Our comparison of samples from the Záblacký Bible with the first, second and third editions of the Old Czech Bible translation confirms Kyas's classification of the Záblacký Bible as a compilation translation, containing parts with texts from different editions of the Old Czech Bible. Some of its books belong to the first edition of the Old Czech Bible translation, some to the second, or the first and the second edition against the third edition, and some indicate conformity to third edition bibles. Some parts show conformity with the second and simultaneously the third editions against the first edition. In some places the Záblacký Bible even has its own reading, which we have not found in any other bible that we have worked with.
Our comparison of samples from the Záblacký Bible with the first, second and third editions of the Old Czech Bible translation confirms Kyas's classification of the Záblacký Bible as a compilation translation, containing parts with texts from different editions of the Old Czech Bible. Some of its books belong to the first edition of the Old Czech Bible translation, some to the second, or the first and the second edition against the third edition, and some indicate conformity to third edition bibles. Some parts show conformity with the second and simultaneously the third editions against the first edition. In some places the Záblacký Bible even has its own reading, which we have not found in any other bible that we have worked with.
Our comparison of samples from the Záblacký Bible with the first, second and third editions of the Old Czech Bible translation confirms Kyas's classification of the Záblacký Bible as a compilation translation, containing parts with texts from different editions of the Old Czech Bible. Some of its books belong to the first edition of the Old Czech Bible translation, some to the second, or the first and the second edition against the third edition, and some indicate conformity to third edition bibles. Some parts show conformity with the second and simultaneously the third editions against the first edition. In some places the Záblacký Bible even has its own reading, which we have not found in any other bible that we have worked with.
The paper represents the work of Slavist Vladimír Kyas on the paleobohemistic field, especially in the area of Old Czech Bible translation. Accompanied by the letters dedicated to Josef Vašica and Bohuslav Havránek, it maps the effort on edition of the first vernacular translation from the mid-14th century. The other archival material show how difficult was to edit this important work of Czech culture, mainly due to its size as well as complexity of the task and later because of the ideological a political obstacles. The plan to publish two oldest manuscripts of the first biblical translation, Bible of Drážďany and Bible of Olomouc, was supported by academician Bohuslav Havránek, who also recommended it to the Editorial Board by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. For the most part thanks to his influence, Vladimír Kyas and his followers could realize the edition: as a whole was published in five parts (and six volumes) within the years 1981 and 2010. Translated by Melvyn Clarke, Příspěvek představuje práci slavisty Vladimíra Kyase na paleobohemistickém poli, zejména v oblasti staročeského překladu bible. S oporou dopisů zaslaných Josefu Vašicovi a Bohuslavu Havránkovi je zmapována cesta k vydání nejstaršího českého biblického překladu z poloviny 14. století. Díky dalším archivním materiálům jsou popsány těžkosti vydání tohoto důležitého díla české kultury způsobené velikostí a složitostí úkolu a později také překážkami ideověpolitickými. Při prosazování edičního záměru u Ediční rady ČSAV připadla významná pozitivní role akad. Bohuslavu Havránkovi. Pětidílnou edici základních rukopisů prvního překladu bible do češtiny, tj. Bible drážďanské a Bible olomoucké, se nakonec V. Kyasovi a jeho následovníkům podařilo během let 1981 až 2010 vydat v úplnosti., and Překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke