Schopnost efektivně se pohybovat v daném prostředí byla pro člověka a jeho předchůdce klíčová k zajištění dostatku energie k přežití a rozmnožování. Potřeba překonávat vzdálenosti s co nejmenšími náklady formovala stavbu našich končetin již od doby, kdy jsme se poprvé postavili na dvě končetiny. S příchodem rodu Homo dochází ke změnám dolní končetiny a celého těla umožňujícím efektivnější běh, jenž byl v té době nejlepším způsobem, jak se dostat k masu. Neandrtálce stála chůze a běh více energie než moderní lidi, nicméně rozdíly byly malé a zřejmě nepřispěly k vyhynutí neandrtálců., The ability to move effectively through a given environment was crucial for humans and their ancestors to acquire enough energy for survival and reproduction. The need to cover distances with minimum costs has formed our limbs since we first stood on two limbs. With the early representatives of the genus Homo, the lower limbs and the whole body changed to allow more effective running, which was the best way to obtain meat in those times. H. neanderthalensis had higher costs of walking and running than modern humans, but the differences were subtle and did not contribute to the downfall of H. neanderthalensis., and Martin Hora, Vladimír Sládek.
The half-popular compositions traditionally referred to as broadside ballads are a specific type of source. Some of them reflect Biblical, legendary and historical events in Egypt and the Near East. Although the factual importance of such ballads in not great, they have some informative value, because their texts mirror the attitudes and opinions of the lower social classes, in this case clearly influenced by the antithesis of Christianity and Islam, or also Judaism. They show that the authors of broadside ballads kept alive deep-rooted stereotypes, mainly the stereotype of Turks as pagans and tyrants. and Michal Klacek.
This study deals with contemporary political situation in Ethiopia under the influence of so-called Arab spring. Its main argument is that we can hardly expect the same scenario to happen in Ethiopia but instead of this, continuation of the rule of EPRDF will be more probable. If there is a chance for a public unrest against the dictatorial régime in Ethiopia, then it would probably arise from general socio-economic frustration and poverty, and not as an inspiration coming from North Africa., Jan Záhořík., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Evropa se nachází pod tlakem silné imigrace. Nejde přitom o nic nového, v pravěku docházelo k migracím poměrně často a lze říci, že z dnešního pohledu náš genofond spíše obohatily. Pro budoucí identitu příchozích je podstatné, jak se k nim budeme nyní chovat, protože identita se vytváří vždy v interakcích., Europe is under a relatively strong immigration pressure. However, this is nothing new; prehistoric migrations occurred quite often and we can retrospectively summarize they rather enriched our gene pool. Since the identity of immigrants is always created in interactions, it is essential how we treat these people right now., and Viktor Černý, Martin Hájek.
Art of seeing, John Rajchman argues in his essay, was in the center of Michel Foucault’s critical attention as well as practice. Foucault himself was a visual thinker and writer. More importantly, however, the ways in which historically changing vision determines not only what is seen, but what can be seen, are one of his major concerns. Rupture with self-evidences is then the first step one must take to make the invisible - yet not hidden - power visible. The invisibility of power, seen as the invisible light that makes other things visible, is what makes it tolerable. Knowledge and the practice of knowing themselves are constructed by the technology of the visual, such as the different types of spaces that bring about specific visibility. In Foucault’s histories, the prison or the clinic are such spaces that have visualized criminality, sexuality or madness in particular manner. However, problematization of these things needs to go beyond new ways of looking at them and has to question their entire field of vision. This implies that Foucauldian ethics is less concerned with what we do about things themselves, instead, it rather asks how we see them in the first place and how can they be seen differently. It thus requires not to look within us, on the contrary, we should look out, from outside of ourselves., John Rajchman., and Obsahuje bibliografii