This study deals with the relationship of Prince Joseph Adam von Schwarzenberg to music and theatre and with the way in which his theatrical preferences revealed themselves in the repertoire of his private castle theatre in Cesky Krumlov from 1766 until 1768. Through a careful study of the extant sources (correspondence, libretti, scores and parts, accounting books etc.), the author has managed to specify the reasons for the precipitous renovation of the castle theatre in late 1765 and early 66 and to determine what specific dramatic works were performed there. Among other things, she has succeeded in compiling the entire list of performances planned for the fourteen-day wedding celebration in the summer of 1768. The author furthermore focuses on information about the musicians who were then in the princes services and also about commissioned musical instruments and musical scores and parts., Helena Kazárová., Obsahuje seznam literatury, and Anglické resumé na s. 45.
Kolektivní monografie představuje výsledky několikaletého společného výzkumu mezinárodního týmu autorů v oblasti barokního divadla na území jižní Moravy a jižních Čech. Součástí je i komentovaná edice dvou nově objevených dramatických textů kočovných komediantů. Pozornost je soustředěna na dramatika, divadelního ředitele a herce Johanna Georga Gettnera (?–1696), rodáka z Mikulova a vůdčí osobnost Eggenberských knížecích komediantů v Českém Krumlově. Prostřednictvím této osobnosti je fenomén českého barokního divadla představen v širších souvislostech, nikoliv jen jako produkt knížecího dvora Eggenbergů, ale jako výslednice více komponentů a vlivů – školského divadla piaristů, dvorské kultury Habsburků a praxe kočovných profesionálních společností. ,The collective monograph presents the results of a joint research of an international team of authors that studied the field of the Baroque theatre in South Moravia and South Bohemia for several years. It also includes annotated editions of two newly discovered manuscripts of dramatic texts by travelling comedian troupes. It focuses on the dramatist, theatre director and actor Johann Georg Gettner (?–1696), a native of Mikulov and a leading figure of the the comedian troupe associated with the House of Eggenberg in Český Krumlov (Krumau). Gettner's personality is presented as a gateway to the phenomenon of the Czech Baroque theatre in a broader context.
Theatrical activities of Václav Mihule (1758 - after 1808) are documented at his various positions in 19 European cities. Born in Prague Mihule left his home at a young age. His earliest experience was as an actor (1781-89), traveling to distant places such as Warszawa (1781), St. Peterburg (1784-86), Königsberg (1787-88), Mainz and Frankfurt a. M. (1788-89). His first Prague ensemble (1789) was a collaboration with Jean Butteau, the company played at ThunPalace Theatre at the Lesser Town of Prague. Later he directed the ensemble Vlastenské divadlo (Patriotic Theatre) in the Theatre U Hybernů (in summer in Karlovy Vary) and the German company at the Nostitz Theatre. After his abrupt departure from Prague in mid 1793 he became a theatre director in Augsburg (1793-94), in Nürnberg, Ansbach, Erlangen, Ulm and Nördlingen (1794-97), Stuttgart (1797), Wiener Neustadt (1797/98), Olomouc (1800-02), Opava (1802-04), Prešov (1805) a Košice (1804-08). He seems to have ended his career in Košice, where he may have died. In the time from 21. 12. 1796 till 13. 9. 1797 he led on lease the Court Theatre Company of Friedrich Eugen II. of Württemberg in Stuttgart. It was in Stuttgart for the first time, when the Court Theatre was rented to a theatre entrepreneur. The Duke tryed in this way to keep the theatre running in the bad economic situation in the course of the War of the First Coalition (1792-1797). For the director Mihule was the offered contract for 6 years - after experience with various theaters in the cities - an extraordinary occasion to achieve a firmly established place of work with above standard conditions. It is possible to describe and characterize the Stuttgart period of the entrepreneur Mihule on the basis of archive documents and account books (aspect of organization) and periodicals (theatre repertory). Some features of the abilities of actors an, Alena Jakubcová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy