jasný., Radiosurgery with CyberKnife is used in the treatment of uveal melanomas in some cases. Histological and immunohistological changes in tumour tissue following treatment have been addressed by relatively few authors. This paper presents the results of investigations of two such cases. Enucleation of the eye was performed for painful glaucoma in both patients. Patient 1 had a recurrent melanoma treated with a Gamma Knife ten years ago. Due to slight progression in the melanoma site, treatment with CyberKnife was used with total doses of 45 Gy in 3 fractions. Some five months following eye irradiation, there was regression of the recurrent tumour from the original height of 1.4 mm in an area of 6 mm x 0.6 mm to that of 0.3 mm in an area of 3 mm x 0.3 mm. Histologically, residua of a sparsely cellular locus of regressively altered tumour cells and the presence of reactive changes in the optic nerve were noted. Patient 2 underwent radiotherapy with CyberKnife one month prior, with subsequent complicated cataract surgery and enucleation of the eye without regression, i.e. destruction of tumour cells. The size of the tumour of 11.1 mm x 15 mm with a height of 9.3 mm remained unchanged even after irradiation with a dose of 40 Gy/1 fr. No pathological changes in the tumour cells were seen on histological examination. In patient 1, immunohistochemistry showed high diffusion expression of the bcl-2 protein of up to 75 % and less than 1 % positivity on examination with the proliferation marker Ki-67. In patient 2, the situation was different, with significant, as high as 75 % positive expression of the bcl-2 protein in tumour cells in the superficial tumour layers and a decreasing rate of positive expression in the deep tumour layers where it reached no more than 25 %. The proliferation activity with positive nuclear expression of Ki-67 increased from the surface, where it ranged from 1 % to 3 %, to the depth of the tumour and toward its base, where it reached up to 5 %. Our observation suggests significant redistribution of genetic activity within the tumour. It is manifested by overexpression of the bcl-2 protein and, in patient 2, different bcl-2 protein positivity in the various tumour layers is apparent. The relation of this phenomenon to radiotherapy remains unclear., Jana Dvořáčková, Jirka Mačák, Petr Mašek, David Feltl, Jana Žmolíková, and Literatura