Annotate is a web and desktop application that should simplify the process of transforming photos of manuscripts to a browsable collection. It also allows users to annotate parts of the displayed images.
A new version of the previously published corpus Chroma. The version 2023.04 includes six children. Two transcripts (Julie20221, Klara30424) were removed since they did not meet the criteria on the dialogical format. The transcripts were revised (eliminating typing errors and inconsistencies in the transcription format) and morphologically annotated by the automatic tool MorphoDiTa. Detailed manual control of the annotation was performed on children's utterances; the annotation of adult data was not checked yet. Files are in plain text with UTF-8 encoding. Each file represents one recording session of one of the target children and is named with the alias of the child and their age at the given session in form YMMDD. Transcription rules and other details can be found on the homepage
A new version of the previously published corpus Chroma wih morphological annotation. The version 2023.07 differs from 2023.04 in that it includes all seven children and it went through an additional careful check of consistency and conformity to the CHAT transcription principles.
Two transcripts (Julie20221, Klara30424) from the previous versions (2022.07, 2019.07) were removed since they did not meet our criteria on dialogical format. All transcripts of recordings made during one day were split into one file. Thus, version 2023.07 consists of 183 files/transcripts. The number of utterances and tokens given here in LINDAT corresponds to children's lines only.
Files are in plain text with UTF-8 encoding. Each file represents one recording session of one of the target children and is named with the alias of the child and their age at the given session in form YMMDD. Transcription rules and other details can be found on the homepage
A lexicographical project, whose aim is to digitize and align two Czech onomasiological dictionaries (Haller 1969–77; Klégr 2007) in order to create an integrated digital multi-purpose lexico-semantic database of Czech.
Image annotation tool is a web application that allows users to mark zones of interest in an image. These zones are then converted to TEI P5 code snippet that can be used in your document to connect the image and the text. This tool was developed to help students and teachers at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University to mark and annotate images of manuscripts.
The contribution includes the data frame and the R script (Markdown file) belonging to the paper "Who Benefits from an Imperative? Assessment of Directives on a Benefit-Scale" submitted to the journal Pragmatics on September 2024.
The contribution includes the data frames and the R script (Markdown file) belonging to the paper "Morphological and Pragmatic Conditioning of Reflexivity in Possessive Pronouns: Effects of Number and Form of Address in Czech" submitted to the journal Language Variation and Change in September 2024.
The presented data and metadata include answers to questions raised in the questionnaire focused on the experience of teaching practicums and their role in the practical preparation of English language teachers at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, as well as a basic quantitative analysis of the answers.
The analysis of the questionnaires shows that trainees are, in most cases, prepared for their teaching practicum both professionally and in terms of pedagogy and psychology, and the use of reflective teaching methods seems very useful. The benefits of the teaching practicum include, in particular, getting to know the real situation of teaching in secondary schools and working with a larger group of pupils, getting to know oneself as a teacher, gaining self-confidence, and becoming aware of one's own limits and areas for improvement. The downsides of the current system of teaching practice include mainly the low time allocation, the lack of integration of the practice in the curriculum, and the lack of involvement of the trainee in the daily running of the school (administrative work, supervision, meetings) and the lack of quality feedback from the faculty teacher.