Parallel treebanks with annotation of syntax, discourse, coreference, morphology, and semantics. Version 3 also includes the Danish Dependency Treebank (version 1) and the Danish-English Parallel Dependency Treebank (version 2).
The Czech RST Discourse Treebank 1.0 (CzRST-DT 1.0) is a dataset of 54 Czech journalistic texts manually annotated using the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Each text document in the treebank is represented as a single tree-like structure, the nodes (discourse units) are interconnected through hierarchical rhetorical relations.
The dataset also contains concurrent annotations of five double-annotated documents.
The original texts are a part of the data annotated in the Prague Dependency Treebank, although the two projects are independent.
CzeDLex 0.5 is a pilot version of a lexicon of Czech discourse connectives. The lexicon contains connectives partially automatically extracted from the Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 (PDiT 2.0), a large corpus annotated manually with discourse relations. The most frequent entries in the lexicon (covering more than 2/3 of the discourse relations annotated in the PDiT 2.0) have been manually checked, translated to English and supplemented with additional linguistic information.
CzeDLex 0.6 is the second development version of the lexicon of Czech discourse connectives. The lexicon contains connectives partially automatically extracted from the Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 (PDiT 2.0), a large corpus annotated manually with discourse relations. The most frequent entries in the lexicon (76 out of total 204 entries, covering more than 90% of the discourse relations annotated in PDiT 2.0), have been manually checked, translated to English and supplemented with additional linguistic information.
CzeDLex 0.7 is the third development version of the Lexicon of Czech discourse connectives. The lexicon contains connectives partially automatically extracted from the Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 (PDiT 2.0) and, as a supplementary resource, the Czech part of the Prague Czech–English Dependency Treebank with discourse annotation projected from the Penn Discourse Treebank 3.0. The most frequent entries in the lexicon (131 out of total 218 entries, covering more than 95% of discourse relations annotated in PDiT 2.0), have been manually checked, translated to English and supplemented with additional linguistic information.
Enriched discourse annotation of a subset of the Prague Discourse Treebank, adding implicit relations, entity based relations, question-answer relations and other discourse structuring phenomena.
The Prague Discourse Treebank 3.0 (PDiT 3.0) is a new version of annotation of discourse relations marked by primary and secondary discourse connectives in the data of the Prague Dependency Treebank. With respect to the previous versions, PDiT 3.0 brings a largely revised annotation of discourse relations and offers the data also in the Penn Discourse Treebank 3.0 (PDTB 3.0) format and sense taxonomy.