Concordant differences in morphology, phenology and RAMS markers, as well as in sequenced mtDNA (COI, COII, cytb) and nuclear DNA (ITS2) fragments, indicate that Dolerus asper Zaddach, 1859 and Dolerus brevicornis Zaddach, 1859 are valid species. On the basis of morphology, molecular markers, and distributional records, both species are distinct from Dolerus gibbosus Hartig, 1837 (= Dolerus planatus Hartig, 1837). Taxonomy of the species is clarified and the neotypes of Dolerus asper Zaddach, 1859 and Dolerus brevicornis Zaddach, 1859 are designated. The synonymies of Dolerus asper Zaddach, 1859, to Dolerus planatus Hartig, 1837 and Dolerus derzavini Malaise, 1931, spec. rev. to D. asper Zaddach, 1859 are abandoned. Dolerus carbonarius Zaddach, 1859 and Dolerus fumosus Zaddach, 1859 are considered to be species inquirendae. Phylogenetic analyses of the ITS2 fragment and fragments of ITS2 + COI and ITS2 + COII yielded the topology [D. asper, (D. brevicornis, D. gibbosus)], while those of all other markers and their combinations resulted in the topology [D. brevicornis, (D. asper, D. gibbosus)]. In the latter hypothesis the clade asper + gibbosus is also supported by structural synapomorphies.
V roce 2010 byl v České republice poprvé zaznamenán výskyt pilatky azalkové (Nematus lipovskyi), jejichž housenice způsobují holožíry na měkkolistých pěnišnících. Druh byl již zaznamenán na více než 60 lokalitách především v Praze a ve středních Čechách, příčemž jde o první zaznamenaný výskyt druhu mimo území USA. V botanické zahradě Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze byli poprvé odchyceni samci tohoto druhu., The Azalea sawfly (Nematus lipovskyi), previously known from the eastern states of the USA, was first recorded in the Czech Republic. Since the discovery of the species in 2010 in the botanical garden of Charles University in Prague, more than 60 localities of Nematus lipovskyi have been confirmed, mostly from Prague and Central Bohemia. Males of the species were found for the first time since the description of the species., and Petr Šípek, Ján Macek.