This study offers a revised classification of the movements involved in Teréza Nováková’s work, with specific reference to the novel Děti čistého živého (Children of Pure Living Spirit). Reference is made to the literary-historical and period metanarrative, emphasizing the presence of the ideal in the author’s work, which, however, was somewhat sidelined in the historical context, so that with the passage of time, Nováková was categorized under documentary realism. In the context of recent literary-history debates over the term ideal realism, and making use of the reception at that time, we demonstrate the stylization techniques Nováková used to construct, through her acknowledged work with oral and written documents, a text referring to the idea of nation-building based on culturally accepted paradigms.
This study presents a systematic treatment of the critical rationalism of the German philosopher Hans Albert, a follower of Karl R. Popper. On the basis of an analysis of his key works (Traktat über kritische Vernunft, Die Wissenschaft und die Fehlbarkeit der Vernunft, Kritischer Rationalismus, Kritische Vernunft und Rationale Praxis etc.) the eight main methodological tenets of his philosophical conception are presented. They are: 1. universal criticism, 2. consequentialist fallibilism, 3. methodological revisionism, 4. critical realism, 5. theoretical pluralism, 6. constructive metaphysics, 7. the postulate of a single method of science, and 8. a proposal of a way of life. In reference to each of these tenets, the author explains the intellectual tradition in contrast to which Albert defines his own position and, at the same time, considers several critical objections to Albert’s assumptions. The study thus provides a relatively complex view of the subject-matter in question.
The special theory of relativity holds significant interest for scientifi c perspectivists. In this paper, I distinguish between two related meanings of “perspectival,” and argue that reference frames are perspectives, provided that perspectival means “being conditional” rather than “being partial.” Framedependent properties such as length, time duration, and simultaneity, are not partially measured in a reference frame, but their measurements are conditional on the choice of frame. I also discuss whether the constancy of the speed of light depends on perspectival factors such as the idealized defi nition of the speed of light in a perfect vacuum and the Einstein synchronization convention. Furthermore, I argue for the view that the constancy of its speed is a robust property of light according to the conditions of currently acceptable experimental setups pertaining to special relativity, and conclude that this view supports perspectivism. and Speciální teorie relativity je obzvláště zajímavá z hlediska vědeckého perspektivismu. V tomto článku rozliším dva související významy pojmu „perspektiva“ a pokusím se ukázat, že vztažné soustavy lze chápat jako perspektivy za předpokladu, že perspektivou rozumíme spíše „být podmíněný“, a nikoli „být dílčí“. Vlastnosti závislé na vztažné soustavě, jako je délka, časové trvání a simultánnost, nejsou v dané vztažné soustavě měřeny neúplně, ale jejich měření jsou podmíněna výběrem vztažné soustavy. Rovněž se budu zabývat otázkou, zda stálost rychlosti světla závisí na perspektivních faktorech, jako je idealizovaná defi nice rychlosti světla v dokonalém vakuu a Einsteinova synchronizační konvence. Na závěr se pokusím ukázat, že konstantní rychlost je robustní vlastností světla dle podmínek aktuálně přijímaných experimentů týkajících se speciální relativity a že tento pohled podporuje perspektivismus.
The familiar division of political thinkers into moralists and realists leads the author to the question of how to classify Ladislav Hejdánek’s unique yet ambiguous approach to public weal and matters politic. Does Hejdánek base his understanding of democracy and liberalism (and of liberties an drights thereunto appertaining) on morality (on philosophy or on system theory) or does he recognise the primacy of matters politic? Though in Hejdánek’s writings moral appeals are frequent and fundamental, the author seeks to show that realism prevails. In the present text, the author delineates the specific realism of this Czech thinker more precisely by analysing Hejdánek’s texts, especially his Epistles to a Friend.