Mnoho vědeckých jmen ptáků je odvozeno od antických mýtických jmen. Důvodem je mimo jiné to, že bohové za trest nebo z dalších příčin proměňovali mýtické postavy v ptáky. Příklady uvádí druhý díl seriálu., Many scientific names of birds are derived from ancient Greek and Roman mythical names. One of the reasons is that gods used to turn mythical characters into birds as a punishment or for other causes. The examples are given in the second part of the series., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Mytogenní vědecká jména plazů často pocházejí od antických nestvůr a podsvětních bytostí. U obojživelníků se setkáváme s vodními božstvy a nymfami. Názvy ryb bývají odvozeny na jedné straně od mýtických oblud, na straně druhé pak od krasavic a krasavců., Mythical scientific names of reptiles are often inspired by ancient monsters and underworld beings. Among amphibians we can meet water gods and goddesses, and nymphs. The names of fishes are frequently derived either from mythic monsters or from beauties and heroes., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Použití jmen mytologických postav v nomenklatuře bezobratlých živočichů je velmi rozsáhlé. Ježovky, krabi, měkkýši, červi – ti všichni často nesou jména antických mýtických bytostí, a to s odkazem na své vzezření, způsob života či oblast výskytu., The use of the names of mythological characters in the nomenclature of invertebrates is very common. Urchins, crabs, molluscs, worms – all of them often bear the names of ancient mythical beings, referring to their appearances, ways of life or habitats., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Entomologická nomenklatura obsahuje nesčetné množství názvů odvozených od jmen antických mytologických postav. Zoologové již od doby Carla Linného s oblibou přidělovali takováto jména zvláště motýlům a broukům. Jména bývala často tvořena bez motivu, jindy entomologové brali ohled na vztah živočicha a mýtické postavy (vzhled, chování, region). Pátý díl seriálu představuje alespoň výběr příkladů., Entomological nomenclature contains an enormous number of names derived from the names of ancient mythological characters. Ever since Carl Linne's times zoologists have liked giving such names to butterflies and beetles. The names were often formed without any motives, other times entomologists considered the relationship between the animal and the mythological character (appearance, behaviour or region). The fifth part of the series presents at least some selected names of insects., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Vědecká jména živočichů a rostlin jsou různého původu. Často bývají odvozena od osobních jmen, a to i fiktivních postav. V prvním díle seriálu se představí někteří nositelé jmen božstev, héróů a dalších antických mýtických bytostí mezi savci., Scientific names of animals and plants are of various origins, often derived from personal names, and even from fictitious characters. In the first part of the series some bearers of the names of divine beings, heroes and other ancient mythical creatures among the mammals are introduced., Tomáš Pavlík., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Halančíci rodu Nothobranchius jsou přizpůsobeni životu v periodických vodních tůních v afrických savanách. Období sucha přežívají v embryonální fázi vývoje. V současné době se rozeznává přes 60 druhů halančíků rodu Nothobranchius, kteří žijí v travnatých savanách a řídkém sezonním lese v širokém pásu východní Afriky. Druh N. furzeri se stal modelovým organismem pro výzkum stárnutí a věnují se mu v několika laboratořích v Evropě, USA a Asii. Náš výzkum se zaměřuje hlavně na evoluční ekologii tří druhových komplexů tohoto rodu v oblasti jižního a středního Mosambiku., Killifish from the genus Nothobranchius are adapted to temporal pools in African savannahs. They survive the dry phase as dormant eggs and develop rapidly after the onset of rainy season. There are about 60 species of Nothobranchius distributed throughout Eastern Africa. One species group became a model for studies on ageing. Our current field and laboratory research on annual Killifish from Mozambique is reviewed and particular studies on their ecology and evolution are highlighted., and Martin Reichard.
A laboratory study was conducted to examine tritrophic effects on the suitability of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and tobacco aphid, Myzus persicae nicotianae (Blackman & Eastop), as prey for the two spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata (L.), when the aphids were reared on either sweet pepper or tobacco. Significant host plant-aphid interactions were evident for every component of development (juvenile survival, developmental time, adult mass at emergence) and reproduction (pre-oviposition period, fecundity, fertility). By almost all measures, the suitability of each aphid species was improved by rearing on its host plant of origin and diminished by rearing on the alternative host plant. The symmetry of the interactions are suggestive of both positive and negative host plant effects on aphid suitability as prey. Whereas M. p. nicotianae may be better able than M. persicae to detoxify the nicotine that is likely responsible for the reduced suitability of M. persicae when reared on tobacco, it appears to have lower nutritive value for A. bipunctata than M. persicae when reared on pepper. Thus, population parameters (R0, rm, l and DT) derived from performance data indicated that M. persicae reared on sweet pepper was the most suitable prey and that the same species reared on tobacco was the least suitable, with other host plant-aphid combinations intermediate., Mohammad A. Jalali, J.P. Michaud., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
1_Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is one of the economically more important trees in the north of Portugal. Spiders, as generalist predators, are potential controlling agents of pests, yet the composition of the community of spiders associated with this crop is only poorly known. The objective of this study was to determine the spider communities in the canopies of chestnut trees subject to three different soil management practices in northeastern Portugal. Three chestnut groves each subject to a different agricultural practice (grazed, tilled or untilled) were studied in 2008 and 2009. The Araneae communities were sampled by beating the branches and the individuals collected were identified to family and species when possible. To investigate the structure of the spider community in each grove the abundance and family richness of spiders were calculated and compared between managements. In total, 4172 spiders were collected and, in both years, the three most abundant families were Araneidae, Philodromidae and Linyphiidae. In 2008, there was a greater abundance of spiders in the grazed, followed by the tilled and untilled groves, but no significant differences among groves. However, in 2009 there was a greater abundance of spiders in the tilled grove, followed by grazed and untilled groves and the differences between the untilled and the other two groves were significant. Araniella, Oxyopes and Anyphaena were the most abundant genera in the three groves. This study showed that soil management may influence the diversity of spiders, but the effects were weak and not consistent between years., 2_The reduction or absence of a suitable habitat for spiders under the trees in the tilled treatment might have resulted in the spiders migrating up into the canopy. However, based on the weak effects on spider abundance recorded and its potentially adverse effects on soils, tillage is not recommended for managing the incidence of pests in chestnut groves., Jacinto Benhadi-Marin ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury