Fundamental research of the hydrologic cycle in Volyňka catchment was established by the Institute of Hydrodynamics (Academy of Sciences of CR) in 1964. Since 1975 hydrologic cycle is monitored in the Liz catchment (spruce forest), Zábrod arable land and Zábrod meadow experimental areas. These experimental sites are situated in the mountainous and submontane region (800 - 1100 m a.s.l.) of the Šumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest). Influence of plant transpiration on the air temperature and entropy production is analyzed. Stabilizing role of both the water retention in a catchment and plant transpiration is evaluated. It was found that under conditions of sufficient retention capacity of a catchment (mainly the soil) and the area covered by transpiring vegetation, the hydrologic cycle was resistant to the great climatic perturbances in the growing seasons 1983, 1992 and 1994. and Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR započal v roce 1964 experimentální hydrologický výzkum v povodí Volyňky. Od roku 1975 probíhá soustavné měření charakteristik hydrologického cyklu na vrcholových povodích Liz a Albrechtec (lesní porost) a experimentálních plochách Zábrod-pole a Zábrod-louka ve Vimperské vrchovině (800 až 1100 m n. m., Šumava). Monitoring prokazuje, že jednou z příčin relativní stability teplot přízemní atmosféry a odtoků z horských povodí je transpirace rostlin ve vegetační sezóně umožněná retencí vody v povodí. Dostatečná retenční schopnost krajiny (zejména půdy) a dostatečná transpirace vegetačního krytu dodávají hydrologickému koloběhu cyklický charakter. Bylo prokázáno, že vodou dostatečně zásobený hydrologický cyklus na povodí Liz dobře odolává velkým jednorázovým perturbacím spojeným se zvětšením příkonu tepla, jako tomu bylo v letech 1983, 1992 a 1994 (následek výbuchu sopky El Chichon v roce 1982 a Mont Pinatubo v roce 1991).
Three new species of the genus Alchemilla are reported from the Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mts). A. glabricaulis occurs in the Czech Republik and Germany and represents a new species in Central Europe. Both A. baltica and A. cymatophylla occur only in the Czech part of the Bohemian Forest. Overview of taxa so far reported from the region is given.
A checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi reported from the German part of the Bohemian Forest Range (the Bavarian Forest) is presented together with the literature sources. The area covered by the checklist is region 37 circumscribed by Grummann (1963). The list comprises 867 species currently accepted as occurring within the area. A further 44 species have been reported from the area, but their occurrence is regarded as doubtful. Seventy-seven mostly infraspecific taxa from 19th century literature sources could not be assigned to any currently accepted name and are listed separately. An overlooked, historical record of Pyxine sorediata (Ach.) Mont. is reported as the first and only German record of this species. A linear increase in the number of reported species, with no sign of saturation in recent years, indicates that the lichen flora of the region is still incompletely known. The biogeographic composition of the lichen flora broadly reflects the climatic conditions within the study area. A significantly higher proportion of northern elements among terricolous lichens could indicate a high proportion of glacial relict species within this group. Because of the incomplete floristic inventory and limited distributional data for lichens in general, these conclusions should be viewed with caution.