This package contains data sets for development and testing of machine translation of medical queries between Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish ans Swedish. The queries come from general public and medical experts. This is version 2.0 extending the previous version by adding Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish translations.
This package contains data sets for development and testing of machine translation of sentences from summaries of medical articles between Czech, English, French, and German. and This work was supported by the EU FP7 project Khresmoi (European Comission contract No. 257528). The language resources are distributed by the LINDAT/Clarin project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project no. LM2010013). We thank all the data providers and copyright holders for providing the source data and anonymous experts for translating the sentences.
This package contains data sets for development (Section dev) and testing (Section test) of machine translation of sentences from summaries of medical articles between Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish
and Swedish. Version 2.0 extends the previous version by adding Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish translations.
An interactive web demo for querying selected ÚFAL and LINDAT corpora. LINDAT/CLARIN KonText is a fork of ÚČNK KonText (, maintained by Tomáš Machálek) that contains some modifications and additional features. Kontext, in turn, is a fork of the Bonito 2.68 python web interface to the corpus management tool Manatee (, created by Pavel Rychlý).
"Large Scale Colloquial Persian Dataset" (LSCP) is hierarchically organized in asemantic taxonomy that focuses on multi-task informal Persian language understanding as a comprehensive problem. LSCP includes 120M sentences from 27M casual Persian tweets with its dependency relations in syntactic annotation, Part-of-speech tags, sentiment polarity and automatic translation of original Persian sentences in five different languages (EN, CS, DE, IT, HI).
LiFR-Law is a corpus of Czech legal and administrative texts with measured reading comprehension and a subjective expert annotation of diverse textual properties based on the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept (Langer, Schulz von Thun, Tausch, 1974). It has been built as a pilot data set to explore the Linguistic Factors of Readability (hence the LiFR acronym) in Czech administrative and legal texts, modeling their correlation with actually observed reading comprehension. The corpus is comprised of 18 documents in total; that is, six different texts from the legal/administration domain, each in three versions: the original and two paraphrases. Each such document triple shares one reading-comprehension test administered to at least thirty readers of random gender, educational background, and age. The data set also captures basic demographic information about each reader, their familiarity with the topic, and their subjective assessment of the stylistic properties of the given document, roughly corresponding to the key text properties identified by the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept.
LiFR-Law is a corpus of Czech legal and administrative texts with measured reading comprehension and a subjective expert annotation of diverse textual properties based on the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept (Langer, Schulz von Thun, Tausch, 1974). It has been built as a pilot data set to explore the Linguistic Factors of Readability (hence the LiFR acronym) in Czech administrative and legal texts, modeling their correlation with actually observed reading comprehension. The corpus is comprised of 18 documents in total; that is, six different texts from the legal/administration domain, each in three versions: the original and two paraphrases. Each such document triple shares one reading-comprehension test administered to at least thirty readers of random gender, educational background, and age. The data set also captures basic demographic information about each reader, their familiarity with the topic, and their subjective assessment of the stylistic properties of the given document, roughly corresponding to the key text properties identified by the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept.
Changes to the previous version and helpful comments
• File names of the comprehension test results (self-explanatory)
• Corrected one erroneous automatic evaluation rule in the multiple-choice evaluation (zahradnici_3,
TRUE and FALSE had been swapped)
• Evaluation protocols for both question types added into Folder lifr_formr_study_design
• Data has been cleaned: empty responses to multiple-choice questions were re-inserted. Now, all surveys
are considered complete that have reader’s subjective text evaluation complete (these were placed at
the very end of each survey).
• Only complete surveys (all 7 content questions answered) are represented. We dropped the replies of
six users who did not complete their surveys.
• A few missing responses to open questions have been detected and re-inserted.
• The demographic data contain all respondents who filled in the informed consent and the demographic
details, with respondents who did not complete any test survey (but provided their demographic
details) in a separate file. All other data have been cleaned to contain only responses by the regular
respondents (at least one completed survey).
Migrant Stories is a corpus of 1017 short biographic narratives of migrants supplemented with meta information about countries of origin/destination, the migrant gender, GDP per capita of the respective countries, etc. The corpus has been compiled as a teaching material for data analysis.
Normalized Arabic Fragments for Inestimable Stemming (NAFIS) is an Arabic stemming gold standard corpus composed by a collection of texts, selected to be representative of Arabic stemming tasks and manually annotated.
This article deals with germanisms in Czech. Frequencies of 26 different new High German loanwords were analyzed in the Czech National Corpus. These borrowed words were standing in competition with their Czech synonyms. This comparison is used to study the question of whether germanisms or their equivalents in Czech are more used by native speakers. For this analysis new High German loanwords were deliberately selected in order to verify the actuality of the topic. But the major part of the study was examined in a diachronic period. This shows not only the current situation but in most cases the frequency of the selected loanwords throughout their existence. The calculations of the average frequency are made for each century (since 1650), and also in the recent modern period (from 1947 to 2008). and Článek se zabývá germanizmy v češtině. Prostřednictvím Českého národního korpusu byly zjišťovány různé frekvence 26 novohornoněmeckých výpůjček a jim konkurujících českých synonym. Článek se na základě frekvenčních srovnání snaží odpovědět na otázku, zda čeští rodilí mluvčí preferují germanizmy či dávají přednost jejich českým ekvivalentům. Článek analyzuje nejen aktuální situaci, ale ve většině případů ukazuje frekvenci vybraných germanizmů z diachronního hlediska, po celou dobu jejich existence. Byla vypočtena průměrná frekvence za každé století (od roku 1650), včetně posledního moderního období (od roku 1947 do roku 2008).