Úvod: Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovať výsledky činnosti transplantačného centra v Košiciach. Metódy: Do transplantačného programu boli zaradení pacienti v kritickom štádiu obličkového zlyhávania. Na transplantáciu obličky bolo indikovaných 457 pacientov. Z metodík bola použitá plastika tepny, našitie tepny samostatne a našitie na spoločnom terčíku. Transplantácia (Tx) obličky vyžaduje predovšetkým techniku cievnej anastomózy - chirurgického spojenia ciev. Výsledky: Transplantácie obličiek sa v Transplantačnom centre Košice realizujú od roku 1988. Plastiku tepny sme vykonali u 22,3 % (102) pacientov. Z toho tepny našité samostatne boli u 5,5 % (25). Na spoločnom terčíku ich bolo 9,4 % (43). V 7,4 % (34) bola plastika realizovaná ako implantácia pólových renálnych artérií do hlavného kmeňa. Záver: Transplantácia obličiek je život zachraňujúca metóda., Introduction: The aim of the study was to analyze own results from Transplant Center Kosice, Slovak Republic. Methods: In total 457 patients in the end-stage renal failure were included to the kidney transplant program. Following techniques were used: arterioplasty, individual renal artery anastomosis and multiple renal arteries anastomosed on a common patch. The kidney transplant (Tx) especially requires surgical technique of a vascular anastomosis. Results: Renal transplantation has been established in Transplant Center Kosice since 1988. The arterioplasty of renal artery was performed in 102 (22.3%) and individual artery anastomosis in 25 (5.5%) patients. Multiple artery anastomosis on the patch was done in 43 (9.4%) and implantation of pole renal arteries to the main trunk performed in 34 (7.4%) cases. Conclusion: Renal transplantation is a lifesaving method in end stage renal failure., and P. Zavacký, Ľ. Beňa, M. Zavacká, M. Frankovičová
This article presents the author's technique and experience in the treatment of the flaccid "unhappy buttock" form with his surgical procedure of buttock lift by suture, without incision scars. The author first presented this new operation technique on a national level at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine in Sofia on March 18, 1994 [1] and internationally at many scientific meetings over the world [2, 3, 4 ]. The result is a visual change in the buttock position to a higher one, which elongates the lower limbs and changes the proportions between lower and upper half of the body. The aim of this study is to describe a miniinvasive procedure of beautification of the buttock form without scars by creating a lifting effect on the buttock's subcutaneous tissue, using a suture that takes the inferiorly positioned deep fibrose tissue and fixes it upwards to the sacrocutaneous fascia, discovered by the author. Aesthetic and technical considerations required properly sculpting the buttocks into a higher position, demonstrating nicely rounded form. Preoperative shape is discussed and patient evaluations, operative techniques, postoperative management and results after 4 years of experience are emphasized. 1032 female patients, and 26 male patients aged 1862 years, with ptosis and cellulite on the buttocks were treated since 1993 on an outpatient basis by the "Serdev suture technique without visible scars". Important instrumentarium is a long, curved, elastic needle and Polycon semielastic Bulgarian antimicrobial polycaproamide long term (in 2 years) absorbable surgical threads Polycon, produced in Bulgaria. This operation has been performed either alone or after ultrasonic assisted liposculpture (UAL) that reduces the amount of fat and heaviness. All patients reported a high degree of satisfaction. A stable improvement in the buttock position and form was observed for the period described. In the postoperative period the complication rate was minimal and resolved in the first 45 days post operative period. The skin puncture in the perianal zone makes antibiotic prophylaxis obligatory as well as a strict follow up for the first 7 days. Some pain in the sitting position was observed for at least 5 to 10 days, but all other social and professional duties and activities were possible. This outpatient procedure is effective in the correction of buttock laxity and ptosis and creates a new form, universally accepted as "happy buttocks"., Nikolay P. Serdev, and Literatura