Для белорусского сообщества ученых-лингвистов в период "белорусизации" 1920-х годов были характерны острые дискуссии, сопровождавшиеся взаимными политическими обвинениями. Эти обвинения привели к исключению Н.Н. Дурново из Белорусской АН и снятию его кандидатуры с выборов в АН ССС. and During the so called period of "belorusizaciya" in the 1920s, the Belorussian scholarly linguistic community was split and deeply involved into fierce disputes folloved by mutual political charges. These charges had led to Nikolai N. Durnovo's exclusion from the Belorussian Academy of Sciences and striking-off his name from the nominees-list for the elections to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Анализ этой первой книги автобиографических очерков поэта (1925) сосредоточивается на изображении духовного роста и интеллектуального созревания юного автора. Структура эпизодов автобиографии поэта, показанной в единстве с самой напряженной духовной атмосферой России кануна революции 1905 г, выявляет силу воздействия гуманизма русской культуры (музыки, литературы в особенности) на закрепление демократических устремлений подростка. Внимание концентрируется также на герценовской традиции в этом процессе. and The analysis of Mandelshtam's first prosaic book The Noise of Time (1925) shows the culmination of athor's first phase of life and aesthetic declaration of his intellectual maturity. The structure of Mandelshtam's authobiography is is based on the simultaneity of Russian culture and the boy's inner life formed by the spiritual atmosphere in Russia before 1905. Some relationship to Herzen's tradition can be noticed here.
V roce 1964 obdržel polský básník Zbigniew Herbert vízum pro cestu do Řecka. O své cestě pojednává v pěti esejích věnovaných antickému Řecku, které vycházely v letech 1965–1973, dříve, než byly vydány posmrtně v souboru názvem Labyrint u moře (2000). Proč se Herbert zajímá v páté eseji, jež vznikla v roce 1969, o revoltu na ostrově Samos proti athénské hegemonii? Díky tomuto tématu může promlouvat o současnosti (pražské jaro a jeho potlačení) a cenzuře: návrat prostřednictvím minulosti, explicitní a implicitní analogie. Disidentský básník také navrhuje politickou analýzu sovětské totality a pohrává si s dvojsmysly. Ale toto gesto angažovanosti ve prospěch odporu Čechoslováků musí být chápáno v perspektivě širšího rámce historického výzkumu dané doby a reflexe dějin vítězi. and In 1964 Polish poet Zbigniew Herbert obtained his visa for Greece. This trip was the basis for five essays devoted to ancient Greece that were published between 1965 and 1973, before being gathered in a posthumous collection, The Labyrinth by the Sea (2000). In the fifth essay, written in 1969, Herbert interested in the episode about the Revolt of Samos against Athenian hegemony. Why this particular interest? This subject allows him to speak about the present (the Prague Spring) and its repression by-passing censorship: the detour in the past as well as the process of explicit and especially implicit analogy. The dissident poet also proposes a political analysis of Soviet totalitarianism, playing on a series of double meanings. But this commitment supporting the revolt of the Czechoslovaks must be put into perspective in the broader context of the historical research of his time and his reflection on how the victors write history.