a_1 In this study, we have determined power output reached at maximal oxygen uptake during incremental cycling exercise (PI,max) performed at low and at high pedaling rates in nineteen untrained men with various myosin heavy chain composition (MyHC) in the vastus lateralis muscle. On separate days, subjects performed two incremental exercise tests until exhaustion at 60 rev . min-1 and at 120 rev . min-1. In the studied group of subjects PI,max reached during cycling at 60 rev . min-1 was significantly higher (p=0.0001) than that at 120 rev . min-1 (287±29 vs. 215±42 W, respectively for 60 and 120 rev . min-1). For further comparisons, two groups of subjects (n=6, each) were selected according to MyHC composition in the vastus lateralis muscle: group H with higher MyHC II content (56.8±2.79 %) and group L with lower MyHC II content in this muscle (28.6±5.8 %). PI,max reached during cycling performed at 60 rev . min-1 in group H was significantly lower than in group L (p=0.03). However, during cycling at 120 rev . min-1, there was no significant difference in PI,max reached by both groups of subjects (p=0.38). Moreover, oxygen uptake (VO2), blood hydrogen ion [H+], plasma lactate [La-] and ammonia [NH3] concentrations determined at the four highest power outputs completed during the incremental cycling performed at 60 as well as 120 rev . min-1, in the group H were significantly higher than in group L. We have concluded that during an incremental exercise performed at low pedaling rates the subjects with lower content of MyHC II in the vastus lateralis muscle possess greater power generating capabilities than the subjects with higher content of MyHC II. Surprisingly, at high pedaling rate, power generating capabilities in the subjects with higher MyHC II content in the vastus lateralis muscle did not differ from those found in the subjects with lower content of MyHC II in this muscle., a_2 We have concluded that during an incremental exercise performed at low pedaling rates the subjects with lower content of MyHC II in the vastus lateralis muscle possess greater power generating capabilities than the subjects with higher content of MyHC II. Surprisingly, at high pedaling rate, power generating capabilities in the subjects with higher MyHC II content in the vastus lateralis muscle did not differ from those found in the subjects with lower content of MyHC II in this muscle, despite higher blood [H+], [La-] and [NH3] concentrations. This indicates that at high pedaling rates the subjects with higher percentage of MyHC II in the vastus lateralis muscle perform relatively better than the subjects with lower percentage of MyHC II in this muscle., J. Majerczak, Z. Szkutnik, K. Duda, M. Komorowska, I. Kolodziejski, J. Karasinski, J. A. Zoladz., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Cíl: Cílem práce bylo posoudit, jak všeobecné sestry pečují o své zdraví. Zda se zabývají vlastní prevencí, zmapovat výskyt zdravotních problémů, jejich řešení a odhalit postoj všeobecných sester k rizikovým faktorům ohrožujících jejich zdraví. Metodika: Metodou průzkumu bylo dotazníkové šetření provedené v období listopad 2011 - leden 2012 v Bílovecké nemocnici a. s. a v Městské nemocnici v Odrách. Nestandardizovaný dotazník obsahoval otázky zaměřené na prevenci onemocnění, výskyt zdravotních problémů a postoje všeobecných sester k rizikovým faktorům ohrožující jejich zdraví. Výzkumný soubor tvořil 100 všeobecných sester. Výsledky: Všeobecné sestry navštěvují praktického lékaře jen při subjektivních potížích, nedodržují léčebný režim u běžných respiračních onemocnění, dané onemocnění přecházejí, nevystavují si pracovní neschopnost k doléčení, zdravotní problémy konzultují na pracovišti s lékařem nebo si zvolí léčbu sami. Dlouhodobým zdravotním problémem u všeobecných sester je bolestivost pohybového aparátu, pouze čtvrtina pravidelně sportuje a upevňuje si zdraví. Pracovní výkon sester je závislý na kvalitě odpočinku a na celkové fyzické a psychické kondici. Téměř všechny všeobecné sestry se cítí fyzicky i psychicky vyčerpané, polovina sester uvažovala o změně povolání z důvodu vysoké psychické zátěže a nespokojenosti s platem. Zdravotničtí pracovníci vědí, jakým způsobem ohrožují faktory návykové a faktory životního stylu délku a kvalitu života, přesto třetina sester pravidelně kouří a trpí