The study is devoted to the philosophical bequest of the Czech philo¬sopher Robert Kalivoda (1923–1089). Author fist evaluates his contribu¬tion to understanding a key period of Czech history, the Hussite move¬ment. By analysing economic and ideological conditions in the 14th and 15th centuries Kalivoda shows, that the Hussite movement was the first European early bourgeois revolution, bringing about fundamental changes in the structure of feudal society by paralysing the economic and philosophic potential of the Church as a fundamental component of the social order. Philosophically the movement created, out of elements of mediaeval philosophic realism and of the views of various heretical groups, an ideology of emancipation, anticipating ideas of later revolu¬tionary movements.
The second part of the study develops Kalivoda’s conception of the aesthetic function, starting from the conceptions of Jan Mukařovský, and thinks through its consequences for the humanisation of humans and society. Subsequently, the study analyses Kalivoda’s view of the so-called anthropological constant as the deepest layer of human existence and of its makeup. Kalivoda starts from Marx’s conception of a dialectical relation between hunger and sex and from their influence on the functioning of society. The author takes issue with Sigmund Freud’s conception according to which the sublimation of sexual instinct into the sphere of the “Higher I” (“Über-ich”) has solely an aggressive and repressive character and shows, that it involves non-aggressive sublimation as well, which – especially in the form of revolutionary activities – has a positive influence on social development.
Psychoanalytický výklad politiky není zdaleka výjimečný. Poměrně populární jsou sychoanalytické výklady života a činnosti velkých politických vůdců – viz Valenty, Feldman [2001] či Post [2003]. V praktické politické činnosti pak někteří psychoanalytici vidí sublimaci sexuálních pudů (freudisté), kompenzaci komplexu méněcennosti (adlerovci), projev určitých kolektivních mýtů (jungovci) apod. Cílem příspěvku je prozkoumat možnost aplikace psychoanalýzy pro výklad politických fenoménů blíže., Classical Psychoanalysis and Politics. The article is concerned with psychoanalysis and its application to politics. First part focuses on social thinking of Sigmund Freud. Second part examines political insights of Carl Gustav Jung. Third part examines the social theory of Erich Fromm. Forth part calls attention to political opinions of Herbert Marcuse. The article highlights a traditional Freudian approach to society and politics., and Marek Loužek.