The plenarium of Načeradec belongs to the ten eldest diocesan missals which have been preserved in Bohemia and Moravia. It can be dated to the second decade of the 14th century according to its script and decoration. Only a small part of the ordinarium and de tempore of the proper missal have been preserved. The original calendar was substituted for a new one at the beginning of the 15th century. Municipal scribes recorded in the free margins of the codex a series of memorial entries which became a pretious source of knowledge of the everyday life in the second half of the 16th and in the first half of the 17th centuries.
The plenarium of Načeradec belongs to the ten eldest diocesan missals which have been preserved in Bohemia and Moravia. It can be dated to the second decade of the 14th century according to its script and decoration. Only a small part of the ordinarium and de tempore of the proper missal have been preserved. The original calendar was substituted for a new one at the beginning of the 15th century. Municipal scribes recorded in the free margins of the codex a series of memorial entries which became a pretious source of knowledge of the everyday life in the second half of the 16th and in the first half of the 17th centuries.
XXVII., Teil II, Topographie der historischen und Kunst-Denkmale. Der politische Bezirk Raudnitz. Raudnitzer Schloss, verfasst von Max Dvořák, Boh. Matějka., Topographie herausgegeben von der Archäologischen Commission bei der Böhmischen Kaiser Franz Joseph-Akademie für Wissenschaften, Literatur und Kunst über Anregung ihres Präsidenten Josef Hlávka, and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
This paper analyses two lists of errors in the Waldesian cult, as contained in manuscripts I F 230 (from 1399, and its twin manuscript Mil II 58), as well as I F 707 (from the early 15th century). The list in manuscript I F 230 was compiled earlier, whereas the one from manuscript I F 707 is identical with the list included in manuscript No. 229 from the library in Pelplin. The comparison of the anti-heretic lists of errors from manuscripts I F 230 and I F 707, as well as the analysis of their contents, reveals similarities and leads to a conclusion that they both refer to writings by inquisitor Petrus Zwicker, while the list in I F 230 could have been even authored by him.
Pozměňování či falzifikace psaných textů jsou bezesporu staré jako sám vynález písma. Důvody pro takové jednání byly různé, nicméně skutečné stáří, respektive autenticita, daného rukopisu mají velký dopad na jeho význam, ať již pro historii, nebo - v případě současných rukopisů - z hlediska právního. U některých historických rukopisů je otázka jejich datování řešena s použitím spektroskopických technik, jejichž hlavní výhodou je nedestruktivnost nebo minimální invazivnost, neohrožující samu existenci zkoumaného dokumentu. V článku jsou zmíněny nejčastější spektroskopické metody používané k těmto účelům, včetně příkladů konkrétních studovaných rukopisů., The alteration or falsification of written texts is undoubtedly old as invention of scripture itself. The reasons for such behaviour are different, but the actual age or authenticity of the manuscript had a great impact on its signification, whether for history or, in the case of contemporary manuscripts, from a legal point of view. For historical manuscripts, the question of their dating is solved using spectroscopic techniques whose main advantage is non-destructiveness or minimal invasiveness, not endangering the very existence of the document under study. In the article the most frequent spectroscopic methods used for these purposes are mentioned and examples of particular studied manuscripts are given., Karel Nesměrák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This paper focuses on the development of various types of drawn linear ornamentation and the changes in their functions in the manuscripts of late antiquity, Byzantium (to the 15th century) and the Latin West (up to and including the 11th century). This subject is examined in a comparison of the above cultural spheres and within the context of decoration in period applied art (particularly gold and textile work) and monumental painting and sculpture associated with architecture. The basics are also outlined for a study of the linear decoration of gothic manuscripts, which will be covered in another paper.
In the War of the Austrian Succession one of the major turning points was when Maria Theresa was crowned Queen of Bohemia, because this step strengthened the power of the Houseof Habsburg in Central Europe. For people who belonged to the Reformed Church in the Kingdom of Hungary, this meant that they had to live their lives under the rule of a Catholic monarch. Debrecen was the centre of the Reformed Church and the city prepared for this political situation: pastor Mihály Komáromi H. delivered a special sermon to celebrate the coronation. In this sermon he acknowledged the fact that the Habsburgs had right to the Hungarian throne and tried to use this political advantage to improve the situation of the Reformed Church. This sermon became so popular that a manuscript was made from it and it was a popular reading in the Reformed congregations of the countryside., Ádám Hegyi., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The missal of Načeradec is a modest codex from an artistic point of view. Its decoration is limited to one figural illumination only – a canon depiction of the Crucifixion; besides this, the manuscript contains only filigree initials and clerical capitals. The quality of its figural decoration is comparatively high. Its style is post-classical Gothic; linear pleats of the draperies imply a date in the beginning of the 14th century. Only a few analogies can be found in simultaneous book painting, e.g. in the decoration of the manuscripts of Eliška (Elisabeth) Rejčka, but these analogies are not immediate. Some correspondence, however, can be found in monumental art, more precisely in mural painting.
The missal of Načeradec is a modest codex from an artistic point of view. Its decoration is limited to one figural illumination only – a canon depiction of the Crucifixion; besides this, the manuscript contains only filigree initials and clerical capitals. The quality of its figural decoration is comparatively high. Its style is post-classical Gothic; linear pleats of the draperies imply a date in the beginning of the 14th century. Only a few analogies can be found in simultaneous book painting, e.g. in the decoration of the manuscripts of Eliška (Elisabeth) Rejčka, but these analogies are not immediate. Some correspondence, however, can be found in monumental art, more precisely in mural painting.