nadváhou. Závěr: Povolání všeobecné sestry je velmi náročné a společensky nedoceněné. Všeobecné sestry by měli využít své kvalifikace a více se angažovat v oblasti prevence, poradenství v otázkách ochrany a upevňování zdraví., Aim: One of objectives of this work is to assess how the nurses take care of their own health and whether the nurses deal with their own prevention. Also, to do the mapping of prevalence of health problems, their solution and to detect the attitude of nurses to the risk factors that may be life threatening and have an impact to their own health. Methods: The survey method supporting this work was done by questionnaire in Bílovec Hospital a.s. and Municipal hospital in Odry in period November 2011 - January 2012. Unstandardized questionnaire included questions regarding the prevention of diseases, incidents of health problems and the attitude of nurses to the threatening factors influencing their health. The experimental group was made of 100 nurses. Results: The nurses attend their doctors only in case of subjective symptoms, they do not follow the treatment regime in case of common respiratory health problems, they often pass the illness as well as they do not want to be issued the sick leave to finish the treatment properly. Often, they discuss their health problems in the work place or they decide to cure themselves. The long-term health disorder among nurses is musculoskeletal pain due to the fact that only quarter of them strengthens their health by doing a sport activity regularly. Work performance of the nurses is dependent on the quality of their relaxation and overall physical and mental condition. Almost all nurses feel physically and mentally exhausted, half of them thought of career change due to the high mental stress and pay dissatisfaction. All healthcare professionals are aware of how the addictive and lifestyle factors threaten their life, yet one third of the nurses smokes regularly and is overweight. Conclusion: The profession of general nurse is very challenging and socially undervalued. The nurses should use their skills and qualifications to engage in prevention and counceling in the issues of health protection and its strengthening., and Silvie Madziová, Eva Janíková
The effects of blocking ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) muscarinic cholinoceptors on cardiovascular responses were investigated in running rats. Animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium and fitted with bilateral cannulae into the VMH. After recovering from surgery, the rats were familiarized to running on a treadmill. The animals then had a polyethylene catheter implanted into the left carotid artery to measure blood pressure. Tail skin temperature (Ttail), heart rate, and systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure were measured after bilateral injections of 0.2 μl of 5 × 10−9 mol methylatropine or 0.15 M NaCl solution into the hypothalamus. Cholinergic blockade of the VMH reduced time to fatigue by 31% and modified the temporal profile of cardiovascular and Ttail adjustments without altering their maximal responses. Mean arterial pressure peak was achieved earlier in methylatropine-treated rats, which also showed a 2-min delay in induction of tail skin vasodilation, suggesting a higher sympathetic tonus to peripheral vessels. In conclusion, muscarinic cholinoceptors within the VMH are involved in a neuronal pathway that controls exercise-induced cardiovascular adjustments. Furthermore, blocking of cholinergic transmission increases sympathetic outflow during the initial minutes of exercise, and this higher sympathetic activity may be responsible for the decreased performance., S. P. Wanner ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Pacientka, 65 let, byla přijata pro progredující dušnost, pyrexie, polyurii, polydypsii a netypické bolesti na hrudníku na oddělení gynekologické onkologie v říjnu 2014. V subjektivních pocitech pacientka akcentovala extrémní únavu a vyčerpání. Doporučující lékařkou, která vedla pacientku ve své ambulantní dispenzární péči, byl stav vyhodnocen jako sekundární anémie s počínajícím anemickým syndromem, a to při léčbě recidivy platina rezistentního karcinomu ovaria topotekanem v monoterapii. Vzhledem k vstupnímu rtg snímku hrudníku, který popisoval intersticiální plicní proces, byla stanovena pracovní diferenciálně diagnostická rozvaha s cílem objasnit etiologii klinického stavu resp. souvisejícího rtg snímku. Byla zvažována progrese základního onemocnění, potenciální pneumotoxický efekt topotekanu a dále respirační infekt u imunokompromitované pacientky. Na podkladě pneumologického vyšetření bylo vyjádřeno podezření na intersticiální plicní proces, v úvahu připadalo i možné postižení plic při léčbě topotekanem. Vzhledem k negativitě zánětlivých parametrů a negativnímu bakteriologickému vyšetření z materiálu z bronchoalveolární laváže byla zavedena kortikoterapie v maximální denní dávce. Teprve histopatologickým vyšetřením plicní tkáně z transbronchiální biopsie při bronchoskopii byla stanovena diagnóza metastatického postižení plic při adenokarcinomu ovaria. Pro progresi základního onemocnění byla z rozhodnutí onkologické komise u pacientky indikována změna režimu paliativní chemoterapie. V prosinci 2014 byla zahájena aplikace chemoterapie v režimu FUFA De Gamont. Při příjmu ke 2. sérii pacientka udávala rozostření vizu, diplopii a postupné výrazné zhoršování zraku. Dle CT mozku byla diagnostikována metastatická expanze v oblasti stopky hypofýzy (což vysvětlovalo téměř 3 měsíce trvající úpornou polydypsii), byla zahájena antiedematózní terapie a indikována paliativní radioterapie. V průběhu této léčby pacientka generalizovanému onemocnění podlehla., The authors present a case report of a 65-years old woman who suffered of metachronous breast carcinoma and mucous type ovarian carcinoma. She was admitted to the department of gynaecological onkology with dyspnoea, chest pain, fever, and was extremely exhausted. At that time she received chemotherapy: topotecan in monotherapy for the recurent ovarian carcinoma. According to the clinical status, X-ray, CT picture and according to the negativity of broncho-alveolar splashing it was thought that we delt with a case of topotecan pneumotoxicity. Therapeuticaly we subscribed to start the treatment with corticoids, bronchodilatants and mucolytics. Finaly the result of the histopathological examination of transbronchial biopsy confirms the presence of adenocarcinomatous tissue well compatible with the ovarian adenocarcinoma of the mucose type previously diagnosed at this pacient. The régime of chemotherapy was changed to FUFA de Gamont. The patient passed away after the 2nd application due to fast spreading of the ovarian carcinoma to brain structures. We present the diagnostic difficuilties to distinguish between non-specific clinical signs and X-rays at patients with polychemotherapy and lung generalisation of the oncological disease., Monika Náležinská, Renata Kalábová, Jana Kleinová, Helena Kolářová, Marcela Tomíšková, Josef Chovanec, and Literatura
The present study investigated the effects of head cooling during endurance cycling on performance and the serotonergic neuroendocrine response to exercise in the heat. Subjects exercised at 75 % VO2max to volitional fatigue on a cycle ergometer at an ambient temperature of 29±1.0 °C, with a relative humidity of approximately 50 %. Head cooling resulted in a 51 % (p<0.01) improvement in exercise time to fatigue and Borg Scale ratings of perceived exertion were significantly lower throughout the exercise period with cooling (p<0.01). There were no indications of peripheral mechanisms of fatigue either with, or without, head cooling, indicating the importance of central mechanisms. Exercise in the heat caused the release of prolactin in response to the rise in rectal temperature. Head cooling largely abolished the prolactin response while having no effect on rectal temperature. Tympanic temperature and sinus skin temperature were reduced by head cooling and remained low throughout the exercise. It is suggested that there is a co-ordinated response to exercise involving thermoregulation, neuroendocrine secretion and behavioural adaptations that may originate in the hypothalamus or associated areas of the brain. Our results are consistent with the effects of head cooling being mediated by both direct cooling of the brain and modified cerebral artery blood flow, but an action of peripheral thermoreceptors cannot be excluded., L. Ansley, G. Marvin, A. Sharma, M. J. Kendall, D. A. Jones, M. W. Bridge., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy