Based on the World Health Organization statistics, cardiovascular diseases represent the major cause of death worldwide. Although a wide range of treatment approaches and pharmaceuticals is available, the therapy is often not effective enough and therefore health risks for the patient persist. Thus, it is still essential to test new drug candidates for the treatment of various pathophysiological conditions related to cardiovascular system. In vivo models represent indispensable part of preclinical testing of such substances. Anesthetized guinea pig as a whole-body model allows to evaluate complex reactions of cardiovascular system to tested substance. Moreover, action potential of guinea pig cardiomyocyte is quite comparable to that of human. Hence, the results from this model are then quite well translatable to clinical medicine. Aim of this paper was to summarize the methodology of this model, including its advantages and/or limitations and risks, based on the effects of two substances with adrenergic activity on the ECG parameters. The model of anesthetized guinea pig proved to be valuable and suitable for testing of drugs with cardiovascular effects.
Phototherapy is the most effective non-invasive method of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia treatment. Application of this method can be associated with side effects including changes in the cardiovascular system. During phototherapy, the primary effects in the cardiovascular system include cutaneous vasodilation leading to skin hyperperfusion and subsequent redistribution of blood. The increased blood flow through the skin is associated with increased transepidermal water loss. Further effects include an increase in cerebral blood flow. Redistribution of blood to the cutaneous bed is compensated by hypoperfusion in the splanchnic area (mostly postprandial) and a significant reduction of the renal blood flow. Regarding closure/reopening of the ductus arteriosus, the results suggest that that phototherapy does not affect ductal patency. During phototherapy the cardiac output can be slightly reduced due to a decreased stroke volume, especially in preterm newborns. Systemic blood pressure is decreased and heart rate is elevated in both preterm and term newborns during phototherapy. The heart rate variability is slightly reduced. Symbolic dynamics analysis of the short-term HRV showed that during phototherapy the activity of the ANS regulating the heart rate is shifted towards the dominancy of the sympathetic activity. The responses in the cardiovascular system of premature/mature newborns without other pathology confirm a well physiologically functioning control of this system, even under specific conditions of phototherapy.
Electrocardiography (ECG) in rats is a widely applied experimental method in basic cardiovascular research. The technique of ECG recordings is simple; however, the interpretation of electrocardiographic parameters is challenging. This is because the analysis may be biased by experimental
settings, such as the type of anesthesia, the strain or age of animals. Here, we aimed to review electrocardiographic parameters in rats, their normal range, as well as the effect of experimental settings on the parameters variation. Furthermore, differences and similarities between rat and human ECG are discussed in the context of translational cardiovascular research.
Numerous studies concerning the cardiovascular system in SHR often yield controversial data. The background of this diversity has various roots, ranging from different vascular segments or areas studied up to the different age of experimental animals. Our study aimed to follow the BP as an integrated response of vascular system. This approach was justified since stabilized cardiac output in SHR was proved till 1 year of age. The groups of male SHR (aged 3, 5, 9, 17 and 52 weeks) and age-matched Wistar rats were used. Significant basal BP difference between SHR and Wistar rats was found at 9 weeks of age and continued till the age of 52 weeks, reaching 189.6±11.9 mm Hg in SHR and 117.3±6.9 mm Hg in Wistar rats (P<0.01). The significant difference in BP increase to two doses of noradrenaline (0.1μg and 1 μg) between SHR and control rats was also found at the age of 9 weeks. At 52 weeks the BP increment to two doses of noradrenaline was in SHR 19.7±2.0 mm Hg and 60.5±3.9 mm Hg and in Wistar rats 7.4±1.9 mm Hg and 40.5±3.2 mm Hg (P<0.01). The hypotensive response to acetylcholine (0.1 μg, 1 μg and 10 μ) in SHR was enhanced at 17 weeks of age only and this amplification persisted till the age of 52 weeks. In 52-week-old SHR the hypotensive response to three doses was 69.9±10.2 mm Hg, 87.5±11.8 mm Hg and 103.4±10.6 mm Hg, while in Wistar rats it was 37.4 4.2 mm Hg P<0.0), 62.3±3.5 mm Hg (P<0.01) and 73.5±2.8 mm Hg (P<0.05). In conclusion, the efficiency of cardiovascular system of SHR to respond to noradrenaline was already enhanced from 9 weeks of age, whereas the response to acetylcholine was not augmented before the age of 17 weeks., M. Gerová, F. Kristek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické údaje
Excessive production of oxygen free radicals has been regarded as a causative common denominator of many pathological processes in the animal kingdom. Hydroxyl and nitrosyl radicals represent the major cause of the destruction of biomolecules either by a direct reaction or by triggering a chain reaction of free radicals. Scavenging of free radicals may act preventively or therapeutically. A number of substances that preferentially react with free radicals can serve as scavengers, thus increasing the internal capacity/activity of endogenous antioxidants and protecting cells and tissues against oxidative damage. Molecular hydrogen (H2) reacts with strong oxidants, such as hydroxyl and nitrosyl radicals, in the cells, that enables utilization of its potential for preventive and therapeutic applications. H2 rapidly diffuses into tissues and cells without affecting metabolic redox reactions and signaling reactive species. H2 reduces oxidative stress also by regulating gene expression, and functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic agent. There is a growing body of evidence based on the results of animal experiments and clinical observations that H2 may represent an effective antioxidant for the prevention of oxidative stress-related diseases. Application of molecular hydrogen in situations with excessive production of free radicals, in particular, hydroxyl and nitrosyl radicals is relatively simple and effective, therefore, it deserves special attention., J. Slezák, B. Kura, K. Frimmel, M. Zálešák, T. Ravingerová, C. Viczenczová, Ľ. Okruhlicová, N. Tribulová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The annual incidence of cardiovascular diseases is agedependently increasing both in men and women, however, the prevalence is higher in men until midlife. The higher incidence of cardiovascular disease in men than in women of similar age, and the menopause-associated increase in cardiovascular disease in women, has led to speculation that gender-related differences in sex hormones might have a key role in the development and evolution of cardiovascular disease. There are several suggested pathways in which gender and sex hormones can affect human cardiovascular system to produce original sexually different pathophysiology between women and men. Sex steroid hormones and their receptors are critical determinants of cardiovascular gender differences. Also arterial blood pressure is typically lower in women than in men what could be explained particularly by greater synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) in women. Female cardiomyocytes have a greater survival advantage when challenged with oxidative stress, suggesting that female hormones may play an important role in antioxidative protection of myocardium. It was also demonstrated in animal models that combination of XX chromosomes versus an XY chromosomes enhances sex differences in higher HDL cholesterol. Women were found to have reduced sympathetic activity (reflected by lower total peripheral resistance) and pulmonary artery pressure and enhanced parasympathetic activity relative to men. Similarly, men were found to have higher plasma norepinephrine levels than women. Regarding differences between the sexes in electrophysiology of the heart, two principle mechanisms have been proposed to explain them: hormonal effects on the expression or function of ion channels or, conversely, differences in autonomic tone. To improve diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, greater focus on understanding the molecular and cellular physiology of the sex steroid hormones and their receptors in the cardiovascular system will be required.