Kresba perem (19,2 x 14,4 cm): nalevo Parrhasios a Zeuxis (oba vousy, pláště, jeden z nich má baret), živě gestikulují obráceni k sobě, před nimi obraz chlapce s hrozny, k nimž se slétají ptáci. Za malíři další postavy., Konečný 1988#., Fučíková 1997#, I/142., Fusenig 2010#, s. 142., and Kresba byla inspirována historkou o sporu mezi slavnými řeckými malíři Zeuxidem a Parrhasiem, kterou zaznamenal Plinius v knize Kapitoly o přírodě/ Naturalis historia (35, 65-66). Později se Aachen k anekdotě vrátil obrazem chlapce s iluzivně podanými hrozny: Wien, KM, Chlapec s hrozny (mladý Bakchus nebo Amor).
1_External morphological characters were used to reconstruct a phylogeny of the mite family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Cheyletoidea), which are permanent parasites inhabiting the quills of bird feathers. A total of 53 syringophilid genera and 79 characters were included in the data matrix; maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian analyses (BA) were performed to determine their phylogenetic relationships. The consensus of unweighted MP trees was weakly resolved. Only four generic groups were recognized: Aulonastus + Krantziaulonastus (i) and (Creagonycha + Kethleyana) + (Megasyringophilus + Selenonycha) (ii) – both with low Bremer support (BS 1); the subfamily Picobiinae – Picobia, Calamincola, Columbiphilus (Neopicobia + Rafapicobia) (BS 12) (iii) and Psittaciphilus generic group – (Meitingsunes + Psittaciphilus) (Peristerophila + (Neoperisterophila + (Castosyringophilus + Terratosyringophilus))) (BS 2) (iv). BA revealed a consensus tree with a topology similar to MP. The two main groups recognized by MP, the subfamily Picobiinae and Psittaciphilus, both received the highest support of 1; while two other groups recognized by MP – Aulonastus + Krantziaulonastus and (Creagonycha + Kethleyana) + (Megasyringophilus + Selenonycha) received relatively low support of 0.73–74 and 0.76–77, respectively., 2_The consensus of re-weighted MP trees was almost fully resolved but, the majority of the generic groups, excluding the Picobiinae and Psittaciphilus were supported by just a few non-unique synapomorphies with a high probability of homoplastic origin. The most intriguing result is the paraphyly of the Syringophilinae in respect to picobiines. The pattern of the re-weighted tree demonstrates only patches of parallel evolution at the level of syringophilid genera and bird orders. Perhaps horizontal shifts on phylogenetically distant hosts and colonization of quill (calamus) types other than primaries and secondaries were also important in the evolution of the syringophilids., Maciej Skoracki, Eliza Glowska, Andre V. Bochkov., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Birds comprised 51.9% of the diet of a pair of common kestrels Falco tinnunculus in 1997 in a suburb of Algiers. Insects were the most numerous prey type between 1998 to 2002 with a maximum of 67.5 % in 2001. Insect prey taken included coleoptera Scaurus sp. (E = 0.90) and the orthopterans Pamphagus elephas (E = 0.74) and Eyprepocnemis plorans (E = 0.09). At the species level, the hybrid sparrow ( Passer domesticus x Passer hispaniolensis) was the commonest taken prey (47.2 %) and it had the highest density among the recorded birds. This prey species was the most prefered among the birds recorded (E = 0.35).
Procesům adaptace na život v lidských sídlech podléhají mnohé druhy ptáků nejenom v Evropě, ale i v Latinské Americe. Během několika cest po tropických zemích Nového světa od Mexika po Argentinu autoři zaznamenali v tamních městech i na venkově několik desítek ptačích druhů se sklonem k synantropnímu způsobu života. V sumáru 57 druhů z patnácti čeledí, které byly zařazeny do článku, dominují pěvci (41 druhů). Přestože jde o subjektivní výběr a jednotlivé druhy ptáků nebylo možné podrobněji charakterizovat, uvedené informace mohou návštěvníkům této oblasti usnadnit orientaci při setkání se zástupci avifauny latinskoamerických sídel., Many bird species are involved in processes of adaptation to life in human settlements, not only in Europe, but also in Latin America. During several trips to tropical countries in the New World, from Mexico to Argentina, the authors noted several dozen bird species in the cities and the countryside that tended to adopt a synanthropic lifestyle. Songbirds predominate (with 41 species) in a list of 57 species from the 15 families presented. The article may help visitors to the region find their bearings among the birdlife in Latin American conurbations., and Jozef Májský, Stanislav Chudý.
