Fitzroy Island byl vyhlášen národním parkem v roce 1992. Celý ostrov ležící u severovýchodního pobřeží Austrálie (stát Queensland) má plochu 339 ha, přičemž zdejší národní park zaujímá 329 ha. Původem jde o ostrov kontinentální, nikoli korálový. Ale podél břehů lze obdivovat korálové útesy s charakteristickou faunou, které jsou součástí známého Velkého bariérového útesu. Toto území je od r. 1986 součástí dlouhodobého monitorovacího programu Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef. V národním parku Fitzroy Island nalezneme rozmanité typy vegetace včetně zapojeného lesa (deštný les). Řada druhů rostlin a živočichů nachází využití u domorodých obyvatel kmene Gurabana – Gungganji, jako zdroj obživy, léčivých látek nebo pro výrobu různých předmětů, i se symbolickým významem. Fitzroy Island hostí mnoho ochranářsky významných rostlin a živočichů. Oblast nabízí příležitost pro výzkumné aktivity v širokém spektru přírodních, kulturních i sociálních témat. Vědecké studie a monitorovací programy přitom mohou poskytnout cenné informace pro zlepšení ochrany území., Fitzroy Island was declared a national park in 1992. It is a high continental island within the Cairns Regional Council area, situated approximately 4.5 km from the mainland and ca 35 km from Cairns. The national park and marine management area have high scenic appeal and a relaxed and quiet atmosphere. A giant clam research station remains in operation on Welcome Bay. The NP has a high diversity of vegetation types, including closed forest (rainforest). Many plant and animal species have significance to the Gurabana Gunggandji people who use them for their totemic values, artefact resources, food and medicine. Fitzroy Island hosts a number of plants and animals of conservation significance. Coral reefs are situated around the island with typical fauna. The area offers a range of research opportunities in natural, cultural and social themes. The marine management area has been part of the Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef long-term monitoring program since 1986. Scientific research and monitoring programs can provide valuable information to improve management., and Jana Hanelová, Lubomír Hanel.
To investigate the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on physiology and autumnal leaf phenology, we exposed 3-year-old sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings to 800 (A8), 600 (A6), and 400 μL(CO2) L-1 (AA) in nine continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) chambers during the growing season of 2014. Leaf abscission timing, abscised leaf area percentages, leaf number, light-saturated net photosynthetic rate (PNmax), leaf area, accumulative growth rates, and biomass were determined and assessed. The results suggested the following: (1) no significant differences were found in the timing of leaf abscission in the three CO2-concentration treatments; (2) PNmax was continuously stimulated to the greatest extent in A8 at 319% and 160% in A6 until the end of the growing season, respectively; and (3) leaf number, leaf area, and accumulative height growth all significantly increased by elevated CO2, which led to a 323% increase in A8 biomass and 235% in A6 biomass after 156-d fumigation. In summary, the results suggest, the timing of leaf abscission of sugar maple in fall was not modified by CO2 enrichment, the increased carbon gain by elevated CO2 was mainly due to increased leaf area, more leaves, and the continuously enhanced high photosynthesis throughout the growing season instead of the leaf life span., L. Li, W. J. Manning, X. K. Wang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is an attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine. We performed a series of co-infection experiments with BCG-Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi Landau, 1965 AS using C57BL/6 mice to analyse whether BCG can affect the development of protective immunity to infection with Plasmodium spp. and the mechanism of this protection. We divided mice into four groups: BCG-inoculation 4 weeks prior to P. c. chabaudi AS infection (B-4w-Pc); simultaneous BCG-inoculation and P. c. chabaudi AS infection (Pc+B); BCG-inoculation 3 days post P. c. chabaudi AS (Pc-3-B) infection; and mono-P. c. chabaudi AS infection as control (Pc). The parasitemia level in the B-4w-Pc group was noticeably higher than control group at 6-19 days post infection (dpi). Compared with the control group, the proportion of CD4+CD69+ T cells was significantly reduced 5, 8 and 12 dpi, but the proportion of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs was significantly