Objective of this study was to characterize osmotically-induced insulin secretion in two tumor cell lines. We compared response of freshly isolated rat pancreatic islets and INS-1 and INS-1E tumor cell lines to high glucose, 30 % hypotonic medium and 20 % hypertonic medium. In Ca2+-containing medium glucose induced insulin release in all three cell types. Hypotonicity induced insulin secretion from islets and INS-1 cells but not from INS-1E cells, in which secretion was inhibited despite similar increase in cell volume in both cell types. GdCl3 (100 μmol/l) did not affect insulin response from INS-1E cells to hypotonic challenge. Hypertonic medium inhibited glucose-induced insulin secretion from islets but not from tumor cells. Noradrenaline (1 μmol/l) inhibited glucose-induced but not swelling-induced insulin secretion from INS-1 cells. Surprisingly, perifusion with Ca2+-depleted medium showed distinct secretory response of INS-1E cells to hypotonicity while that of INS-1 cells was partially inhibited. Functioning glucose-induced insulin secretion is not sufficient prerequisite for hypotonicity-induced response in INS-1E cells suggesting that swelling-induced exocytosis is not essential step in the mechanism mediating glucose-induced insulin secretion. Both cell lines are resistant to inhibitory effect of hyperosmolarity on glucose-induced insulin secretion. Response of INS-1E cells to hypotonicity is inhibited by the presence of Ca2+ in medium., M. Orečná, R. Hafko, Z. Bačová, J. Podskočová, D. Chorvát Jr., V. Štrbák., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Schisandra čínská neboli klanopraška čínská (Schisandra chinensis) se využívá v tradiční čínské medicíně pro své antimikrobiální, antivirové, antimykotické a antioxidační účinky. Hlavní účinnou složkou této rostliny jsou dibenzocyklooktadienové lignany. Bylo zjištěno, že tyto lignany blokují membránové ABC-transportéry, které jsou zodpovědné za mnohočetnou lékovou rezistenci při léčbě nádorů cytostatiky., Schisandra chinensis has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its antimicrobial, antiviral, antimycotic and antioxidative effects. The main active compounds are dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, which inhibit membrane ABC-transporters, responsible for the multi-drug resistance of cancer cells during their treatment by cytostatics., Ondřej Vymazal, Iva Slaninová., and Práce vznikla v rámci projektu AV ČR Otevřená věda