Until now, Dryopteris remota was only recorded in the Czech Republic from the Moravian Karst, ca 70 years ago. This record is mentioned in some studies, but references to the data’s origin have always been missing. For this reason it was uncertain whether D. remota was still present in the Czech Republic. Recently, the records from the Moravian Karst were verified by re-examination of original herbarium specimens. In 2002 a specimen of D. remota was found for the first time in Bohemia, close to the village of Ktiš, on a slope of Malý Plešný hill in the foothills of the Bohemian Forest (S Bohemia). At this locality only one plant occurred on the boundary between Lonicera nigra-shrub and spruce-beech-fir forest, on a gneiss outcrop. Determination of the Czech specimens of D. remota was based on comparisons with macro- and micromorphological characters of both Alpine (Upper Austria) and Carpathian (West Ukraine) specimens, as well as descriptions in the literature. A detailed morphological description and comparison with similar taxa are included. A map of its distribution within the Czech Republic as well as a map of the distribution of D. remota worldwide is also presented. It is suggested that D. remota be designated a critically endangered plant species in the Czech Republic.
The flight activity of bats was studied at 21 localities in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). From April to October, bat detectors were used to record echolocation calls of bats on line transects during the first half of the night. Nine habitats were distinguished. In total, 666 minutes of the presence of flying bats and at least 16 bat species were registered during 3387 transect minutes. Myotis daubentonii was the most numerous species (46.2%) The number of bat species was the highest in rocky habitats (13 species), and the lowest in agrocoenoses (3 species). The greatest intensity of flight activity of the bat community was observed over ponds (35.0 min+/h) and streams (26.6 min+/h). With respect to habitat preference, M. mystacinus/brandtii, M. myotis/blythii, Eptesicus serotinus, Nyctalus noctula, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, and Plecotus auritus/austriacus appear to be eurytopic and M. daubentonii, M. nattereri and M. emarginatus to be stenotopic species.
Výzkumem v jeskyni Pod hradem v Moravském krasu byla získána nevelká, leč zajímavá kolekce kamenných štípaných artefaktů (Valoch 1965). Předmětem příspěvku je revize určení a provenience suroviny části souboru kamenné štípané industrie, analýza plošně retušovaného bifaciálního artefaktu a zpřesnění chronostratigrafické pozice nálezových horizontů. Nová zjištění přinesla další podněty ve studiu chování člověka na počátku mladého paleolitu. and The research in the Pod hradem Cave in the Moravian Karst yielded a small but interesting assemblage of chipped stone artefacts (Valoch 1965). The article aims to revise the identification and provenance of the raw material of part of the chipped stone industry; to analyze a bifacial artefact, and to refine the chrono – stratigraphical position of the archaeological horizons. The new data brought further incentives for the study of human behavior at the beginning of the Early Upper Palaeolithic.
The study focuses on analysis of the collection of historical graffiti preserved in the cave Býčí skála (Moravian Karst). Epigraphic relics preserved here, started to be produced around 1796, when the cave was an integral part of the Lichtenstein romantic landscape park. The research proved several touristic "waves of colonization" the manifested themselves in different character of the graffiti and their varied spatial distribution in the cave