Lase Induced Brakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) were utilized for microspatian nallyses of a fossil bear (Ursus arctos) tooth dentine. The distribution of selected trace elemnts (Sr, Ba, Fe) was measured on a 26 mm x 15 mm large and 3 mm thick transversal cross section of canine tooth, The Na and Mg content together with the distribution of matrix elemnts (Ca, P) was aslo monitored within this area. It is shown that LIBS, similarly to LA-ICP-MS can be successfully utilized for fast, spatially-resolved analysis of fossi teeth samples. Rate of Sr and Ca, Sr and Ba tracers were recognized and it is possible to say, thet these elemnts are changing its concentration in according to the seasonal increments of dentine. The concetration is lower in winter, when the bear is in his hibernation, contrary to summe, which is affuent for its substances. Secondly,concentration of Sr. shows us a seasonal migration between the place of hibernating and territory where bear searched for feed. From measurement of concentrations it is possible to claim, that the bear was hunted in his season of searching for feed, when he was ensuring his fat reserfe for winter. From archaeological pint of iew, on the base of these measurements it was possible to reconstract the ehtology of the fossil brown bear, i.e the nutrition, health and migration., Miriam Nývltová Fišáková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article presents the results of a laboratory analysis of the glass of a leech-shaped fibula bow discovered in a Hallstatt C grave in Gorszewice, Greater Poland. The fibula comes from Italy and is dated sometime to the end of the 8th or the 7th century BC. Both of the inner sides with a yellowish colour and the external side that appeared dark blue, nearly black, were examined. Like low magnesium and medium potassium glass of glassy faience present in the Hallstatt C period, the glass of the Gorszewice fibula bow is characterized by medium contents of K2O, high Al2O3 and Fe2O3, and a relatively high level of B2O3, TiO2 and BaO. The inner and outer glass of the Gorszewice fibula bow have an identical, or nearly the same chemical composition. Higher levels of several oxides occurred in the dark glass, indicating that they must have been introduced with the colourant. The yellowish glass was not coloured intentionally; its colour is the result of the presence of iron compounds in the sand. and Článek představuje výsledky analýzy skleněného návleku lučíku spony, objeveného v hrobě datovaném do období Ha C v Gorszewicích, Velkopolsko. Spona pochází z Itálie zřejmě na sklonku 8. nebo v 7. století BC. Zkoumány byla jak vnitřní vrstva nažloutlé barvy, tak povrchová vrstva, na pohled tmavě modrá až černá. Stejně jako LMMK sklo skelné fajánse, běžné v období Ha C, i sklo návleku lučíku spony z Gorszewic charakterizuje střední koncentrace K2O, vysoká koncentrace Al2O3 a Fe2O3, a poměrně vysoká úroveň B2O3, TiO2 a BaO. Vnitřní i vnější skelná vrstva návleku lučíku spony z Gorszewic mají téměř stejné chemické složení. Vyšší koncentrace některých oxidů se projevují v tmavším skle, což je způsobeno příměsí barvících složek. Nažloutlé sklo nebylo obarveno záměrně: jeho barva je způsobena přítomností sloučenin železa v písku.