Výzkumem v jeskyni Pod hradem v Moravském krasu byla získána nevelká, leč zajímavá kolekce kamenných štípaných artefaktů (Valoch 1965). Předmětem příspěvku je revize určení a provenience suroviny části souboru kamenné štípané industrie, analýza plošně retušovaného bifaciálního artefaktu a zpřesnění chronostratigrafické pozice nálezových horizontů. Nová zjištění přinesla další podněty ve studiu chování člověka na počátku mladého paleolitu. and The research in the Pod hradem Cave in the Moravian Karst yielded a small but interesting assemblage of chipped stone artefacts (Valoch 1965). The article aims to revise the identification and provenance of the raw material of part of the chipped stone industry; to analyze a bifacial artefact, and to refine the chrono – stratigraphical position of the archaeological horizons. The new data brought further incentives for the study of human behavior at the beginning of the Early Upper Palaeolithic.
The results obtained by four years long TM 71 extensometer monitoring of 3D micro-tectonic displacements of Dinaric Fault Zone on two sites, being 260 m apart in Postojna Cave, were statistically evaluated with different methods (Kolmogorov- Smirnov test, comparison between relative displacement and earthquakes, linear regression, Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance, histograms and correlation coefficients). Responses to stress changes regarding x, y and z-axes are not the same on two monitoring sites even if we are monitoring the same fault zone. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for comparing the two curves is applicable only for three axes combination (Postojna 1 z - Postojna 2 z, Postojna 2 y - Postojna 1 z, and Postojna 2 z - Postojna 2 y). Kruskal-Wallis analysis is most representative for z-axes. Some sharp peaks coincide with earthquake occurrences (Krn M=5.2, Cerkno M=4.0, Ilirska Bistrica M=3.9, Brežice M=2.9 and Krško M=3.1). Generally we detect very small tectonic deformations, dextral horizontal movement of 0.05 mm in 4 years for Postojna 1 and extension of 0.03 mm in 4 years for Postojna 2. Discrepancies between two sites can be attributed to complex geological structure and by the fact that studied fault zone is cut by cross-Dinaric fault zone., Stanka Šebela, Janez Turk, Janez Mulec, Blahoslav Košťák and Josef Stemberk., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Conflict of Tradition and Modernity: Creation and Demise of Place of Memory on the Example of the Cave and Church of St. Prokop in the Prokopské Valley in Prague.