increased in the B-4w-Pc group on 5 and 8 dpi. The B-4w-Pc group also demonstrated reduced levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α on 5 and 8 dpi and significantly elevated level of IL-10 on 12 dpi. There were significantly fewer mDCs (CD11c+CD11b+) and pDCs (CD11c+B220+) in the B-4w-Pc group than the control group at all the time points post infection and the expression of MHC II was noticeably reduced on day 8 pi. Our findings confirmed that BCG inoculation prior to Plasmodium infection resulted in excessive activation and proliferation of Tregs and upregulation of anti-inflammatory mediators, which inhibited establishment of a Th1-dominant immune response during the early stages of Plasmodium infection by inhibiting dendritive cells response. BCG inoculation prior to P. c. chabaudi AS infection may contribute to overgrowth of parasites as well as mortality in mice., Dong-Hua Cao, Ji-Chun Wang, Jun Liu, Yun-Ting Du, Li-Wang Cui, Ya-Ming Cao., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Insights can be gained by analysing the feeding decisions of animals in terms of nutrient demands at a species or community level. Using carbohydrate and protein food baits, resource use and food preferences of Formica (Serviformica) lemani were determined at nine locations situated at different altitudes (1875 to 2400 m a.s.l.) in the alpine grassland belt above the tree line in Austria and northern Italy. F. lemani is the most common species of ant in this habitat. Sucrose baits placed around ant colonies were visited by significantly (3.9 times) more workers than protein baits. This indicates that sources of sugar (carbohydrate) are in short supply in the alpine zone, whereas availability of prey items appears to be less constraining. Overall, we recorded a decrease in the incidence of visits to baits from low (31.9% baits attracting ants at least once) to high altitudes (16.7%). Foraging ants never visited 51.5% of the baits exposed for periods of 75 min. This indicates that with increasing altitude competition for food among ant colonies becomes less intense in alpine grassland ant communities., Elia Guariento, Jan Martini, Konrad Fiedler., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Antiparasitic allogrooming in two adults of Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) was observed in the Javorie Mountains in Slovakia on 18th April 2016. This rare observation was documented by photographs and video. In this context, the occurrence of ticks on Red Foxes and in fox faeces in Europe is briefly reviewed and discussed. and Ivan Literák.
During vertebrate evolution, structural changes in red blood cells (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb), have probably resulted in the importance of blood carbon dioxide transport. The chloride/bicarbonate exchange across the RBC membrane, which is an integral part of the blood CO2 transport process in vertebrates, has been examined on two different species of teleost fish, Euthynnus alletteratus and Thunnus thynnus, at several oxygenation states of erythrocyte HOS (high-oxygenation state, about 90 % of saturation) and LOS (low-oxygenation state, about 15 % of saturation). The results were compared with those observed in human RBC under the same experimental conditions and with the chicken (Gallus gallus) erythrocytes, which have particular modifications at the N-terminus of the band 3 protein (B3). In fish the kinetic measurements have shown a different anion transport in several oxygenation states of erythrocytes, indicating that also at lower levels of vertebrate evolution there exists a modulation of the anionic flow affected by oxygen. The functional correlation of anion transport to changes of parts of the hemoglobin sequence responsible for alterations in the interactions with the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 protein (cdb3) allowed us to suggest a hypothesis about fish physiology. The highest values of kinetic measurements observed in fish have been attributed to the metabolic need of the RBC in response to the removal of CO2 that in teleosts is also of endogenous origin., A. Russo, E. Tellone, S. Ficarra, B. Giardina, E. Bellocco, G. Lagana, U. Leuzzi, A. Kotyk, A. Galtieri., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
