This issue of Academic bulletin features an article by Professor Jaroslav Pánek of The Institute of History of ASCR. It focuses on a report on results that scientists at ASCR achieved in the area of humanities in the last twenty years. and Jaroslav Pánek.
This issue of Academic bulletin features the final part of an article by Professor Jaroslav Pánek of The Institute of History of ASCR. It focuses on results that scientists at ASCR achieved in the area of humanities in the last twenty years. and Jaroslav Pánek.
Pro šedesátá léta dvacátého století v Československu bylo mimo jiné příznačné postupné uvolňování pravidel v oblasti zahraničních vztahů, a to i vůči zemím tzv. kapitalistického tábora. Okupace Československa vojsky států Varšavské smlouvy v srpnu 1968 znamenala konec tohoto trendu a začátek vlny odchodů československých občanů, mezi nimiž nescházeli ani někteří významní pracovníci Československé akademie věd (ČSAV), do emigrace. Tato edice, která zpřístupňuje dokumenty ilustrující tři konkrétní lidské osudy, se soustředí na události let 1968-1970 a doplňuje problematiku zahraničních vztahů ČSAV v daném období o otázku dlouhodobých zahraničních pobytů zaměstnanců ČSAV jako faktoru, který v souvislosti se srpnovými událostmi a následným vývojem hrál významnou roli při rozhodování akademických pracovníků o odchodu do emigrace. and The gradual relaxation of rules on foreign relations was inter alia characteristic of 1960s Czechoslovakia even in relation to capitalist bloc countries. The occupation of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact state troops in August 1968 marked the end of that trend and the beginning of a wave of departures of Czechoslovak citizens, including some prominent CSAS staff members. This series, which presents documents illustrating three individual stories, focuses on events between 1968 and 1970 and adds the issue of long-term foreign stays of CSAS staff members to the issues surrounding CSAS foreign relations during this period as a factor which in the context of the August 1968 events and subsequent developments played a significant role in the decision-making of academic staff regarding emigation. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.)
The study focuses in particular to the institutional development of Czechoslovak ethnography in the period between the end of the World War II and the year 1953. The establishing of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in the years 1951/1952-1953 made an impact upon many scientific disciplines. Ethnography belonged to the 6th section, but for a long time it had been unclear how the State Institute for Folk Song, whose tradition reached to the year 1905, and the newly established Cabinet for Ethnography were to by connected. The present study tries to capture this effort for preserving the independent study of folklore, even though in close connection with ethnographic research, as well as the problem of the institutional embedding, that is, the gradual hiring of scientific workers, the composition of scientific committee and the editorial boards of important periodicals.
The text introduces the milestones in the history of the journal Český lid through an annotated edition of selected editorials that are presented together with brief characteristics of their authors, who in them formulated their visions of further functioning of the journal. The editorials tellingly reflect the epoch of which they were born, including the ruling ideologies, and at the same time the wishes and aspirations of the editors, often leading personalities of Czech science and culture.