In the horse, the inflammation response to various pathologies (intestinal strangulations, laminitis, etc.) involves an excessive stimulation of the polymorphonuclear neutrophils releasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and myeloperoxidase (MPO). The aim of the present work was to study the effect of natural polyphenols, curcumin oids and tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THC) on isolated stimulated equine neutrophils and on the activity of purified MPO. The ROS production and the release of MPO by activated neutrophils were measured by chemiluminescence and ELISA techniques, respectively. The activity of purified MPO was measured by studying its nitration, chlorination or oxidation capacity and by using an original method called SIEFED allowing the study of drug interaction with the enzyme without interferences of the medium. Curcuminoids and THC had dose-dependent inhibitory effects on ROS production and MPO release by activated neutrophils and on purified MPO activity. We suggest that the higher efficacy of curcuminoids versus THC could be explained, at least partially, by its chemical structure: the conjugated double bounds and the plane structure of curcuminoids made easier the neutralization of the radical species generated by activated neutrophils and the interaction of the drug with the active site of MPO. These inhibitory effects of curcuminoids on the oxidant activity of equine neutrophils and on MPO activity open therapeutic perspectives in equine pathologies with excessive inflammatory reactions., T. Franck, S. Kohnen, S. Grulke, P. Neven, Y. Goutman, F. Peters, B. Pirotte, G. Deby-Dupont, D. Serteyn., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Dole jsou oba defendenti s personifikacemi Filosofie a Historie, za nimi personifikace sedmera svobodných umění. Historie ukazuje na oblak, pod nímž Fama se dvěma trubkami. Uprostřed oblaku císař Leopold II. jako Apollón-Foibos (antikizující zbroj, vavřínový věnec na hlavě, okolo hlavy záře) na voze taženém čtyřspřežím koní. Zatímco vůz Leopolda-Apollóna stojí, okolo obíhají personifikace planet, panovníci na vozech. Nalevo Rudolf II. (Měsíc), Victoria s palmovou ratolestí mu drží nad hlavou věnec, jede na voze taženém lvem. Napravo Ladislav Pohrobek (Merkur) na voze taženém párem holubic. Uprostřed nalevo Zikmund (Venuše) na voze taženém labutěmi, napravo Ferdinand I. (Mars) na voze taženém párem lvů. Nahoře nalevo Karel IV. (Jupiter) na voze taženém orly a napravo Václav I. (Saturn) na voze taženém draky. Okolo panovníků osmicépé šternberské hvězdy se slavnými příslušníky rodu., Vlnas 2001#, 128 č. I/3.36B., and Císař jako nehybné slunce a knížata obíhající okolo něj jako planety bylo oblíbené téma oslavy císaře..
Resistance to anthelmintic medication of equid strongyles is a worldwide phenomenon and for this reason systematic investigations of resistant parasite populations are necessary. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence and distribution of equid strongyles resistant to the anthelmintics used in Romania, as well as the pre-treatment and post-treatment prevalence of species of strongylid nematodes. The Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test was performed between 2010 and 2013 on a total number of 588 horses and 23 donkeys from 26 locations (subgroups). Animals of the first group (I) consisting of subgroups no. 1-11 were treated with Albendazole (ABZ), those of the second group (II) consisting of subgroups no. 12-23 with Fenbendazole (FBZ), while Ivermectin (IVM) was used on animals of the third group (III) consisting of subgroups no. 24-26. Resistant strongyles have been found in 82% (average lower limit of the 95% confidence interval, LCL95%, was 65) of the total equids from the group treated with ABZ. In the group of horses treated with FBZ, resistant strongyles were identified in 75% of the subgroups (LCL95% = 44). No resistant strongyles have been identified in IVM-treated horse groups (LCL95% = 98). The pre-treatment prevalence of the species of the Strongylinae Müller, 1780 was 22%, whereas that with nematodes of the subfamily Cyathostominae Molin, 1861 78%. Post-treatment reduction of strongyline nematodes was observed (5%), which demonstrates the sensitivity of large strongyles to common anthelmintics. The post-treatment prevalence of cyathostomes was of 95%, which proves their resistance, especially to ABZ- and FBZ-based anthelmintics., Mihai Cernea, Romeo T. Cristina, Laura C. Ştefănuţ, Luís M. Madeira de Carvalho, Marian A. Taulescu, Vasile Cozma., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Pohár s víkem (18, 5 cm): na víku je Ceres, Bakchus a Venuše. Na těle nádoby dva výjevy s Aktaiónem. Na hlavním je polonahá Diana (měsíční srpek na čele) v potoce, před ní Aktaión (čapka, kabátec, vysoké boty, přes rameno brašna), na čele parůžky. Okolo jsou nahé Dianiny družky a lovečtí psi, v popředí nalevo Nymfa stojí a napravo sedí. Nalevo vepředu leží na zemi toulec a luk, další toulec a luk visí na stromě vzadu napravo. Výjev je zasazen do lesní krajiny. Na zadní straně je menší výjev: lovci na koních se psy zabíjející jelena, v něhož se Aktaión proměnil, Prag um 1600#, I, č. 354 s. 477-478., and K reliéfu se dochovala Vianenova přípravná kresba (viz: Frankfurt am Main, Diana a Aktaión).
Kresba rudkou (18, 2 x 17, 7 cm): čtyřspřeží pádící dolů, za ním nahý Pluto (zezadu) držící vzpozející se Proserpinu., Fučíková 1997#, I/196, and Možná studie k obrazu z doby před rokem 1605 (Dresden, Heintz, Únos Proserpiny).