Annotate is a web and desktop application that should simplify the process of transforming photos of manuscripts to a browsable collection. It also allows users to annotate parts of the displayed images.
Danish Fungi 2020 (DF20) is a fine-grained dataset and benchmark. The dataset, constructed from observations submitted to the Danish Fungal Atlas, is unique in its taxonomy-accurate class labels, small number of errors, highly unbalanced long-tailed class distribution, rich observation metadata, and well-defined class hierarchy. DF20 has zero overlap with ImageNet, allowing unbiased comparison of models fine-tuned from publicly available ImageNet checkpoints.
The dataset has 1,604 different classes, with 248,466 training images and 27,608 test images.
Simple question answering database version 2.1 (SQAD_v2.1) created from Czech Wikipedia. Each record of SQAD consist of four files (in vertical form provided with lemmatization and POS tagging) and two metadata files.
Simple question answering database version 3 (SQAD v3) created from Czech Wikipedia. New version consits of 13477 records. Each record of SQAD consist of multiple files - question, answer extraction, answer selection, ulr, question metadata and in some cases answer context.