The aim of this paper is to consider a possibility of understanding assertibility as a semantic concept. This leads to a nonstandard view of the relation and borderline between semantics and pragmatics. For the language of classical propositional logic entailment will be defined as a relation which preserves assertibility rather than truth and it will be shown that this enables us to model some linguistic phenomena in an adequate way., Cílem příspěvku je zvážit možnost pochopení asertivity jako sémantického konceptu. To vede k nestandardnímu pohledu na vztah a hranici mezi sémantikou a pragmatikou. Pro jazyk klasické výrokové logiky bude definice definována jako vztah, který zachovává spíše asertivitu než pravdu a bude ukázáno, že to nám umožňuje adekvátně modelovat některé jazykové jevy., and Vít Punčochář
Results saying how to transfer the entailment in certain minimal and maximal ways and how to transfer strong dualisability between two different finite generators of a quasi-variety of algebras are presented. A new proof for a well-known result in the theory of natural dualities which says that strong dualisability of a quasi-variety is independent of the generating algebra is derived.
A number of new results that say how to transfer the entailment relation between two different finite generators of a quasi-variety of algebras is presented. As their consequence, a well-known result saying that dualisability of a quasi-variety is independent of the generating algebra is derived. The transferral of endodualisability is also considered and the results are illustrated by examples.