Seven mite species belonging to the genus Syringophilopsis Kethley, 1970 (Acari: Prostigmata: Cheyletoidea) are recorded from 10 passeriform host species from the USA. Three new species are described and illustrated: Syringophilopsis polioptilus sp. n. from Polioptila caerulea (Linnaeus) (Polioptilidae); S. empidonax sp. n. from Empidonax hammondii (Vesey) and Empidonax wrightii Baird (Tyrannidae); and S. sialiae sp. n. from Sialia mexicana Swainson (Turdidae). In addition, records of new hosts are given: Turdus migratorius Linnaeus (Turdidae) for Syringophilopsis turdus (Fritsch, 1958); three tyrannid species (Tyrannidae), Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus), M. cinerascens (Lawrence) and Tyrannus verticalis Say for S. tyranni Bochkov et Galloway, 2004; Euphagus cyanocephalus (Wagler) (Icteridae) for S. elongatus (Ewing, 1911); and two parulid species (Parulidae), Dendroica graciae Baird and Wilsonia pusilla (Wilson) for S. dendroicae Bochkov et Galloway, 2001. All known species of the genus Syringophilopsis from the Nearctic Region are summarized in tabular form. Syringophilopsis porzanae Bochkov et Galloway, 2004 is reassigned to the genus Ascetomylla Kethley, 1970.
The diet of the forest dormouse, Dryomys nitedula, was studied in Lithuania, which is situated on the north-western edge of its range. The diet composition of D. nitedula changes constantly over the activity period. From late April until mid-July, food of animal origin dominates the diet, while vegetable food prevails from mid-July until early September. Over the entire activity season, food of animal origin comprises on average 63 % of dormouse diet by volume estimates. Four main food groups – birds, adult insects, insect larvae and millipedes – dominate, but their proportions vary over the course of the season, as does the composition of vegetable food
used by D. nitedula. Among vegetable food, dormice feed on blossoms of
Norway spruce, oak and aspen in May, cones of Norway spruce during June-August, raspberries, birch seeds and fruits of glossy buckthorn in July and August and oak acorns in late August and early September. The composition of vegetable food used by D. nitedula in Lithuania is rather specific in comparison to other parts of the range and shows high
dormouse adaptability to local conditions. In different years, the proportions
of vegetable and animal food, as well as their compositions, vary in the dormouse diet. Dormice can accumulate sufficient fat reserves for hibernation feeding on both vegetable and animal food.
V naší studii se zabýváme zpěvní a hnízdní aktivitou ptáků v tropickém deštném lese Kamerunské hory v západní Africe. Ukázali jsme, že toto na první pohled stálé prostředí vykazuje výraznou sezonalitu v množství srážek ovlivňujících dostupnost potravy. Důsledkem je variabilní sezónní aktivita ptačího společenstva, zejména různých potravních guild. Sezonalita prostředí i ptačího společenstva se mění také s nadmořskou výškou., The aim of our study, conducted in the Republic of Cameroon (Africa), was to examine the singing and breeding activity of birds in a tropical rain forest. We have shown that this otherwise stable environment exhibits a distinct seasonality in rainfall, resulting in seasonal activity of bird communities, especially of various feeding guilds. Seasonality of environment and breeding of bird communities also changed with the altitude (tested on the Mount Cameroon - Mongo ma Ndemi)., Tereza Zenklová a kolektiv autorů., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Olej na dřevě. Scéna v zalesněné krajině s potokem. Uprostřed obrazu sedí Orfeus pod olivovníkem, hraje na lyru, kolem něho naslouchají zvířata a ptáci., Seifertová, Ševčík 1997, s. 107-108, č.k. 27, and Od roku 1780 v Lichtenstejnských sbírkách (Valtice, Vaduz), pak v muzeu v Solothurnu. Protějšek k obrazu Circe (Krotitelka zvířat).