The taxonomic status of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck has been questioned, especially in regard to Aphidius transcaspicus Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The genetic association between A. colemani and A. transcaspicus was studied by cross mating individuals of A. colemani and A. transcaspicus (A.c.& × A.t.% and A.c.% × A.t.&) and applying appropriate molecular methods. The cross mating resulted in offspring (female and males) that were fertile. Therefore, the cross mating assays performed in an artificial environment showed that these two populations are potentially compatible. The mean number of mummies that developed and the sex ratio of the offspring of each cross were similar. Most of the male and female offspring from each cross were assigned to A. transcaspicus. Furthermore, the genetic divergence between the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS2) of the A. colemani and A. transcaspicus studied was 16%. These results indicate that A. colemani might be a complex of species with different morphological and biological characters attacking different host aphids.
This paper focuses on three theories of personal identity that incorporate the idea that personal identity is the result of a person’s adopting certain attitudes towards certain mental states and actions. I call these theories subjective theories of personal identity. I argue that it is not clear what the proponents of these theories mean by “personal identity”. On standard theories, such as animalism or psychological theories, the term “personal identity” refers to the numerical identity of persons and its analysis provides the persistence conditions for persons. I argue that if the subjective theories purport to provide a criterion of numerical personal identity, they fail. A different interpretation may suggest that they purport to provide a non-numerical type of identity for the purpose of providing plausible analyses of certain identity-related practical concerns. I argue that the criteria the subjective theories provide fail to capture several of the identity-related concerns. As a result, this interpretation must be rejected as well., Tato práce se zaměřuje na tři teorie osobní identity, které zahrnují myšlenku, že osobní identita je výsledkem toho, že člověk přijímá určité postoje k určitým duševním stavům a činnostem. Tyto teorie nazývám subjektivními teoriemi osobní identity. Tvrdím, že není jasné, co zastánci těchto teorií znamenají „osobní identitou“. Na standardních teoriích, jako jsou zvířecí nebo psychologické teorie, se termín „osobní identita“ vztahuje na numerickou identitu osob a její analýza poskytuje podmínky vytrvalosti pro osoby. Tvrdím, že pokud subjektivní teorie mají za cíl poskytnout kritérium numerické osobní identity, neuspějí. Jiný výklad může naznačovat, že mají za cíl poskytnout nečíselný typ identity za účelem poskytnutí věrohodných analýz určitých praktických problémů souvisejících s identitou. Tvrdím, že kritéria subjektivních teorií nedokážou zachytit několik problémů souvisejících s identitou. V důsledku toho musí být tento výklad rovněž zamítnut., and Radim Bělohrad
The paper deals with mathematical modelling and computer simulation of the seismic response of chosen components of hte nuclear WWER 1999 reactor. The seismic response is investigated by numerical integration method in time domain. The seismic excitation is given by two horizontal and one vertical synthetic accelerograms at the level of the pressure vessel seating adjusted for a certain damping vallue 5 %. The main aim of the paper is seismic response assessment for two variants of nuclear fuel assemblies - VVANTAGE 6 and TVSA-T. The maximal values of displacements and linkages or component deformations are compared for both fuel assembly variants. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This article deals with Ukrainian student migration and the convergence of integration and transnationalism. Its main focus is the self-identification of young Ukrainians studying in the Czech Republic. The authors explore and describe international students' different integration and transnational dispositions and also discuss whether these dispositions could be seen as part of antagonistic or synergetic processes. The interconnection between transnationalism and integration is widely discussed in both sociological and anthropological literature, and most scholars identify them as synergetic processes. In the case of Ukrainian students in the Czech Republic, however, the authors argue that these processes can be understood as both synergetic and antagonistic because what matters is the students' self-identification. Most of the analysis presented in this article is based on in-depth interviews with Ukrainian students conducted between 2012 and 2019. The results of qualitative research are also compared to and discussed in relation to the findings from an on-line survey conducted among 258 Ukrainian students in 2018. The article suggests that Ukrainian students themselves could incline in both directions, towards an antagonistic and a synergetic understanding of integration and transnationalism, because it depends on their self-expressed dispositions. However, most participants most of the participants in the research express the synergy.
Investigations on the epizoic fauna of Gadus morhua (L.), Piatichthys flesus (L.) and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) from the Kiel Fjord and Kiel Bight were carried out from September 1996 to March 1997. Smears from 120 G. morhua and 92 P. flesus caught using fish traps and trammel nets, and of 35 O. mykiss obtained from a local fish farm in the Kiel Fjord revealed the presence of three species of trichodinid ciliatcs, Trichodina claviformis sp. n., Trichodina jadranica Haider, 1964 and Trichodina raahei Loin, 1962. The new species can be distinguished from other trichodinids by its large size in combination with the characteristically shaped adhesive disc containing denticles with club-like formed thorns. The thorns are directed anteriorly and not towards the centre of the adhesive disc. As the Kiel Bight and Kiel Fjord are new locality records for T. jadranica and T. raabei, morphological data are provided for both species. Trichodina claviformis is the first record of a pcrilrichous mobiline ciliate from Atlantic cod of the Baltic Sea. An identification Icey for 16 Trichodina species occurring on Baltic Sea fishes is provided based on the morphology of the adhesive disc and other well-established features The occurrence of trichodinid ciliates on G. morhua and P. flesus in the Baltic Sea is discussed, especially considering the biology of the host and a possible host specificity of the species.
The article considers the nature of descriptive statements and the ontological status of descriptive constructs in linguistics, taking the example of a phoneme of English. It is argued that descriptive statements should be seen as expressions of the content of descriptive models or as hypotheses. Furthermore, it is argued that descriptive models and constructs in linguistics have a purely explanatory function in relation to speech events and without ontological commitment to corresponding entities in the real world., Článek pojednává o povaze popisných výroků a ontologickém stavu deskriptivních konstrukcí v lingvistice, přičemž vychází z příkladu fonému angličtiny. Argumentuje se tím, že popisná prohlášení by měla být chápána jako vyjádření obsahu popisných modelů nebo jako hypotézy. Dále, to je argumentoval, že popisné modely a konstrukce v lingvistice mají čistě vysvětlující funkci ve vztahu k událostem řeči a bez ontologického závazku k odpovídajícím entitám v reálném světě., and Paul Rastall