This study analyzes the political turnaround of the Croatian Communist leadership, which in December 1989 decided to organize free, pluralistic elections that guided Croatia towards a pluralistic political system. It analyzes in detail the course of the 11th Congress of the Communist party of Croatia, which led to this fundamental change and promoted further developments. The attention is also paid to the domestic political developments in Croatia during the month that followed, when difficulties and concerns — both inside and outside the ruling circles — appeared in connection with the sudden democratization. and Předkládaná studie analyzuje politický obrat chorvatského komunistického vedení, které v prosinci 1989 rozhodlo o uspořádání svobodných vícestranických voleb a tím o dalším směřování Chorvatska směrem k pluralitnímu politickému systému. Podrobně je rozebírán průběh XI. sjezdu Svazu komunistů Chorvatska, v jehož průběhu byla tato zásadní změna současného kurzu prosazena a dále rozvedena. Ústřední pozornost je pak věnována vnitropolitickému vývoji Chorvatska během následujícího měsíce, kdy se mimo jiné projevily i těžkosti a obavy spojené s náhlou demokratizací, a to nejen ze strany vládnoucích kruhů.
In 1965 the French left-wing parties joined forces and lent support to their common presidential candidate François Mitterrand. However several left-wing candidates ran for President in the following election in 1969. What were the reasons for suspending the unification process? Was it the occupation of the Czechoslovakia or student riots in 1968? Could that be ideological divergences or personal conflicts between French left-wing forces? The article is based on analysis of press releases, political science research made in the 1960s and observations of the Czechoslovak embassy in Paris.