In Italy, food-borne outbreaks of opisthorchiasis have occurred since 2003, all of them originating from some lakes in Central Italy where the only European liver fluke, Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884) is endemic. The aim of the present study is to investigate the factors that may facilitate the life cycle of O. felineus in the area of Bolsena Lake, the knowledge of the local population about opisthorchiasis, and preventative healthcare measures. We performed a descriptive observational study through the submission of questionnaires to three target populations: fishermen who fish exclusively in Bolsena Lake, restaurateurs whose businesses are close to the lake and general population living in the province of Viterbo. Results showed hazardous behaviours and eating habits in the three target populations, as well as a poor knowledge of opisthorchiasis and preventative healthcare measures., Paola Scaramozzino, Roberto Condoleo, Enrica Martini, Teresa Bossù, Silvia Aquilani, Valentina Spallucci, Elisabetta Aquilini, Selene Marozzi., and Obsahuje bibliografii
1_Certain monoterpenes produced by aromatic plants are known to have lethal and sublethal effects on insects. As there is a need to replace conventional pesticides (organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids) with biorational pesticides, we evaluated the behavioural and toxicological responses of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, exposed to the following monoterpenes, namely (+)-a-pinene, (–)-a-pinene, limonene, menthone, linalool, menthyl acetate and geraniol. Locomotor activity and repellency were quantified using a video tracking system. To study the effect on locomotor activity, larvae were exposed to filter papers treated with concentrations of monoterpenes ranging between 1.4 and 1,400 µg/cm2. Only menthyl acetate applied at a concentration of 14 µg/cm2 or higher increased the locomotor activity of the larvae. Repellency was evaluated by exposing larvae to circles of filter paper divided in two equal zones: one zone was treated with a solution of a monoterpene in acetone (14 or 140 µg/cm2) and the other with only acetone. Larvae were repelled by all the monoterpenes tested. The two concentrations of geraniol and the highest concentration of menthyl acetate and linalool were as repellent as DEET (positive control). The fumigant effect was evaluated by exposing larvae to vapour from 100 µl of pure monoterpene in a sealed container., 2_The values of the 50% Knock-down Times (KT50), expressed in minutes, were: (+)-a-pinene: 11.8, (–)-a-pinene: 14.6, limonene: 81.0, menthone: 141.0, and linalool: 238.6. (+)-a-Pinene was as good a fumigant as dichlorvos (positive control, KT50 = 9.7 min). The least effective compounds were menthyl acetate and geraniol (both affected less than 50% of larvae after 490 min of exposure). In conclusion, (+)-a-pinene (for its fumigant effect), menthyl acetate (for its hyperactivant effect) and menthone and geraniol (for their repellent properties) could potentially be used for controlling B. germanica., Raúl A. Alzogaray ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Larvae of the endangered Scarce Large Blue butterfly, Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius, are initially endophytic, feeding upon developing seeds of Sanguisorba officinalis, but complete their development as social parasites preying on the brood of Myrmica ants. Females show very specific preferences, laying eggs exclusively in young flower heads of the food plant. In the present contribution we report the results of a detailed study of female behaviour at three sites differing in size and abundance of S. officinalis. Tracked individuals switched between feeding on nectar (nectaring), flight and oviposition. They fed exclusively on flowers of reddish, pink or violet colouration, favouring Viccia cracca and S. officinalis. However, females spent about one fifth of the time they were active ovipositing and laid about 20 eggs per hour. Oviposition visits to flower heads were highly stereotyped and followed a specific ritual. Examination of accepted, rejected and randomly sampled flower heads showed that females avoided those containing conspecific eggs and at a site where this was difficult due to a shortage of suitable flower heads, they tended to distribute their eggs evenly among the available flower heads. Our results indirectly indicate the existence of an oviposition-deterring pheromone (ODP) in P. teleius. This hypothetical marking ensures a more even distribution of eggs and possibly increases the chances of survival of caterpillars by reducing competition during both the phytophagous and myrmecophagous stages of development. There are few reports of butterflies producing ODPs and to our knowledge this is the first evidence of their presence in the family Lycaenidae., Marcin Sielezniew, Anna M. Stankiewicz-Fiedurek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury