The paper interconnects studies of everyday life and everyday consumption and research on socialist housing estates. It is based on an ethnographic stydy of Petržalka, the biggest housing estate in Bratislava, located at the south band of the river Danube.
Nedávno jsme v tomto časopise (JMO 4/2009) v článku nazvaném''Před pořízením systému vojáka pro AČR'', popsali náš názor na projekt tzv. systému vojáka, v AČR tehdy pojmenovaný jako ''Voják 21.století''. Nyní je tento projekt veden v Armádě České republiky (AČR) pod názvem modulární bojový komplet (MBK). I náš pohled doznal za uplynulé dva roky určitého posunu, který se odrazil i v návrhu řešení, jež označujeme zkratkou BIG-OŠ, tedy Battlefield Integrated Groups - organizace a školení. Kombinací anglického a českého názvu chceme vyjádřit jak naše národní specifikace a požadavky, tak i skutečnost, že je tento systém připraven na použití v rámci vojenských struktur NATO. Tomuto přístupu odpovídá i systémové složení kompletu, jež vhodně kombinuje národní a alianční prvky a technologie. Tento přístup zde chceme stručně představit. and Recently we described in the JMO journal article, called ''Before acquisition of the soldier system for the Czech Army'', our estimation of so-called the soldier system project, in the Czech Army known like ''Soldier 21st century''. Nowadays, this project is registered under the designation Modular Combat Set (MBK) in the Czech Army. Our view has reached certain shift for last two years and that reflected the proposal of solution, which we have marked like BIG-OŠ - Battlefield Integrated Groups - the organization and training. By the combination English and Czech appellation we want to expresses both our national specification and requirements and the fact that this system is ready for use within the scope of the NATO military configuration. The attitude corresponds to the systematic structure of the set, which combines appropriately not only the national and alliance factors but also the technologies. We would like to introduce the above mentioned attitude briefly in the following text.
One of the most abundant immunologic cell types in early decidua is the uterine natural killer (UNK) cell that despite the presence of cytoplasmic granules rich in perforin and granzymes does not degranulate in normal pregnancy. UNK cells are important producers of angiogenic factors that permit normal dilation of uterine arteries to provide increased blood flow for the growing feto-placental unit. Gram-negative bacteria lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration can trigger an imbalance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines impairing the normal immune cells activity as well as uterine homeostasis. The present study aimed to evaluate by immunohistochemistry the reactivity of perforin and α-actin on UNK cell from LPStreated pregnant mice. For the first time, we demonstrate that LPS injection in pregnant mice causes α-actin down regulation, concomitantly with perforin loss in UNK cells. This suggests that LPS alters UNK cell migration and activates cytotoxic granule release., B. Zavan, A. M. do Amarante-Paffaro, V. A. Paffaro Jr., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Based on stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) measurements, photosynthetic pathway types were determined for 61 species in 54 genera and 24 families of flowering plants from the saline meadows of Northeastern China. Of these total vascular plants, 18 species in 17 genera from 6 families were found to have C4 photosynthesis; 43 species in 38 genera from 20 families had C3 photosynthesis. Six dicotyledonous species exhibited C4 pathway, 12 monocotyledonous species were found with C4 photosynthesis. The dicotyledonous C4 species had relative greater mean δ13C value and less total carbon content than both monocotyledonous C4 and C3 species. Most dicotyledonous C4 species were annual forbs and halophytes. Some C4 species had been previously documented, but their δ13C values varied remarkably from those of the present study. Even though there are some fluctuations for the δ13C values of some C4 species, δ13C value was still more reliable for C3 and C4 identification than the use of the enzyme ratio method and of low CO2 compensation concentration.